假设该表的某些字段在业务端会产生update *** 作,但是每次update的字段就那么1到2个,其它字段不变,那么这些变化不频繁的维度字段被称为缓慢渐变维,而且相同id的变update频率很小,每天update的记录只占全表记录的很小一部分,如1/20000。
- 表中的部分字段会被update,例如:
- 用户的手机号码,用户地址,生日信息等等;
- 需要查看某一个时间点或者时间段的历史快照信息,例如:
- 查看某一个用户在历史某一时间点的手机号码
- 查看某一个用户在过去某一段时间内,更新过几次等等
- 变化的比例和频率不是很大,例如:
- 总共有1000万的用户,每天新增和发生变化的有10万左右
- 每日全量覆盖的方式,特点:简单易 *** 作,但是不支持保留历史数据;
- 每日全量切片的方式,特点:简单易 *** 作,且能保证历史,但是会导致数仓存储大量的重复冗余数据,占用大量磁盘空间;
- 拉链表,特点:拉链表能保证每条记录的生命周期的start-date和end-date,既能保证历史数据,同时也优化了冗余存储。
003 的电话号码作了修改,从 33333333 变成了 32323232 ,同时新增了一个用户 004
002 的电话号码作了修改,从 22222222 变成了 21212121 ,同时新增了一个用户 005
start_date 代表记录的生效起始时间,end_date 代表记录失效时间
假如我们需要查询 002在 cal_date 的对应的有效记录,可以使用 start_date <= cal_date and end_date > cal_date 进行限定。
如果我们需要查询当前的有效数据,那么我们只需要按照 where end_date = '9999-12-31' 来进行限定就okay了。
*** 作步骤:
- 生效日期(start_date)
- 失效日期(end_date)
拉链表的数据为:当天历史数据 UNIOn ALL 最新的数据
⚠️注意:在向大数据转型的趋势下,很多企业将Hive作为数据仓库的首选,但是Hive数据是基于HDFS的文件,只支持delete和insert *** 作,不支持update。
- users
- users_inc
- users_his
整体思路:dw的新数据 = dw的旧数据+新增数据
create database ods; create database dw; -- ods的原始切片表 CREATE TABLE `ods`.`users` ( reg_date STRING COMMENT '注册日期', user_id STRING COMMENT '用户编号', mobile STRING COMMENT '手机号码' ) COMMENT '用户资料表' PARTITIonED BY (dt string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY 't' LINES TERMINATED BY 'n' STORED AS ORC --LOCATION '/ods/user'; --ods的更新表,用来存储新增记录 CREATE TABLE `ods`.`users_inc` ( reg_date STRING COMMENT '注册日期', user_id STRING COMMENT '用户编号', mobile STRING COMMENT '手机号码' ) COMMENT '每日用户资料更新表' PARTITIonED BY (dt string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY 't' LINES TERMINATED BY 'n' STORED AS ORC; --LOCATION '/ods/user_inc'; --dw的拉链表 CREATE TABLE `dw`.`users_his` ( reg_date STRING COMMENT '用户编号', user_id STRING COMMENT '用户编号', mobile STRING COMMENT '手机号码', start_date STRING, end_date STRING ) COMMENT '用户资料拉链表' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY 't' LINES TERMINATED BY 'n' STORED AS ORC; --LOCATION '/dw/user_his'; insert into `ods`.`users` PARTITION (dt = '2021-12-01') values('2021-12-01',001,'11111111'),('2021-12-01',002,'22222222'),('2021-12-01',003,'33333333');
2、全量更新,users_his 表初始化
首先全量更新,我们先到 2021-12-01 为止的数据。
初始化,先把 2021-12-01 的数据初始化进去
INSERT overwrite TABLE `ods`.`users_inc` PARTITION (dt = '2021-12-01') SELECT reg_date,user_id,mobile FROM `ods`.`users` WHERe reg_date < '2021-12-02' and reg_date <'2021-12-02';
刷到 dw 中
INSERT overwrite TABLE `dw`.`users_his` SELECt reg_date,user_id,mobile, reg_date AS start_date, '9999-12-31' AS end_date FROM `ods`.`users_inc` WHERe dt = '2021-12-01';
dw.users_his 中的数据如下:
2021-12-01 001 11111111 2021-12-01 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 002 22222222 2021-12-01 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 003 33333333 2021-12-01 9999-12-31
--003的电话号码作了修改,从33333333变成了32323232,同时新增了一个用户004 truncate table `ods`.`users_inc`; insert into `ods`.`users_inc` PARTITION (dt = '2021-12-02') values('2021-12-01',003,'32323232'),('2021-12-02',004,'44444444');
users_inc 中的增量数据
2021-12-02 002 21212121 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 003 32323232 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 004 44444444 2021-12-02
--此步,可以先创建一个users_his_tmp,然后再同步到users_his。为了方便直接同步。 --DROp TABLE IF EXISTS `dw`.`users_his_tmp`; --CREATE TABLE `dw`.`users_his_tmp` AS 拉链表代码 --INSERT overwrite TABLE `dw`.`users_his` SELECT * FROM `dw`.`users_his_tmp`; INSERT overwrite TABLE `dw`.`users_his` SELECt * FROM( --将修改的数据进行生命周期的修改, SELECt a.reg_date, a.user_id, a.mobile, a.start_date, case when a.end_date = '9999-12-31' and b.user_id is not null then '2021-12-02' else a.end_date end as end_date --说明通过user_id关联上了,在user_inc表中也算今日的新增数据 FROM `dw`.`users_his` a LEFT JOIN `ods`.`users_inc` b ON a.user_id = b.user_id UNIOn --将新增的数据直接union进来 SELECt reg_date, user_id, mobile, '2021-12-02' as start_date, '9999-12-31' as end_date FROM `ods`.`users_inc` ) x;
