

概述1、HTTP验证 HTTP目前支持的验证方法有:basic、Digest、NTLM、Negotiate、GSS-Negotiate、SPENGO,可以通过CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH属性来设置具体的验证方式,如:curl_easy_setopt(easy_handle,CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH,CURLAUTH_DIGEST);向代理服务器发送验证信息时,可以通过CURLOPT_PRO 1、http验证



2、libcurl之http Post 使用post方式向服务器提交数据,通过HTML中使用<form>标签提交数据一样,只需向libcurl提供一个包含数据的字符串即可。下面是libcurl库中提供的demo
#include <stdio.h>#include <curl/curl.h>int main(voID){  CURL *curl;  CURLcode res;  /* In windows,this will init the winsock stuff */  curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);  /* get a curl handle */  curl = curl_easy_init();  if(curl) {    /* First set the URL that is about to receive our POST. This URL can       just as well be a https:// URL if that is what should receive the       data. */    curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_URL,"");    /* Now specify the POST data */    curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"name=danIEl&project=curl");    /* Perform the request,res will get the return code */    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);    /* Check for errors */    if(res != CURLE_OK)      fprintf(stderr,"curl_easy_perform() Failed: %s\n",curl_easy_strerror(res));    /* always cleanup */    curl_easy_cleanup(curl);  }  curl_global_cleanup();  return 0;}

3、libcurl之Multi Post
#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <curl/curl.h>int main(voID){  CURL *curl;  CURLM *multi_handle;  int still_running;  struct curl_httppost *formpost=NulL;  struct curl_httppost *lastptr=NulL;  struct curl_sList *headerList=NulL;  static const char buf[] = "Expect:";  /* Fill in the file upload fIEld. This makes libcurl load data from     the given file name when curl_easy_perform() is called. */  curl_formadd(&formpost,&lastptr,CURLFORM_copYname,"sendfile",CURLFORM_file,"postit2.c",CURLFORM_END);  /* Fill in the filename fIEld */  curl_formadd(&formpost,"filename",CURLFORM_copYCONTENTS,CURLFORM_END);  /* Fill in the submit fIEld too,even if this is rarely needed */  curl_formadd(&formpost,"submit","send",CURLFORM_END);  curl = curl_easy_init();  multi_handle = curl_multi_init();  /* initalize custom header List (stating that Expect: 100-continue is not     wanted */  headerList = curl_sList_append(headerList,buf);  if(curl && multi_handle) {    /* what URL that receives this POST */    curl_easy_setopt(curl,"");    curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_VERBOSE,1L);    curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_httpheader,headerList);    curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_httpPOST,formpost);    curl_multi_add_handle(multi_handle,curl);    curl_multi_perform(multi_handle,&still_running);    do {      struct timeval timeout;      int rc; /* select() return code */      fd_set fdread;      fd_set fDWrite;      fd_set fdexcep;      int maxfd = -1;      long curl_timeo = -1;      FD_ZERO(&fdread);      FD_ZERO(&fDWrite);      FD_ZERO(&fdexcep);      /* set a suitable timeout to play around with */      timeout.tv_sec = 1;      timeout.tv_usec = 0;      curl_multi_timeout(multi_handle,&curl_timeo);      if(curl_timeo >= 0) {        timeout.tv_sec = curl_timeo / 1000;        if(timeout.tv_sec > 1)          timeout.tv_sec = 1;        else          timeout.tv_usec = (curl_timeo % 1000) * 1000;      }      /* get file descriptors from the transfers */      curl_multi_fdset(multi_handle,&fdread,&fDWrite,&fdexcep,&maxfd);      /* In a real-world program you OF COURSE check the return code of the         function calls.  On success,the value of maxfd is guaranteed to be         greater or equal than -1.  We call select(maxfd + 1,...),specially in         case of (maxfd == -1),we call select(0,which is basically equal         to sleep. */      rc = select(maxfd+1,&timeout);      switch(rc) {      case -1:        /* select error */        break;      case 0:      default:        /* timeout or readable/writable sockets */        printf("perform!\n");        curl_multi_perform(multi_handle,&still_running);        printf("running: %d!\n",still_running);        break;      }    } while(still_running);    curl_multi_cleanup(multi_handle);    /* always cleanup */    curl_easy_cleanup(curl);    /* then cleanup the formpost chain */    curl_formfree(formpost);    /* free sList */    curl_sList_free_all (headerList);  }  return 0;}
Multi Post可以提交二进制数据(或大量数据)的更好的方法,在RFC1867、RFC2388找到定义,在Post时,有不同的数据单元,每个单元有自己的名称与内容,内容可以是文本的,也可以是二进制的,同时,每个数据单元都可以有自己的消息头。这些数据单元组成一个链表,提交到http服务器,也可以添加不同的数据单元,然后提交到服务器。 总结





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