)先引用 ICSharpCode SharpZipLib dll
) cs文件引入
using System IOusing System Text
using ICSharpCode SharpZipLib Checksumsusing ICSharpCode SharpZipLib Zipusing ICSharpCode SharpZipLib GZip
#region 下列代码为压缩并下载代码 ZipOutputStream zos = null String strBaseDir = ""
void dlZipDir(string strPath string strFileName) { MemoryStream ms = null Response ContentType = "application/octet stream" strFileName = HttpUtility UrlEncode(strFileName) Replace( + ) Response AddHeader("Content Disposition" "attachment filename=" + strFileName + " zip") ms = new MemoryStream() zos = new ZipOutputStream(ms) strBaseDir = strPath + "" addZipEntry(strBaseDir) zos Finish() zos Close() Response Clear() Response BinaryWrite(ms ToArray()) Response End() }
void addZipEntry(string PathStr) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(PathStr) foreach (DirectoryInfo item in di GetDirectories()) { addZipEntry(item FullName) } foreach (FileInfo item in di GetFiles()) { FileStream fs = File OpenRead(item FullName) byte[] buffer = new byte[fs Length] fs Read(buffer buffer Length) string strEntryName = item FullName Replace(strBaseDir "") ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(strEntryName) zos PutNextEntry(entry) zos Write(buffer buffer Length) fs Close() } 昌慎 }
PRotected void Button _Click(object sender EventArgs e) 敏逗 { 耐拿敬 string userPath ="D:华海实训(qqview )各级账号和密码" dlZipDir(userPath "华海实训(qqview )服务账号")
Dim DeliveryF As String = Server.MapPath("..\Temp\DeliveryFactors.xls") '原始文件 (压缩前)
Dim TruckInfo As String = Server.MapPath("..\Temp\TruckInformation.xls")
Dim QDetail As String = Server.MapPath("..\Temp\QuotationDetail.xls")
Dim winRarexe As String = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar" 'winzip 执行文件的位置
Dim wtarget As String = "C:\temp\QuotationVAComparsion.zip" '目地文件 (压缩后)
Dim command As String = winRarexe &" a " &wtarget &" " &DeliveryF &" " &TruckInfo &" " &QDetail
Dim retval As Double 'Shell 指穗胡令传回值
retval = Shell(command, AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus)
It is possible, with extra code, to produce or read a zip file, with the help of GZipStream, but it is not trivial.
If you want to read or write Zip files, the best bet is to use a third party library, like DotNetZip. This library is free, and enables your applications to read or write zip files that contain multiple compressed files. These are standard zip files that can be opened by Windows Explorer, or WinZip, or other zip tools. It's simple to use. It works with VB, or c#, or any .NET language