dw.users_his 中的数据如下:
2021-12-01 001 11111111 2021-12-01 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 002 22222222 2021-12-01 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 003 33333333 2021-12-01 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 003 32323232 2021-12-02 9999-12-31 2021-12-02 004 44444444 2021-12-02 9999-12-31
4、按照上面步骤3,把 2021-12-03 号的数据更新进去,最后结果如下
--002的电话号码作了修改,从22222222变成了21212121,同时新增了一个用户005 truncate table `ods`.`users_inc`; insert into `ods`.`users_inc` PARTITION (dt = '2021-12-03') values('2021-12-01',002,'21212121'),('2021-12-03',005,'55555555'); INSERT overwrite TABLE `dw`.`users_his` SELECt * FROM( --将修改的数据进行生命周期的修改, SELECt a.reg_date, a.user_id, a.mobile, a.start_date, case when a.end_date = '9999-12-31' and b.user_id is not null then '2021-12-03' else a.end_date end as end_date --说明通过user_id关联上了,在user_inc表中也算今日的新增数据 FROM `dw`.`users_his` a LEFT JOIN `ods`.`users_inc` b ON a.user_id = b.user_id UNIOn --将新增的数据直接union进来 SELECt reg_date, user_id, mobile, '2021-12-03' as start_date, '9999-12-31' as end_date FROM `ods`.`users_inc` ) x;
dw.users_his 中的数据如下:
2021-12-01 001 11111111 2021-12-01 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 002 21212121 2021-12-03 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 002 22222222 2021-12-01 2021-12-03 2021-12-01 003 32323232 2021-12-02 9999-12-31 2021-12-01 003 33333333 2021-12-01 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 004 44444444 2021-12-02 9999-12-31 2021-12-03 005 55555555 2021-12-03 9999-12-31
select * from users_his where end_date='9999-12-31';
查询 2021-12-01 的历史快照
select * from users_his where start_date <= '2021-12-01' and end_date >= '2021-12-01';五、用MySQL来模拟hive的拉链表
由于MySQL中不支持Hive中的 insert overwrite ,所以用一张临时表进行代替,SQL如下:
create table if not exists user(reg_date varchar(24),user_id int ,mobile varchar(24)) engine = innodb default charset = utf8mb4; create table if not exists user_update(reg_date varchar(24),user_id int ,mobile varchar(24)) engine = innodb default charset = utf8mb4; create table if not exists user_his(reg_date varchar(24),user_id int ,mobile varchar(24),start_date varchar(24) ,end_date varchar(24)) engine = innodb default charset = utf8mb4; ######################2021-12-01################### truncate table user; truncate table user_update; truncate table user_his; insert into user values('2021-12-01',001,'11111111'),('2021-12-01',002,'22222222'),('2021-12-01',003,'33333333'); insert into user_update select * from user; truncate table user_his; insert into user_his select * from ( select a.reg_date, a.user_id, a.mobile, a.start_date as start_date, if(b.user_id is not null and a.end_date ='9999-12-31','2021-12-01',a.end_date) from user_his a left join user_update b on a.user_id = b.user_id union select reg_date, user_id, mobile, '2021-12-01' as start_date, '9999-12-31' as end_date from user_update ) tmp ; ######################2021-12-02################### #模拟新增、修改数据,在新增表中,修改与新增都属于新增 delete from user_update where user_id= 001; update user_update set mobile = '21212121' where user_id = 002; update user_update set mobile = '32323232' where user_id = 003; insert into user_update values('2021-12-02',004,'44444444'); drop table if exists user_his_temp; create table if not exists user_his_temp as select * from user_his; truncate table user_his; insert into user_his select * from ( select a.reg_date, a.user_id, a.mobile, a.start_date as start_date, if(b.user_id is not null and a.end_date ='9999-12-31','2021-12-02',a.end_date) from user_his_temp a left join user_update b on a.user_id = b.user_id union select reg_date, user_id, mobile, '2021-12-02' as start_date, '9999-12-31' as end_date from user_update ) tmp ;参考