


strangely enough, undoubtedly, fortunately, unfortunately, most importantly, surprisingly

例如:However, reaching the conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as assuming that "change is always for the better" Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are promoted because they have good impacts on the majority of people 中的 Unfortunately 表示的就是作者的态度。











小题1:building建立;根据Researching possible donors and 因为and 连接的是并列的成分,前后动词的形式是一致的,建立一个人名和组织的数据库是成功的关键,根据句意故选C。

小题2:这里small companies和large foundations是并列的,in addition to除……之外,句意,除了调查小的公司还要调查大型基金会。故选E。

小题3:根据surprisingly令人吃惊的,后面的捐款肯定不少,所以应用generous慷慨的,大方的。故选 A。

小题4:chance 机会;根据of attracting the attention of the right staff member抓住吸引员工的机会,故选D。

小题5:根据Begin your letter with a vivid and readable description of your organization’s work, and highlight a recent success story 这里讲的是如何谋篇,让信的内容吸引人,structure 组织,故选J。


小题7:current目前的; 在信中紧接着写目前的项目为什么需要这些捐款,谁会受益,故选H。



点评:选词填空题,该题型是一种综合性很强的阅读类试题,集阅读理解与完形填空于一身,主要考查学生对词汇、句型、语法知识的综合运用能力、阅读能力以及逻辑推理、综合判断和分析归纳的能力。要求学生根据文章含义从所给的12 个词汇中选出10 个恰当的词,每词只能用一次,并用其正确形式进行填空,使短文语法正确、意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。该题设置灵活,难度较大,考生极易失分。

问题一:互相用英语怎么说 each other



问题二:互相 用英语怎么说?? each other

问题三:词组:互相认识 (用英文怎么写) know each other

问题四:相互学习英文怎么写。 learn from each other

问题五:互相理解英文怎么写 Mutual understanding


to understand each other



a basis agreed to by all parties for reaching a mutual underst盯nding

2When problems occurs, neighbours should try to understand each other


希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O

问题六:可互相转换的英文怎么写 可互相转换的英文

can be mutually changed

Can convert each other

mutral transferability

问题七:”爱本该是相互的”的英文翻译 应该用虚拟语气

--Love ought to be reciprocal 含义是“爱本应该是相互之间互换的”

--Love should be given each other back and forth 含义是“爱本应该是你来我往给与对方的”

问题八:什么软件可以把英文和中文互相翻译? 用在线的百度翻译、谷歌翻译,目前机器翻译虽然有很大进步但是在绝大多数场合下无法替代人工翻译,机器翻译出错率很好,一般情况下有参考价值但是基本没法用的,不存在你说的软件,机器翻译需要调用数据库资源和语义分析、利器学习等功能,离线很难完成这种作业

问题九:互相帮助英语怎么说 mutual aid

help aid assist succor


help 系常用词, 意义较aid, assist 强, 指以积极态度给予各方面的帮助, 强调受助者得到帮助或好处, 并着重受助者对帮助的需要, 如:

Please help me arrange these papers


aid 属较正式用语, 强调帮助受助者脱离困难或危险, 有时意味着强者援助弱者, 如:

They aided flood victims


assist是正式用语, 多指"在提供帮助时, 帮助者起次要或起协助作用, 如:

She assisted him in his experiments


succor 系文学用语, 指及时帮助陷入危险或困境的人, 如:

