Option Explicit
Dim Fi
leName As String '文件名,用于打开、保存文件
Dim UndoString As String '用于 Undo *** 作
Dim UndoNew As String '用于 Undo *** 作
Private Sub ImgUndoDisable()
UndoString = ""
UndoNew = ""
ImgUndo.Enabled = False
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages("Undo").Picture
End Sub
Private Sub ImgUndoEnable()
ImgUndo.Enabled = True
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Undo").Picture
End Sub
Private Sub Check_ImgPaste()
If Len(Clipboard.GetText) >0 Then
ImgPaste.Enabled = True
ImgPaste.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Paste").Picture
ImgPaste.Enabled = False
ImgPaste.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages("Paste").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Check_ImgCutCopy()
If Text1.SelLength >0 Then
ImgCut.Enabled = True
ImgCut.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Cut").Picture
ImgCopy.Enabled = True
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Copy").Picture
ImgCut.Enabled = False
ImgCut.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages("Cut").Picture
ImgCopy.Enabled = False
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages("Copy").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BackColor_Click()
Text1.BackColor = CommonDialog1.Color
End Sub
Private Sub Box_Click()
If Box.Checked Then
Box.Checked = False
CoolBar1.Visible = False
Box.Checked = True
CoolBar1.Visible = True[NextPage]
End If
Form_Resize '重新调整控件位置
End Sub
Private Sub Close_Click()
Dim FileNum As Integer
If Len(FileName) >0 Then
FileNum = FreeFile() '获得可用文件号
Open FileName For Output As FileNum '打开输出文件
Print #FileNum, Text1.Text '输出文本
Close FileNum '关闭文件
End If
Text1.Text = ""
FileName = ""
End Sub
Private Sub ComboSize_Click()
Text1.FontSize = Val(ComboSize.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub ComboFont_Click()
Text1.FontName = ComboFont.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Copy_Click()
Clipboard.SetText Text1.SelText '复制文本到剪裁板
End Sub
Private Sub Cut_Click()
Clipboard.SetText Text1.SelText '复制文本到剪裁板
Text1.SelText = "" '清选择的文本
End Sub
Private Sub DataTime_Click()
Text1.SelText = Now
End Sub
Private Sub Delete_Click()
Text1.SelText = "" '清选择的文本
End Sub
Private Sub Edit_Click()
If Text1.SelLength >0 Then
Cut.Enabled = True
Copy.Enabled = True
Delete.Enabled = True
Cut.Enabled = False
Copy.Enabled = False
Delete.Enabled = False
End If
If Len(Clipboard.GetText()) >0 Then
Paste.Enabled = True
Paste.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub FindText_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim BeginPos As Long
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
BeginPos = InStr(1, Text1.Text, FindText.Text, vbTextCompare)
If BeginPos >0 Then
Text1.SelStart = BeginPos - 1
Text1.SelLength = Len(FindText.Text)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Fontcolor_Click()
Text1.ForeColor = CommonDialog1.Color
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
ImgNew.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("New").Picture
ImgOpen.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Open").Picture
ImgSave.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Save").Picture
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageDisable.ListImages("Undo").Picture
For i = 0 To Screen.FontCount - 1
ComboFont.AddItem Screen.Fonts(i)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim TextTop As Long
CoolBar1.Top = Me.ScaleTop
Text1.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
If Me.ScaleHeight >CoolBar1.Height Then
Text1.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - TextTop
Text1.Height = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCopy_Click()
Copy_Click '复制
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCopy_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Copy").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCopy_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "将选择的文本复制到剪裁板"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Copy").Picture[NextPage]
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Copy").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCopy_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X
As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgCopy.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Copy").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCut_Click()
'If Text1.SelLength >0 Then
Cut_Click '剪切
'End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCut_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgCut.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Cut").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCut_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "剪切选择的文字到剪裁板"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgCut.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Cut").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgCut.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Cut").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgCut_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X
As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgCut.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Cut").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgNew_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ImgNew_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgNew.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("New").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgNew_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "创建新文件" '修改提示信息
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgNew.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("New").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgNew.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("New").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgNew_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Int
