- Functional Programming in Java venkat(3): Using Collections part2
- Introduction
- Using Collections
- Finding Elements
- Reusing Lambda Expressions
- Using Lexical Scoping and Closures
- 思考
- 参考
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About the author
Using Collections Finding ElementsVenkat Subramaniam
Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with agile practices on their software projects. He is a frequent invited speaker at international software conferences and user groups. He’s author of .NET Gotchas (O’Reilly), coauthor of the 2007 Jolt Productivity award-winning book Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf),
The now-familiar elegant methods to traverse and transform collections will
not directly help pick elements from a collection. The filter() method is designed
for that purpose.
From a list of names, let’s pick the ones that start with the letter N. Since
there may be zero matching names in the list, the result may be an empty
list. Let’s first code it using the old approach
final List<String> startsWithN = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String name : friends) {
if(name.startsWith("N")) {
System.out.println(String.format("Found %d names", startsWithN.size()));
That’s a chatty piece of code for a simple task. We created a variable and
initialized it to an empty collection. Then we looped through the collection,
looking for a name that starts with the desired letter. If found, we added the
element to the collection; otherwise we skipped it.
Let’s refactor this code to use the filter() method, and see how it changes things
final List<String> startsWithN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N"))
System.out.println(String.format("Found %d names", startsWithN.size()));
The filter() method expects a lambda expression that returns a boolean result.
If the lambda expression returns a true, the element in context while executing
that lambda expression is added to a result collection; it’s skipped otherwise.
Finally the method returns a Stream with only elements for which the lambda
expression yielded a true. In the end we transformed the result into a List using
the collect() method—we’ll discuss this method further in Using the collect
Method and the Collectors Class, on page 52.
The filter() method returns an iterator just like the map() method does, but the
similarity ends there. Whereas the map() method returns a collection of the
same size as the input collection, the filter() method does not. It may yield a
result collection with a number of elements ranging from zero to the maximum
number of elements in the input collection. However, unlike map(), the elements
in the result collection that filter() returned are a subset of the elements in the
input collection.
lambda表达式的简洁不错,另外我们需要注意不要有code duplication
The conciseness we’ve achieved by using lambda expressions so far is nice,
but code duplication may sneak in quickly if we’re not careful. Let’s address
that concern next.
package fpij;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static fpij.Folks.friends;
public class PickElements {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final List<String> startsWithN = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String name : friends) {
if(name.startsWith("N")) {
System.out.println(String.format("Found %d names", startsWithN.size()));
System.out.println("//" + "START:FILTER_OUTPUT");
final List<String> startsWithN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N"))
System.out.println(String.format("Found %d names", startsWithN.size()));
System.out.println("//" + "END:FILTER_OUTPUT");
Reusing Lambda Expressions
Lambda表达式很容易出现duplicate,这在软件设计中是bad smell
Lambda expressions are deceivingly concise and it’s easy to carelessly duplicate
them in code. Duplicate code leads to poor-quality code that’s hard to
maintain; if we needed to make a change, we’d have to find and touch the
relevant code in several places.
Avoiding duplication can also help improve performance. By keeping the code
related to a piece of knowledge concentrated in one place, we can easily study
its performance profile and make changes in one place to get better performance.
Now let’s see how easy it is to fall into the duplication trap when using
lambda expressions, and consider ways to avoid it.
Suppose we have a few collections of names: friends, comrades, editors, and so
on. We want to filter out names that start with a certain letter.
package fpij;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Folks {
public static final List<String> friends =
Arrays.asList("Brian", "Nate", "Neal", "Raju", "Sara", "Scott");
public static final List<String> editors =
Arrays.asList("Brian", "Jackie", "John", "Mike");
public static final List<String> comrades =
Arrays.asList("Kate", "Ken", "Nick", "Paula", "Zach");
Let’s first take a naïve approach to this using the filter() method.
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final long countFriendsStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N")).count();
final long countEditorsStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N")).count();
final long countComradesStartN =
.filter(name -> name.startsWith("N")).count();
The lambda expressions made the code concise, but quietly led to duplicate
code. In the previous example, one change to the lambda expression needs
to change in more than one place—that’s a no-no. Fortunately, we can assign
lambda expressions to variables and reuse them, just like with objects.
The filter() method, the receiver of the lambda expression in the previous
example, takes a reference to a java.util.function.Predicate functional interface.