succor a besieged city


问题十:我们应该互相帮助的英语翻译 We should help mutually

We should h锭lp each other

一旦一个组织明晰了它的使命,确定了它的利益相关者,界定了它的目标,它就需要通过一种方式来衡量这些目标实现的程度。关键业绩指标就是这些衡量标准。 什么是关键业绩指标(KPI) 关键业绩指标是经过充分沟通且达成共识,体现了组织关键成功因素的量化指标。这些指标因组织而异。企业可能把来自客户重复购买的销售收入的百分比作为关键业绩指标之一。而学校则可能把毕业率作为关键业绩指标之一。客户服务部则可能会与在公司KPI保持高度一致的情况下,把在第一分钟内接听的客户电话的百分比作为关键业绩指标之一。而一个公众服务机构则可能把一年内所服务的客户数量作为关键业绩指标之一。 不论选择什么样的关键业绩指标,它们一定要体现组织的目标,它们一定是达成目标的关键要素,一定是可量化的(即可衡量的)。关键业绩指标通常具有长期的业绩导向。它们的含义和衡量方式不会经常变化。当然,如果组织目标发生变化,或者当一个组织逐渐接近它的目标时,个别关键业绩指标的目标值也可能发生变化。 关键业绩指标是组织目标的体现 一个将“成为业内最具营利性的公司”作为自身目标之一的公司,会把利润和其他反映财务状况的指标作为自己的关键业绩指标,比如息税前利润和所有者权益;而社区义捐占利润的百分比则可能不是它的关键业绩指标。而作为学校,则可能不那么关注盈利,所以它的关键业绩指标会有所不同,它可能会选择毕业率和毕业生成功就业率作为自己的KPI,尽管和其他组织的KPI指标不同,这些指标仍然反映了学校的使命和目标。 关键业绩指标必须是能够量化的 如果一个关键业绩指标是可以量化的,那就必须有一种方式来准确地界定和衡量它。如果无法区别新老客户,那么提高老客户的重复购买次数就是一个毫无意义的KPI。同样,如果无法衡量一家公司的时尚程度或者与其他公司在时尚方面的差别的话,成为最时尚的公司也不会是一个有意义的KPI。 明确关键业绩指标的含义,并在较长的时间内保持不变也是非常重要的。例如提高销售量这个指标,你就必须指明是按照销售的件数进行计算还是按照销售的货币价值进行计算。而且还要考虑退货是从销售的当月销售量中扣除,还是在退货的当月销售量中扣除?销售额是按报价计算,还是按售价计算? 同时还需要设定每个关键业绩指标的目标值。一个公司可能选择员工流失率作为一个KPI。在确定该指标是指“主动离职者与因业绩不佳被辞退者之和与期初员工总数的百分比”,并明确该指标的数据来源是人力资源管理信息系统所收集的信息后,就需要设定该指标的目标值。比如“员工流失率每年降低5%”,就是一个能让每个人都理解,并可以采取具体行动来完成的指标。 关键业绩指标必须是确保组织成功的关键要素 许多指标都是可衡量的,但这并不意味着它们能确保组织获得成功。在选择KPI的时候,最重要的是确保所选的KPI是促成组织目标实现的必要因素;同时,KPI指标的数量要尽可能的少,以使每个人都能将注意力集中在共同KPI目标的完成上。当然,这并意味着一个公司只能选择三个或者四个KPI作为公司上下所有部门的指标。一个公司可以有三个或者四个KPI,公司内的每个业务单元可以有三个、四个,甚至五个KPI,这些指标同样需要体现公司的目标,并支持公司的KPI的实现。 例如,一个公司的关键业绩指标是“提高客户满意度”,那么这个指标在不同部门内所要关注的内容是不一样的。对于销售部来说可能需要通过考核客户与销售人员通话时得到回复前的等待时间来体现,而对于制造部则可能需要通过考核质量检验过程中发现的次品量来体现。销售部和制造部通过成功完成各自部门的关键业绩指标来确保公司达成总体的KPI。 好的KPI vs差的KPI 差的KPI: 指标名称:销售增长 定义:每月销售的变化 衡量方法:各大区的销售业务总和 目标:每月都有所提高 这个指标缺什么呢?这个指标衡量的是销售额还是销售量?如果是销售额,它衡量的是报价还是售价?是否考虑退货?如果考虑的话,是对销售时的销售额进行调整,还是对退货时的销售额进行调整?我们怎么样确保每个办事处的销量只在一个大区内进行计算?也就是说既没有漏掉,又没有重复计算的?增长多少,是按百分比,还是按额度,是不是希望每个月都保持同样的增长速度? 好的KPI: 指标名称:员工流失率 指标定义:各类离职人员的总数,减去因业绩不佳被辞退的人员数量,然后除以年初员工总数。因不可抗力导致的人员流失不计算在内。 衡量方法:人力资源信息系统内有每个员工的记录。每个月通过人力资源信息系统查询数据库,获得各部门的人数和流失率报告,并将这些报告发布在内网上。 目标:员工流失率每年递减5%。 如何使用关键业绩指标? 一旦你确定了关键业绩指标的定义,并且确定它们能够体现组织的目标,又是可衡量的,那你该如何使用它们呢?关键业绩指标既是业绩管理工具,同时也是激励手段。KPI为组织内的每个人清晰描述了什么是重要的,以及为了实现目标他们都需要做什么。你可以使用它来管理绩效。你需要确保大家所做的每一件事都聚焦在达到或者超越关键业绩指标上。你也可以将它作为一个激励手段来使用。(编译者系理实国际高级管理顾问) 附:原文How an organization defines and measures progress toward its goalsFrom F John Reh Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals Key Performance Indicators are those measurements What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization They will differ depending on the organization A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KPIs, percentage of customer calls answered in the first minute A Key Performance Indicators for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the yearWhatever Key Performance Indicators are selected, they must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success, and they must be quantifiable (measurable) Key Performance Indicators usually are long-term considerations The definition of what they are and how they are measured do not change often The goals for a particular Key Performance Indicator may change as the organizations goals change, or as it get closer to achieving a goal Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational GoalsAn organization that has as one of its goals "to be the most profitable company in our industry" will