数组 – 以可变宽度列打印数组内容

数组 – 以可变宽度列打印数组内容,第1张

概述我希望以这样的方式修改我的代码,使列扩展以容纳数据. 下面是一个断行的示例 +========+=========+===============+=============+=============+| Record | Cluster | Current Build | Current Use | Environment |+--------+---------+------------ 我希望以这样的方式修改我的代码,使列扩展以容纳数据.


+========+=========+===============+=============+=============+| Record | Cluster | Current Build | Current Use | Environment |+--------+---------+---------------+-------------+-------------+| 3      | 1       | v44           | v44 live (currently - new company cluster)| PROD        |+--------+---------+---------------+-------------+-------------+


sub printData {   if (@_) {      # print the data grID top border      printf ("%10s%10s%15s%14s%14s",'+'.('=' x 8).'+',('=' x 9).'+',('=' x 15).'+',('=' x 13).'+',('=' x 13).'+');      print "\n";      # print the data grID column Titles      printf ("%-9s%-10s%-16s%-14s%-15s",'| Record ','| Cluster ','| Current Build ','| Current Use ','| Environment |');      print "\n";      # print out each row of data      foreach my $rows (@_) {         # print the data grID demarcation border         printf ("%10s%10s%15s%14s%14s",'+'.('-' x 8).'+',('-' x 9).'+',('-' x 15).'+',('-' x 13).'+',('-' x 13).'+');         print "\n";         # print each data cell         printf ("%-9s",'| '.$rows->{'Record ID#'});         printf ("%-10s",'| '.$rows->{'Cluster'});         printf ("%-16s",'| '.$rows->{'Current Build'});         printf ("%-14s",'| '.$rows->{'Current Use'});            # calculate the length of the last column            my $length = length($rows->{'Environment'});            # calculate how many spaces to add to the last column            # the Title of this column uses 15 characters (including '|' and spaces)            # we already used three of those spaces for 2 '|' characters  and 1 leading space            # so 15 - 3 = 12             # then subtract the length of the return string from 12            my $spaces = 12 - $length;         # we print the last data cell plus the padding spaces calculated above         printf ("%-15s",'| '.$rows->{'Environment'}.(' ' x $spaces).'|');         print "\n";      }      # we print the bottom data grID border      printf ("%10s%10s%15s%14s%14s",('=' x 13).'+');      print "\n";    }   else {        if ($deBUG) {         print "trouble with printData subroutine\n";      }      return 0;    }}
解决方法 Text::Table将调整列宽以适合数据. 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的数组 – 以可变宽度列打印数组内容全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决数组 – 以可变宽度列打印数组内容所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/1267218.html

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