物联网是指通过各种信息传感设备,如传感器、射频识别(RFID)技术、全球定位系统、红外感应器、激光扫描器、气体感应器等各种装置与技术,实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,与互联网结合形成的一个巨大网络。其目的是实现物与物、物与人,所有的物品与网络的连接,方便识别、管理和控制。IOT becomes the third wave of the development of world's information industry since the emergence of computer and Internet IOT is short for Internet of Things, which means the internet between things IOT is the extension of Internet, giving people a more convenient life In a sense we can say, it is a new way to deal with the connections between people and people, people and things Its emergence better implements the network of information, intelligence and remote management control