have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit and related fiscal measures "Pre-tax Profit" and "Shareholder Equity" will be among them However, "Percent of Profit Contributed to Community Causes" probably will not be one of its Key Performance Indicators On the other hand, a school is not concerned with making a profit, so its Key Performance Indicators will be different KPIs like "Graduation Rate" and "Success In Finding Employment After Graduation", though different, accurately reflect the schools mission and goals Key Performance Indicators Must Be QuantifiableIf a Key Performance Indicator is going to be of any value, there must be a way to accurately define and measure it "Generate More Repeat Customers" is useless as a KPI without some way to distinguish between new and repeat customers "Be The Most Popular Company" won't work as a KPI because there is no way to measure the company's popularity or compare it to others It is also important to define the Key Performance Indicators and stay with the same definition from year to year For a KPI of "Increase Sales", you need to address considerations like whether to measure by units sold or by dollar value of sales Will returns be deducted from sales in the month of the sale or the month of the return You also need to set targets for each Key Performance Indicator A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of "Turnover Rate" After the Key Performance Indicator has been defined as "the number of voluntary resignations and terminations for performance, divided by the total number of employees at the beginning of the period" and a way to measure it has been set up by collecting the information in an HRIS, the target has to be established "Reduce turnover by five percent per year" is a clear target that everyone will understand and be able to take specific action to accomplish Key Performance Indicators Must be Key To Organizational SuccessMany things are measurable That does not make them key to the organization's success In selecting Key Performance Indicators, it is critical to limit them to those factors that are essential to the organization reaching its goals It is also important to keep the number of Key Performance Indicators small just to keep everyone's attention focused on achieving the same KPIs That is not to say, for instance, that a company will have only three or four total KPIs in the company Rather there will be three or four Key Performance Indicators for the company and all the units within it will have three, four, or five KPIs that support the overall company goals and can be "rolled up" into them If a company Key Performance Indicator is "Increased Customer Satisfaction", that KPI will be focused differently in different departments The Manufacturing Department may have a KPI of "Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection", while the Sales Department has a KPI of "Minutes A Customer Is On Hold Before A Sales Rep Answers" Success by the Sales and Manufacturing Departments in meeting their respective departmental Key Performance Indicators will help the company meet its overall KPI Good Key Performance Indicators vs BadBad: l Title of KPI: Increase Sales l Defined: Change in Sales volume from month to month l Measured: Total of Sales By Region for all region l Target: Increase each month What's missing


