


下面是内存溢出 jb51.cc 通过网络收集整理的代码片段。


require "iuplua"require "iupluacontrols"--iup.Message("abc","def")--[[fileDlg = iup.filedlg{dialogtype = "save",Title = "file save",filter = "*.bmp",filerinfo = "Bitmap files",directory = "C:\windows"}fileDlg:popup(iup.anywhere,iup.anywhere)--]]--fl = io.open("E:\Program\Lua\Scrawl\cander.lua")--for line in fl:lines() do print(line) endlocal isOnlyShowDiff = falselocal tabTxtfileleft,tabTxtfileRight = {},{}function openfile(filePath)	local tab = {} --clear	local flh = io.open(filePath)	for line in flh:lines() do 		tab[#tab + 1] = {}		tab[#tab].str = line 	end	--for _,v in ipairs(tab) do print(v) end	return tabendbtnAll = iup.button{Title = "Show All",ID = 1}btnOnly = iup.button{Title = "Only Show Difference",ID = 2}--print(iup.button1)--[[print(type(iup))for k,v in pairs(iup) do 	if type(v) == "number" then		print(k,v) 	endend--]]function changeShow(ih,but,pressed,x,y,stat)	--print(ih.ID)	--print(but,pressed)	if(but == iup.button1 and pressed == 0) then		--print(ih.ID)		--isOnlyShowDiff = not isOnlyShowDiff		if tonumber(ih.ID) == 1 then			isOnlyShowDiff = false		else			isOnlyShowDiff = true		end		print(isOnlyShowDiff)	endendbtnAll.button_cb,btnOnly.button_cb = changeShow,changeShowhBox1 = iup.hBox{btnAll,btnOnly; margin = "3x3",gap = "2"}slnleft = iup.text{size = "300x",value = ""}btnleft = iup.button{Title = "browse"}hBox2 = iup.hBox{slnleft,btnleft; margin = "3x3",gap = "2"}mlnleft = iup.multiline{size = "450x400",value = "",Readonly = "yes",formatting = "yes"}--[[Tags = iup.user{bulk = "Yes",cleanout = "Yes"}iup.Append(Tags,iup.user{selection = "1,1:1,10",fgcolor = "255 0 0"})iup.Append(Tags,iup.user{selection = "2,1:2,fgcolor = "0 255 0"})iup.Append(Tags,iup.user{selection = "3,1:3,bgcolor = "100 255 255"})--mlnleft.addformattag = Tagsfunction mlnleft.caret_cb(ih,lin,col,pos)	str = lin..",1:"..lin..",100"	Tags2 = iup.user{bulk = "yes",cleanout = "Yes"}	iup.Append(Tags2,iup.user{selection = str,bgcolor = "255 0 255"})	mlnleft.addformattag = Tags2	print(lin,pos,str)end--]]vBox1 = iup.vBox{hBox2,mlnleft}slnRight = iup.text{size = "300x",value = ""}btnRight = iup.button{Title = "browse"}hBox3 = iup.hBox{slnRight,btnRight; margin = "3x3",gap = "2"}flDlg = iup.filedlg{dialogtype = "OPEN",Title = "Open file",filter = "*.*",directory = "D:\"}--[[xxa = "abc"print("abc" == "abc")print(xxa == "abc")xxb = "abc"print(xxa == xxb)--]]--like max-len common sub-squeue problemfunction markLabel(p,i,j,tab1,tab2)	if i == 0 or j == 0 then 		for k = 1,i do tab1[k].label = 0 end		for k = 1,j do tab2[k].label = 0 end		return 	end	local a	local b	if j == 1 then a = 0 else a = p[i][j - 1] end	if i == 1 then b = 0 else b = p[i - 1][j] end	if p[i][j] == a then		tab2[j].label = 0		return markLabel(p,j - 1,tab2)	elseif p[i][j] == b then		tab1[i].label = 0		return markLabel(p,i - 1,tab2)	else		tab1[i].label,tab2[j].label = 1,1		return markLabel(p,tab2)	endendfunction computeDiff(tab1,tab2)	local p = {}	local n,m = #tab1,#tab2	for i = 1,n do p[i] = {} end		for i = 1,n do		for j = 1,m do			local a			local b			if j == 1 then a = 0 else a = p[i][j - 1] end			if i == 1 then b = 0 else b = p[i - 1][j] end			if tab1[i].str == tab2[j].str then				p[i][j] = math.max(a,b) + 1			else				p[i][j] = math.max(a,b)			end		end	end	markLabel(p,n,m,tab2)--[[	for i = 1,n do		print(i,tab1[i].label,tab2[i].label)	end--]]endmlnRight = iup.multiline{size = "450x400",formatting = "yes"}vBox2 = iup.vBox{hBox3,mlnRight}hBox4 = iup.hBox{vBox1,vBox2}vBox3 = iup.vBox{hBox1,hBox4}function showResult()	local Tagsleft = iup.user{bulk = "Yes",cleanout = "Yes"}	local TagsRight = iup.user{bulk = "Yes",cleanout = "Yes"}	local strleft = ""	local strRight = ""	for i = 1,#tabTxtfileleft do		if isOnlyShowDiff then			strleft = strleft .. "\n"		else			strleft = strleft .. tabTxtfileleft[i].str .. "\n"		end		if tabTxtfileleft[i].label == 0 then			iup.Append(Tagsleft,iup.user{selection = i .. ",1:" .. i .. ",500",fgcolor = "200 0 0"})		else			iup.Append(Tagsleft,fgcolor = "0 200 0"})		end	end	for i = 1,#tabTxtfileRight do		if isOnlyShowDiff then			strRight = strRight .. "\n"		else			strRight = strRight .. tabTxtfileRight[i].str .. "\n"		end		if tabTxtfileRight[i].label == 0 then			iup.Append(TagsRight,fgcolor = "0 0 200"})		else			iup.Append(TagsRight,fgcolor = "0 200 0"})		end	end	print(strleft,strRight)	mlnleft.value,mlnRight.value = strleft,strRight	mlnleft.addformattag = Tagsleft	mlnRight.addformattag = TagsRightendfunction selectfile(ih,stat)	if but == iup.button1 and pressed == 0 then		flDlg:popup(iup.ANYWHERE,iup.ANYWHERE)		--print(flDlg.value)		if ih == btnleft and flDlg.value ~= nil then			slnleft.value = flDlg.value			tabTxtfileleft = openfile(flDlg.value)			--print(#tabTxtfileleft)			--for _,v in ipairs(tabTxtfileleft) do print(v.str) end			--print(flDlg.value)		elseif ih == btnRight and flDlg.value ~= nil then			slnRight.value = flDlg.value			tabTxtfileRight = openfile(flDlg.value)		end		if slnleft.value ~= nil and slnleft.value ~= "" and slnRight.value ~= nil and slnRight.value ~= "" then			--print(slnleft.value,slnRight.value)			--print("asdgasg",slnRight.value)			computeDiff(tabTxtfileleft,tabTxtfileRight)			showResult()			iup.Flush()		end	endendbtnleft.button_cb,btnRight.button_cb = selectfile,selectfiledlg = iup.dialog{vBox3; Title = "Contrast Soft"}dlg:show()iup.MainLoop()







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