Here, the Java compiler works its magic to synthesize an implementation of
the Predicate’s test() method from the given lambda expression. Rather than
asking Java to synthesize the method at the argument-definition location, we
can be more explicit. In this example, it’s possible to store the lambda
expression in an explicit reference of type Predicate and then pass it to the
function; this is an easy way to remove the duplication.
DRY principle,很重要哦。
Let’s refactor the previous code to make it DRY.1 (See the Don’t Repeat Yourself
—DRY—principle in The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
[HT00], by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas).
final Predicate<String> startsWithB = name -> name.startsWith("B");
final long countFriendsStartB =
final long countEditorsStartB =
final long countComradesStartB =
Rather than duplicate the lambda expression several times, we created it once
and stored it in a reference named startsWithN of type Predicate. In the three calls
to the filter() method, the Java compiler happily took the lambda expression
stored in the variable under the guise of the Predicate instance.
Using Lexical Scoping and ClosuresThe new variable gently removed the duplication that sneaked in. Unfortunately,
it’s about to sneak back in with a vengeance and we need something
a bit more powerful to thwart it, as we’ll see next.
There’s a misconception among some developers that using lambda expressions
may introduce duplication and lower code quality. Contrary to that
belief, even when the code gets more complicated we still don’t need to compromise
code quality to enjoy the conciseness that lambda expressions give,
as we’ll see in this section.
We managed to reuse the lambda expression in the previous example; however,
duplication will sneak in quickly when we bring in another letter to match.
Let’s explore the problem further and then solve it using lexical scoping and
Duplication in Lambda Expressions
Let’s pick the names that start with N or B from the friends collection of names.
Continuing with the previous example, we may be tempted to write something
like the following:
下面的代码就很bad smell
final Predicate<String> startsWithN = name -> name.startsWith("N");
final Predicate<String> startsWithB = name -> name.startsWith("B");
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
The first predicate tests if the name starts with an N and the second tests for
a B. We pass these two instances to the two calls to the filter() method,
respectively. Seems reasonable, but the two predicates are mere duplicates,
with only the letter they use being different. Let’s figure out a way to eliminate
this duplication.
Removing Duplication with Lexical Scoping
As a first option, we could extract the letter as a parameter to a function and
pass the function as an argument to the filter() method. That’s a reasonable
idea, but the filter() method will not accept some arbitrary function. It insists
on receiving a function that accepts one parameter representing the context
element in the collection, and returning a boolean result. It’s expecting a Predicate.
For comparison purposes we need a function that will cache the letter for
later use, and hold onto it until the parameter, name in this example, is
received. Let’s create such a function.
public static Predicate<String> checkIfStartsWith(final String letter) {
return name -> name.startsWith(letter);
We defined checkIfStartsWith() as a static function that takes a letter of type String
as a parameter. It then returns a Predicate that can be passed to the filter()
method for later evaluation. Unlike the higher-order functions we’ve seen so
far, which accepted functions as parameters, the checkIfStartsWith() returns a
function as a result. This is a higher-order function, as we discussed in Evolution,
Not Revolution, on page 12.
词法作用域lexical scoping(also called static scope) What is lexical scope?
lexical scoping定义了在嵌套函数中,变量名字是如何被解析的:内部函数会保留父函数(调用内部函数的函数)的作用域,即使父函数已经返回了。
Lexical scoping is a powerful technique that lets us cache values provided in one context for use later in another context.
The Predicate that checkIfStartsWith() returned is different from the lambda
expressions we’ve seen so far. In returnname -> name.startsWith(letter)
, it’s clear
what name is: it’s the parameter passed to this lambda expression. But what’s
the variable letter bound to? Since that’s not in the scope of this anonymous
function, Java reaches over to the scope of the definition of this lambda
expression and finds the variable letter in that scope. This is called lexical
scoping. Lexical scoping is a powerful technique that lets us cache values
provided in one context for use later in another context. Since this lambda
expression closes over the scope of its definition, it’s also referred to as a closure.
For lexical scope access restriction, see Are there restrictions to lexical
scoping?, on page 30.
Joe asks:
Are there restrictions to lexical scoping? 词法作用域有什么限制嘛?
lambda表达式内部只能使用final变量或者是 in the enclosing scope中effectively final。
effectively final的意思是在这个变量初始化之后不去修改它就称为effectively final。
enclosing scope中的遍历不能是可变的,防止(比如并行时的)资源竞争。
What is an enclosing scope?
