import java.io.PrintStream;import static java.lang.String.format;import static java.lang.System.out;public final class PrettyPrinter { private static final char BORDER_KNOT = '+'; private static final char HORIZONTAL_BORDER = '-'; private static final char VERTICAL_BORDER = '|'; private static final String DEFAULT_AS_NULL = "(NULL)"; private final PrintStream out; private final String asNull; public PrettyPrinter(PrintStream out) { this(out, DEFAULT_AS_NULL); } public PrettyPrinter(PrintStream out, String asNull) { if ( out == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No print stream provided"); } if ( asNull == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No NULL-value placeholder provided"); } this.out = out; this.asNull = asNull; } public void print(String[][] table) { if ( table == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No tabular data provided"); } if ( table.length == 0 ) { return; } final int[] widths = new int[getMaxColumns(table)]; adjustColumnWidths(table, widths); printPreparedTable(table, widths, getHorizontalBorder(widths)); } private void printPreparedTable(String[][] table, int widths[], String horizontalBorder) { final int lineLength = horizontalBorder.length(); out.println(horizontalBorder); for ( final String[] row : table ) { if ( row != null ) { out.println(getRow(row, widths, lineLength)); out.println(horizontalBorder); } } } private String getRow(String[] row, int[] widths, int lineLength) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(lineLength).append(VERTICAL_BORDER); final int maxWidths = widths.length; for ( int i = 0; i < maxWidths; i++ ) { builder.append(padRight(getCellValue(safeGet(row, i, null)), widths[i])).append(VERTICAL_BORDER); } return builder.toString(); } private String getHorizontalBorder(int[] widths) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(256); builder.append(BORDER_KNOT); for ( final int w : widths ) { for ( int i = 0; i < w; i++ ) { builder.append(HORIZONTAL_BORDER); } builder.append(BORDER_KNOT); } return builder.toString(); } private int getMaxColumns(String[][] rows) { int max = 0; for ( final String[] row : rows ) { if ( row != null && row.length > max ) { max = row.length; } } return max; } private void adjustColumnWidths(String[][] rows, int[] widths) { for ( final String[] row : rows ) { if ( row != null ) { for ( int c = 0; c < widths.length; c++ ) { final String cv = getCellValue(safeGet(row, c, asNull)); final int l = cv.length(); if ( widths[c] < l ) { widths[c] = l; } } } } } private static String padRight(String s, int n) { return format("%1$-" + n + "s", s); } private static String safeGet(String[] array, int index, String defaultValue) { return index < array.length ? array[index] : defaultValue; } private String getCellValue(Object value) { return value == null ? asNull : value.toString(); }}
final PrettyPrinter printer = new PrettyPrinter(out);printer.print(new String[][] { new String[] {"FIRST NAME", "LAST NAME", "DATE OF BIRTH", "NOTES"}, new String[] {"Joe", "Smith", "November 2, 1972"}, null, new String[] {"John", "Doe", "April 29, 1970", "Big Brother"}, new String[] {"Jack", null, null, "(yes, no last name)"},});
+----------+---------+----------------+-------------------+|FIRST NAME|LAST NAME|DATE OF BIRTH |NOTES |+----------+---------+----------------+-------------------+|Joe |Smith |November 2, 1972|(NULL) |+----------+---------+----------------+-------------------+|John |Doe |April 29, 1970 |Big Brother |+----------+---------+----------------+-------------------+|Jack |(NULL) |(NULL) |(yes, no last name)|+----------+---------+----------------+-------------------+