<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML><head> <link href='http://2.cuzillion.com/bin/resource.cgi?type=CSS&sleep=10&n=2&t=1379426970&.CSS?v=1010' rel='stylesheet' /></head><body> <h1>Hello World!</h1></body></HTML>
Hello world将在10秒后显示
解决方法 当链接样式表完全加载后,当前浏览器将在链接样式表之后呈现内容.这可以避免内容闪烁,否则您将始终在没有应用样式表规则的情况下短时间看到页面.并且因为样式表有10秒的延迟,页面渲染后的部分也会延迟10秒.
对Ryan Kinal的评论.浏览器有多个通行证.
Google-Developer: Put CSS in the document head
[…] browsers block rendering a web page until all external stylesheets have been downloaded. […] Therefore,it’s important to put references to external stylesheets,as well as inline style blocks,in the head of the page. By ensuring that stylesheets are downloaded and parsed first,you can allow the browser to progressively render the page. […]
Google-Developer: Optimize the order of styles and scripts
[…] Because JavaScript code can alter the content and layout of a web page,the browser delays rendering any content that follows a script tag until that script has been downloaded,parsed and executed. However,more importantly for round-trip times,many browsers block the downloading of resources referenced in the document after scripts until those scripts are downloaded and executed. On the other hand,if other files are already in the process of being downloaded when a Js file is referenced,the Js file is downloaded in parallel with them. […]
MDN: Tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages: Minimize the number of files
Too much time spent querying the last modifIEd time of referenced files can delay the initial display of a web page,since the browser must check the modification time for each CSS or JavaScript file,before rendering the page.
MDN: Optimizing your pages for speculative parsig
总结Traditionally in browsers the HTML parser has run on the main thread and has blocked after a
tag until the script has been retrIEved from the network and executed. The HTML parser in firefox 4 and later supports speculative parsing off the main thread. It parses ahead while scripts are being downloaded and executed. As in firefox 3.5 and 3.6,the HTML parser starts speculative loads for scripts,style sheets and images it finds ahead in the stream. However,in firefox 4 and later the HTML parser also runs the HTML tree construction algorithm speculatively. The upsIDe is that when a speculation succeeds,there’s no need to reparse the part of the incoming file that was already scanned for scripts,style sheets and images. The downsIDe is that there’s more work lost when the speculation fail