eger, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgNew.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("New").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgOpen_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub ImgOpen_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgOpen.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Open").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgOpen_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "选择文件名并打开文件"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgOpen.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Open").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgOpen.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Open").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgOpen_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X
As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgOpen.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Open").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgPaste_Click()
Paste_Click '粘贴
End Sub
Private Sub ImgPaste_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgPaste.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Paste").Picture[NextPage]
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgPaste_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "粘贴文本到当前光标位置"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgPaste.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Paste").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgPaste.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Paste").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgPaste_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
eName For Output As FileNum '打开输出文件
Print #FileNum, Text1.Text '输出文本
Close FileNum '关闭文件
MsgBox "不能保存无名文件" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "请选择“文件”菜单
的“保存”项", , "警告"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgSave_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgSave.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Save").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgSave_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "保存当前文件"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgSave.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Save").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgSave.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Save").Picture
End If
Private Sub ImgUndo_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "取消当前 *** 作"
If Button = 1 And (X >0 And X <ImgNew.Width And Y >0 And Y <
ImgNew.Height) Then
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Undo").Picture
ElseIf Button = 1 Then
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Undo").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgUndo_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X
As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Undo").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub New_Click()
FileName = ""
Text1 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Open_Click()
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim buffer As String
Dim buffer1 As String
Dim FileSize As Long
Dim MaxLen As Long
MaxLen = 32768 '文件最大长度
CommonDialog1.ShowOpen '显示"打开文件"对话框
If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) >0 Then
FileName = CommonDialog1.FileName '保存文件名
FileSize = FileLen(FileName) '获得文件长度
If FileSize >MaxLen Then[NextPage]
MsgBox "该文件过大,只能显示部分文本", , "警告"
Exit Sub
End If
Screen.MousePointer = 11 '设置鼠标为沙漏
FileNum = FreeFile() '获得可用文件号
Open FileName For Input As FileNum '以顺序输入方式打开文件
Do While Not EOF(FileNum) And Len(buffer) <MaxLen '读必须文本小于
Line Input #FileNum, buffer1 '读一行文字
buffer = buffer + buffer1 + Chr(13) + Chr(10) '加入回车换行符
Loop '循环体
Close FileNum '关闭文件
ImgUndoDisable '取消 Undo 功能
Text1.Text = buffer '显示文本
UndoNew = buffer '保存文本
buffer = "" '释放内存
buffer1 = ""
Screen.MousePointer = 0 '恢复鼠标指针
Me.Caption = "记事本 - " + FileName '修改标题显示
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Paste_Click()
Text1.SelText = Clipboard.GetText
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As
Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Label1 = "工具栏"
End Sub
Private Sub Picture1_Resize()
If Picture1.Width >Label1.Left Then
Label1.Width = Picture1.ScaleWidth - Label1.Left
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Save_Click()
Dim FileNum As Integer '文件句柄号
CommonDialog1.ShowSave '显示保存对话框
If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) >0 Then
FileName = CommonDialog1.FileName '保存文件名
FileNum = FreeFile() '获得可用文件号
Open FileName For Output As FileNum '打开输出文件
Print #FileNum, Text1.Text '输出文本
Close FileNum '关闭文件
Me.Caption = "记事本 - " + FileName '修改标题显示
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Not ImgUndo.Enabled Then
End If
UndoString = UndoNew
UndoNew = Text1
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
End sub
End Sub
Private Sub ImgSave_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X
As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgSave.Picture = ImageUp.ListImages("Save").Picture
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ImgUndo_Click()
Text1.Text = UndoString
End Sub
Private Sub ImgUndo_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
ImgUndo.Picture = ImageDown.ListImages("Undo").Picture
End If
End Sub
Source=C:\BegASPNET\Northwind.mdb”是指明数据源的位置,他的标准形式是“Data Source=MyDrive:MyPath\MyFile.MDB”。
预先要在Object Inspector页里把两个编辑框的visible设为false
procedure TForm1.rb_NameClick(Sender: TObject)//点击姓名查询触发事件
edt_Name.Visible := True//设置姓名编辑框为可见
edt_ClassNO.Visible := False//设置学号编辑框为不可见
procedure TForm1.rb_ClassNOClick(Sender: TObject)//点击学号查询触发事件
edt_Name.Visible := False//
edt_ClassNO.Visible := True
3、这个你可以用ADOQuery来进行插入,修改,删除,查询 *** 作
首先要在需要进行数据入表的界面放置一个ADOQuery控件和一个DataSource控件,然后为他们设置一下,然后在某个事件里运用以下代码进行Insert,Update,Delete,Select *** 作
adoquery1.open//执行sql语句进行I,U,D,S的 *** 作