$ oerr ora 119401194, 00000, "file %s needs more recovery to be consistent"
// *Cause: An incomplete recovery session was started, but an insufficient
// number of logs were applied to make the file consistent. The
// reported file was not closed cleanly when it was last opened by
// the database. It must be recovered to a time when it was not being
// updated. The most likely cause of this error is forgetting to
// restore the file from a backup before doing incomplete recovery.
// *Action: Either apply more logs until the file is consistent or restore
// the file from an older backup and repeat recovery.
ORA-1194错误一般是数据文件需要做更多的recovery *** 作,如果你有对应的归档重做日志文件redo archivelog 则可以尝试recover database;如果没有的话需要使用特殊恢复手段恢复,例如使用ORACLE PRM-DUL 数据恢复软件直接抽取其中数据来达到恢复目的。