Train a course:Depth marketing
Train a location:The Anhui matches fatty\lake?Cover strand?
2006/10 -- 2006/10:The ambition high air condition local and household-use marketing this department
Train a course:The intermediate staff trains
Train a location:Guangdong south china sea
Train a description:The year of the company programs and strategic target
The 贯 of[with] the leadership staff's principle of layer in the ambition senior high school and the target programming of the business enterprise development
2005/09 -- 2005/09:In the ambition high air condition 华 big area
Train a course:The big rea marketing personnel's business trains in the 华
Train a location:Hubei Wuhan
Train a description:The product line programs,
Stock management,
Process and technique training of the selling exhibition operation
2004/08 -- 2004/08:The ambition high air condition local and household-use marketing this department
Train a course:Corporate cultureBrand marketing
Train a location:The Guangdong 肇 celebrates
Train a description:Corporate culture, trend and the brand marketing strategy of the dynamic state analysis of the air condition marketMarketing 4 Ps
2003/08 -- 2003/08:Create 维 group marketing headquarters
Train a course:Depth marketing and potential training
Train a location:Guangdong Shenzhen
Train a description:Depth marketing, the outlet manages strategy
The terminal integrates and controls
Potential training and team cooperation