The scene highway is to link intelligence scene equipment and the automatic system entire figure , two-way , many station communication system Digital communication and these scene resolving industry scene intellectualized instrument scene equipment rooms such as appearance , controller , actuating mechanism's mainly controls the information between equipment and high-grade navar transferring a problem The CAN highway belongs to scene highway category , he is that one kind of effective support distributed controls or the real-time control string does communications network SHCAN2000 type scene highway under the control of system has had the PLC sequential control function not only , has had circuit adjuster entire functions such as treatment , arithmetic, under the control of simulating amounts , has got broad application in middle minitype navar Function according to MACSYM, the highway carrying out the CAN2000 type scene measures and controls the node selections type , ascertains the group state who controls a scheme , designs hardware circuit picture , accomplishes a function, and accomplish high and low place machine communication


The IFIX software revises by building amicable system technological process and the real time data display monitoring the man-machine interface , making use of the real time data base technology , being able to, system warning manages , the data form for report manages , reaches functions such as real time and history trend display


Full text accomplishes a ring according to system call for agreeing well with the boiler constant temperature under the control of , worries cold controlling the display reaching a relevance measuring and controlling point , taking notes and giving an alarm and so on Design by the fact that the IFIX software accomplishes superordination machine, include function such as data collect , man-machine interface , history precis writer , warning system , fail-safe system


Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

How an organization defines and measures progress toward its goals

Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals

Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals Key Performance Indicators are those measurements

What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization They will differ depending on the organization A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KPIs, percentage of customer calls answered in the first minute A Key Performance Indicator for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the year

Whatever Key Performance Indicators are selected, they must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success,and they must be quantifiable (measurable) Key Performance Indicators usually are long-term considerations The definition of what they are and how they are measured do not change often The goals for a particular Key Performance Indicator may change as the organization's goals change, or as it gets closer to achieving a goal

Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational Goals

An organization that has as one of its goals "to be the most profitable company in our industry" will have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit and related fiscal measures "Pre-tax Profit" and "Shareholder Equity" will be among them However, "Percent of Profit Contributed to Community Causes" probably will not be one of its Key Performance Indicators On the other hand, a school is not concerned with making a profit, so its Key Performance Indicators will be different KPIs like "Graduation Rate" and "Success In Finding Employment After Graduation", though different, accurately reflect the schools mission and goals

Key Performance Indicators Must Be Quantifiable

If a Key Performance Indicator is going to be of any value, there must be a way to accurately define and measure it "Generate More Repeat Customers" is useless as a KPI without some way to distinguish between new and repeat customers "Be The Most Popular Company" won't work as a KPI because there is no way to measure the company's popularity or compare it to others

It is also important to define the Key Performance Indicators and stay with the same definition from year to year For a KPI of "Increase Sales", you need to address considerations like whether to measure by units sold or by dollar value of sales Will returns be deducted from sales in the month of the sale or the month of the return Will sales be recorded for the KPI at list price or at the actual sales price

You also need to set targets for each Key Performance Indicator A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of "Turnover Rate" After the Key Performance Indicator has been defined as "the number of voluntary resignations and terminations for performance, divided by the total number of employees at the beginning of the period" and a way to measure it has been set up by collecting the information in an HRIS, the target has to be established "Reduce turnover by five percent per year" is a clear target that everyone will understand and be able to take specific action to accomplish

Key Performance Indicators Must be Key To Organizational Success

Many things are measurable That does not make them key to the organization's success In selecting Key Performance Indicators, it is critical to limit them to those factors that are essential to the organization reaching its goals It is also important to keep the number of Key Performance Indicators small just to keep everyone's attention focused on achieving the same KPIs

That is not to say, for instance, that a company will have only three or four total KPIs in total Rather there will be three or four Key Performance Indicators for the company and all the units within it will have three, four, or five KPIs that support the overall company goals and can be "rolled up" into them

If a company Key Performance Indicator is "Increased Customer Satisfaction", that KPI will be focused differently in different departments

The Manufacturing Department may have a KPI of "Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection", while the Sales Department has a KPI of "Minutes A Customer Is On Hold Before A Sales Rep Answers" Success by the Sales and Manufacturing Departments in meeting their respective departmental Key Performance Indicators will help the company meet its overall KPI

Good Key Performance Indicators vs Bad


• Title of KPI: Increase Sales

• Defined: Change in Sales volume from month to month

• Measured: Total of Sales By Region for all region

• Target: Increase each month

What's missing Does this measure increases in sales volume by dollars or units If by dollars, does it measure list price or sales price Are returns considered and if so do the appear as an adjustment to the KPI for the month of the sale or are they counted in the month the return happens How do we make sure each sales office's volume numbers are counted in one region, ie that none are skipped or double counted How much, by percentage or dollars or units, do we want to increase sales volumes each month(Note: Some of these questions may be answered by standard company procedures)


• Title of KPI: Employee Turnover

• Defined: The total of the number of employees who resign for whatever reason, plus the number of employees terminated for performance reasons, and that total divided by the number of employees at the beginning of the year Employees lost due to Reductions in Force (RIF) will not be included in this calculation

• Measured: The HRIS contains records of each employee The separation section lists reason and date of separation for each employee Monthly, or when requested by the SVP, the HRIS group will query the database and provide Department Heads with Turnover Reports HRIS will post graphs of each report on the Intranet

