1 三重循环是多数程序的极限
2 非法输入检查是程序正常运行的基本保障. 如果检查所有的非法输入, 会导致大量代码行, 这在商业代码中是必须的.
3.求解矩阵相乘常用两个办法,蛮力法和分治法,以下使用的主要是蛮力法解决低阶矩阵,分治法较高深,用来解决高阶矩阵,有兴趣可移步(48条消息) Java实现矩阵相乘问题_南 墙-CSDN博客_java矩阵乘法
package basic; import java.util.Arrays; public class MatrixMultiplication { public static void main(String args[]) { matrixMultiplicationTest(); } // 实现矩阵相乘的前提条件是前面矩阵的一行与后面矩阵的一列相等 public static int[][] multiplication(int[][] paraFirstMatrix, int[][] paraSecondMatrix) { int m = paraFirstMatrix.length; int n = paraFirstMatrix[0].length; int p = paraSecondMatrix[0].length; // 检查后面矩阵一列元素所含元素是否与前面矩阵的相等 if (paraSecondMatrix.length != n) { System.out.println("The two matrices cannot be multiplied."); return null; } // 结果组成的矩阵就是一个m*p阶方阵,在这里实现矩阵相乘 int[][] resultMatrix = new int[m][p]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { resultMatrix[i][j] += paraFirstMatrix[i][k] * paraSecondMatrix[k][j]; }//蛮力法解决解决低阶矩阵较轻松 } } return resultMatrix; } // 初始化前两个矩阵,并调用multiplication(int[][] paraFirstMatrix, int[][] paraSecondMatrix)方法 // 实现矩阵相乘 public static void matrixMultiplicationTest() { int[][] tempFirstMatrix = new int[2][3]; for (int i = 0; i < tempFirstMatrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tempFirstMatrix[0].length; j++) { tempFirstMatrix[i][j] = i + j; } } System.out.println("The first matrix is: rn" + Arrays.deepToString(tempFirstMatrix)); int[][] tempSecondMatrix = new int[3][2]; for (int i = 0; i < tempSecondMatrix.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tempSecondMatrix[0].length; j++) { tempSecondMatrix[i][j] = i * 10 + j; } } System.out.println("The second matrix is: rn" + Arrays.deepToString(tempSecondMatrix)); int[][] tempThirdMatrix = multiplication(tempFirstMatrix, tempSecondMatrix); System.out.println("The third matrix is: rn" + Arrays.deepToString(tempThirdMatrix)); // 第一个矩阵乘以自己本身 System.out.println("Trying to multiply the first matrix with itself.rn"); tempThirdMatrix = multiplication(tempFirstMatrix, tempFirstMatrix); System.out.println("The result matrix is: rn" + Arrays.deepToString(tempThirdMatrix)); } }
The first matrix is: [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] The second matrix is: [[0, 1], [10, 11], [20, 21]] The third matrix is: [[50, 53], [80, 86]] Trying to multiply the first matrix with itself. The two matrices cannot be multiplied. The result matrix is: null
1 while 语句本质上比 for 更基础, 因此可以替代后者. 但 for 在很多时候更方便.
2 break 语句又出现了, 上次是在 switch 语句里. 都是表示跳出当前代码块.
package basic; public class WhileStatement { public static void main(String args[]) { whileStatementTest(); } // 找出没有超过设置值的最大值 public static void whileStatementTest() { int tempMax = 100; int tempValue = 0; int tempSum = 0; // 方法一 while (tempSum <= tempMax) { tempValue++; tempSum += tempValue; System.out.println("tempValue = " + tempValue + ", tempSum = " + tempSum); } tempSum -= tempValue; System.out.println("The sum not exceeding " + tempMax + " is: " + tempSum); // 方法二 System.out.println("rnAlternative approach."); // 将值清零 tempValue = 0; tempSum = 0; while (true) { tempValue++; tempSum += tempValue; System.out.println("tempValue = " + tempValue + ", tempSum = " + tempSum); if (tempMax < tempSum) { break; } } tempSum -= tempValue; System.out.println("The sum not exceeding " + tempMax + " is: " + tempSum); } }
tempValue = 1, tempSum = 1 tempValue = 2, tempSum = 3 tempValue = 3, tempSum = 6 tempValue = 4, tempSum = 10 tempValue = 5, tempSum = 15 tempValue = 6, tempSum = 21 tempValue = 7, tempSum = 28 tempValue = 8, tempSum = 36 tempValue = 9, tempSum = 45 tempValue = 10, tempSum = 55 tempValue = 11, tempSum = 66 tempValue = 12, tempSum = 78 tempValue = 13, tempSum = 91 tempValue = 14, tempSum = 105 The sum not exceeding 100 is: 91 Alternative approach. tempValue = 1, tempSum = 1 tempValue = 2, tempSum = 3 tempValue = 3, tempSum = 6 tempValue = 4, tempSum = 10 tempValue = 5, tempSum = 15 tempValue = 6, tempSum = 21 tempValue = 7, tempSum = 28 tempValue = 8, tempSum = 36 tempValue = 9, tempSum = 45 tempValue = 10, tempSum = 55 tempValue = 11, tempSum = 66 tempValue = 12, tempSum = 78 tempValue = 13, tempSum = 91 tempValue = 14, tempSum = 105 The sum not exceeding 100 is: 91