From within a lambda expression we can only access local variables that are final or
effectively final in the enclosing scope.A lambda expression may be invoked right away, or it may be invoked lazily or from
multiple threads. To avoid race conditions, the local variables we access in the enclosing scope are not allowed to change once initialized. Any attempt to change
them will result in a compilation error.Variables marked final directly fit this bill, but Java does not insist that we mark them
as such. Instead, Java looks for two things. First, the accessed variables have to be
initialized within the enclosing methods before the lambda expression is defined.
Second, the values of these variables don’t change anywhere else—that is, they’re
effectively final although they are not marked as such.When using lambda expressions that capture local state, we should be aware that
stateless lambda expressions are runtime constants, but those that capture local
state have an additional evaluation cost.
We can use the lambda expression returned by checkIfStartsWith() in the call to
the filter() method, like so:
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
In the calls to the filter() method, we first invoke the checkIfStartsWith() method,
passing in a desired letter. This call immediately returns a lambda expression
that is then passed on to the filter() method.
通过使用checkIfStartsWith这个高阶函数,并且使用lexical scoping,把重复的代码移除掉了。
By creating a higher-order function, checkIfStartsWith() in this example, and using
lexical scoping, we managed to remove the duplication in code. We did not
have to repeat the comparison to check if the name starts with different letters.
Refactoring to Narrow the Scope
In the preceding (smelly) example we used a static method, but we don’t want
to pollute the class with static methods to cache each variable in the future.
It would be nice to narrow the function’s scope to where it’s needed. We can
do that using a Function class.
使用Function类: 输入的是String类型,返回的是Predicate的lambda表达式
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
(String letter) -> {
Predicate<String> checkStarts = (String name) -> name.startsWith(letter);
return checkStarts;
This lambda expression replaces the static method checkIfStartsWith() and can
appear within a function, just before it’s needed. The startsWithLetter variable
refers to a Function that takes in a String and returns a Predicate.
下面就是对上面的这个Function lambda表达式进行优化,去除一些verbose的地方。
This version is verbose compared to the static method we saw earlier, but we’ll
refactor that soon to make it concise. For all practical purposes, this function
is equivalent to the static method; it takes a String and returns a Predicate. Instead
of explicitly creating the instance of the Predicate and returning it, we can
replace it with a lambda expression.
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
(String letter) -> (String name) -> name.startsWith(letter);
// 补充
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
(String letter) -> {
return (String name) -> name.startsWith(letter);
然后又由于{}中只有返回值,所以又可以进行优化,省略掉{} 和return,得到如下:
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startWithLetter =
(String letter) -> (String name) -> name.startWith(letter);
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
(String letter) -> (String name) -> name.startsWith(letter);
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
We reduced clutter, but we can take the conciseness up another notch by
removing the types and letting the Java compiler infer the types based on the
context. Let’s look at the concise version.
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
letter -> name -> name.startsWith(letter);
It takes a bit of effort to get used to this concise syntax. Feel free to look away
for a moment if this makes you cross-eyed. Now that we’ve refactored that
version, we can use it in place of the checkIfStartsWith(), like so:
final Function<String, Predicate<String>> startsWithLetter =
letter -> name -> name.startsWith(letter);
final long countFriendsStartN =
final long countFriendsStartB =
We’ve come full circle with higher-order functions in this section. Our examples
illustrate how to pass functions to functions, create functions within functions,
and return functions from within functions. They also demonstrate the conciseness
and reusability that lambda expressions facilitate.
We made good use of both Function and Predicate in this section, but let’s discuss
how they’re different. A Predicate takes in one parameter of type T and
returns a boolean result to indicate a decision for whatever check it represents.
We can use it anytime we want to make a go or no-go decision for a candidate
we pass to the predicate. Methods like filter() that evaluate candidate elements
take in a Predicate as their parameters. On the other hand, a Functionrepresents
a function that takes a parameter of type T and returns a result of
type R. This is more general than a Predicate that always returns a boolean. We can use a Function anywhere we want to transform an input to another value,
so it’s quite logical that the map() method uses it as its parameter.
思考Selecting elements from a collection was easy. Next we’ll cover how to pick
just one element out of a collection.
map | filter |
map返回的结果长度和输入一样 | filter结果的长度可以小于输入长度 |
map可以返回其他类型的元素 | filter必须返回输入集合的子集 |
同时对Java中的Lexical Scoping(语法作用域) 和 Closure(闭包) 有了进一步的了解。
参考Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions 1st Edition:https://www.amazon.com/Functional-Programming-Java-Harnessing-Expressions/dp/1937785467
source code: https://pragprog.com/titles/vsjava8/functional-programming-in-java/