• Target: Reduce Employee Turnover by 5% per year

What Do I Do With Key Performance Indicators

Once you have good Key Performance Indicators defined, ones that reflect your organization's goals, one that you can measure, what do you do with them You use Key Performance Indicators as a performance management tool, but also as a carrot KPIs give everyone in the organization a clear picture of what is important, of what they need to make happen You use that to manage performance You make sure that everything the people in your organization do is focused on meeting or exceeding those Key Performance Indicators You also use the KPIs as a carrot Post the KPIs everywhere: in the lunch room, on the walls of every conference room, on the company intranet, even on the company web site for some of them Show what the target for each KPI is and show the progress toward that target for each of them People will be motivated to reach those KPI targets





















• 指标名称:增加销售业绩

• 定义:逐月增加销售量

• 测量:所有地区向售量的加总

• 目标:每月增加



• 指标名称: 雇员雇佣率

• 定义:无论何故辞职的雇员总数加因为绩效表现方面的原因而被解雇的雇员总数除以年初雇员总数。权力衰减导致的员工流失不计入其中。

• 测量:人力资源信息系统包含每个员工的纪录。离职科会纪录每个员工离职的原因和日期。每个月,或者当被特别重要的人物询问时,人力资源信息系统小组将查询数据库冰箱部门主管提供离职报告。人力资源信息系统会将每份报告的图表发到内联网上。

• 目标:雇员雇佣率每年降低5%



自从读了这本书之后,我知道了自己的不足,学习上不再因为一两次不顺利而失去信心,而是越考不好,就越要考好今后,我不管遇到什么困难,都要信心十足地去面对,坚持到底,决不退缩我要感谢这本书,感谢它让我学到了那么多知识,感谢它让我懂得了那么多道理,感谢它让我知道自己的不足,及时改正自己的缺点,使我成为一个对社会有用的人不妨将鲨鱼看作打击,吃掉我们的成功和幸福但正如那孩子说的:“它没有打败你,它没有” 一个真正的强者,只能被摧毁而不能被击败 永不言败,这就是《老人与海》告诉我们的

Since reading this book, I know less than their own, not because of learning one or two do not go well and lose confidence, but more test well, the more to be a good test From now on, I do not care what kind of difficulties encountered, we must face with confidence, insisted in the end, and never flinched I would like to thank the book, thanks to it so that I have learned so much knowledge, it let me know how to thank so many reason, let me know for its own lack of timely and correct their own shortcomings, so that I become a socially useful people Sharks may be seen as a blow to eat our success and happiness But as the child said: "It does not beat you, it does not" A real strong, can only be destroyed can not be beat Solely, which is "Old Man and the Sea" tells us



Love also thoroughly, and hate also thoroughly Gratitude also thoroughly also, revenge thoroughly This is when I read the record "JiDuShan revenge after the biggest feelings Chinese proverb called" the gentleman revenge, decade not night, "vengeance is also need to refresh, and not by temporary mood can indiscretion And JiDuShan earl, is the most concrete with his actions explains the saying After 14 years of dungeons career after his meaning of life is looking for ever loved ones, once benefactor and former enemies In confirmed what to look after the man, he is not as we in wuxia novels seen in that, to go through fire and water benefactor fuels cloud" notted hesitate again ", in enemy sword stabbing to death He chose his own way to once one The owner of a himself, he exerting its can, silently support, in a variety of ways, but never let them know oneself is to repay If his gratitude sensational, that his revenge is so incisively and vividly, there are moments when we also gave a bit after the unavoidable effects-packed chiller



A bid farewell to arms, not enemies captive, is love captive I am not good at to protect themselves, is really a abandon ego to protect people Just like life database, already did not need to enter the password can always open all programs, you can read all the files I said, is this sense captive prisoners When I put the self in the sunshine of hou, I understand from now on can't have camouflage, hidden days of disturbing When I realized I resist helpless, how much time irreparably, how much memory gradually from the inner atomica After all, captive is a can't withstand the hurt, is must have enough courage to give up hope, must bear survival of all pressure Originally, in belongs to individual space, can immerse yourself in the illusion of alone, can leave from the dust of flower And a virtual abandon protective man is even deceive himself can't, only by continuously purification inner world


