备份整个库:mysqldump -hhost -uusername -ppassword -d databasename > /usr/local/mysql/dbsql;
备份某张表:mysqldump -hhost -uusername -ppassword -d databasename tablename >/usr/local/mysql/dbsql;
必须序列化意义就是不能同时进行,看一下是否有其他数据库的 *** 作还没有完成
The backup is running when user are trying to perform the database shrink Please note that below operations may not be performed at the same time as a backup operation
• File management operations such as the ALTER DATABASE statement with either ADD FILE or REMOVE FILE clauses
• The file truncation phase of shrink database or shrink file
Please note that if backup is running and one of the above operations is attempted, then operation fails immediately When user is trying to add or remove a file and if backups is started then backup will wait for a timeout period, then fail
If user is trying to shrink database or file while a backup is running, the shrink stops without truncating the file If backup started after shrink database operation then backup waits for shrink operation to complete
以上就是关于mysql数据库自动备份,老提示表不存在全部的内容,包括:mysql数据库自动备份,老提示表不存在、SQL SERVER数据库备份、收缩日志都提示错误,如何解决、等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!