莎翁的《哈姆雷特》是一部经典的代表作这本书在表面情节上与历史的传说并没有多大的区别,讲的还是丹麦王子为父报仇的故事,其中充满了血腥暴力和死亡正如 剧中人霍拉旭所说:" 你们可以听到奸*残杀,反常修理的行为,冥冥中的判决,意外 的屠戮,借手杀人的狡计,以及陷入自害的结局" 曲折选宕的情节,紧紧围绕着复仇 而展开哈姆雷特从德国的威登堡匆匆赶回国内,是来参加他父亲的葬礼的,使他不能 接受的是,他未赶上父亲的葬礼,却目睹了母亲与叔叔克劳迪斯的婚礼,这已使哈姆莱特疑窦在心,加之夜晚在王宫城堡的露台上与父亲的亡魂相见,亡魂哀诉,这桩暴行是 哈姆雷特的叔叔所为,并要他为父报仇至此,他开始了艰难的复仇历程,与克劳迪斯展开了你死我活的较量最终,向克劳迪斯发出了复仇之剑

Shakespeare's Hamlet is a classic masterpiece This book in surface witcher and history of legend doesn't make much difference, speak or revenge for the father of the prince of Denmark, including filled with stories of blood and violence and death As dramatis personae huo pull xu said: "you could hear adultery slaughter, abnormal repair behavior, mianmianzhong the judgment, accidental massacring, borrow hand the guile of Hegelian reason, and kill into the harm of ending" choose either plot twists and turns, and tightly around revenge on Hamlet from the German vuitton hurried home, is come to his father's funeral, so that he can't accept, he missed his father's funeral, but saw his mother and his uncle claudius wedding, it has made Hamlet doubts in mind, coupled with the night at the palace of the castle with father spirits of the balcony meet, ghosts cry of lawsuit, this pile of Hamlet brutality is behaved, and his uncle vengeance for father So far, he began his difficult process, and revenge claudius launched a life-and-death battle Eventually, to claudius issued the sword of revenge


正如她自己所说,是在两寸象牙上细细的雕刻,它是奥斯汀的代表作这部反映婚姻问题的小说是作者作品中最受欢迎的一部,也是她本人最喜欢的作品作品生动的反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情其社会风情画似的小说不仅在当时吸引着广大的读者,实至今日,仍给读者以独特的艺术享受她是第一个现实地描绘日常平凡生活中平凡恩的小说家,在英国小说史上起了承上启下的作用 整部作品没有滂沱的气势,没有曲折跌宕的情节,但就是这种简单,精致深深地吸引着我们奥斯汀短暂的一生几乎都是在英国的乡间度过的,也许就是周围朴素,宁静的氛围孕育了她淡然的气质并不能因为没有丰富的经历,就对她的对于事物的分析能力有所怀疑,读过《傲慢与偏见》的人一定会为她细腻,敏锐的情感所折服在写《傲慢与偏见》时,她只是一个十几岁的女孩,难道这不是一种天赋么她的确很少接触"外界",但思想存在,想象存在,这一切的存在就足够

Just as what she said, is in two inches of ivory carving narrow, it is the masterpiece of Austin The reflection of marital problems novel is the author works in the most popular film, and also her personal favorite works Works vivid reflects the 18th century to the early 19th century in conservative and unenlightened condition of British town life and generally favor Its social walking like novels not only at that time attracted broad readers, real to today, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment She was the first to describe reality daily in the ordinary life ordinary grace in British novelist, novel plays a connecting link between the preceding full-length works no role The imposing manner, no torrential twists plot twists and turns, but is this kind of simple, delicate deeply attracts us Austin brief life is almost in Britain spend, is perhaps the countryside around simple, halcyon atmosphere gave birth to her couse temperament Not because no rich experience, to her for things analytical suspect somewhat, read "pride and prejudice" will for she is exquisite, sharp emotional tracks Write "pride and prejudice", she's just a teenage girl, would it not a gift She really rarely contact "outside", but the thoughts, imagine the existence of existence, all this is enough



Freud (1856 - l939) is Austrian famed psychiatrist, psychoanalytic founder He works for half a century, across the literature, philosophy and theology, ethics, aesthetics, political science, psychology sociology and mass produced extensive and profound influence, if with the scope of influence of as a measure of great standard, then Freud is undoubtedly the most great psychologist Freud launched human history again Copernican revolution, he pointed out that the human unconscious cannot be conscious control, human unconscious mind contains a huge psychological content, he with the most rational voice telling the human irrational "dream" is the release of academic works Freud backbone through in dreams greatly expand the human to oneself of exploration of the amplitude, we live in a far-reaching influence

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