

Hive基础知识 1.数仓概念的理解

数据仓库,英文名叫data warehouse. 主要使用来存储历史数据的。
数仓一般按主题划分,整合了不通数据源的所有数据,存储的一般是历史数据,基本不会有什么变化, 数据量会随着时间增量变化。


数据仓库的分层大致为数据源,ODS(细节数据), DW(数仓) , DA(数据应用)。


2. Hive的理解


2.1 Hive架构


  • Hive客户端
    比如Hive Cli, Beeline,java, python客户端
  • metastore
  • driver
    1. SQL Parser
    2. Physical Plan
    3. Query Optimizer
    4. Execution
  • 存储和计算
    1. 主要存储在HDFS
    2. 使用MapReduce计算, 也可以使用spark和tez
2.2 Hive的安装

推荐使用远程模式启动。 本教程使用2.1.0

  • metastore服务
  • hiveserver2
  • mysql

启动方式1 hive-cli:

hive   # 进入hive
hive -e "show databases;" # 执行sql 
hive -f ./hive.sql # 执行sql文件

启动方式2 beeline:

2.3 数据库 *** 作
create database if not exists test01;
desc database test01;
drop database test01;
drop database test01 cascade;
use myhive;

-- 创建外部表-teacher表
create external table teacher (tid string,tname string)
row format delimited fields terminated by 't';

-- 创建外部表-student表
create external table student
    sid    string,
    sname  string,
    sbirth string,
    ssex   string
    row format delimited fields terminated by 't';

-- 从本地文件系统向表中加载数据,就是将本地的文件复制一份到HDFS的表目录下

-- 向student表加载数据,就是将本地的文件复制一份到HDFS的表目录下
load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/student.txt' into table student;
-- 向student表加载数据,并覆盖原来数据
load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/student.txt' overwrite into table student;
-- 查询student表
select * from student;

-- 删除表
drop table student;

-- 从HDFS向teacher表加载数据 ,本质上做的是剪切,将原来的文件移到到表目录文件
 -- 首先需要将teacher.txt上传到HDFS(/hivedatas)
load data inpath '/hivedatas/teacher.txt' into table  teacher;

select  * from teacher;

drop table teacher;

-- 加载weblog数据
drop table if exists ods_weblog_origin;
create table weblog_origin(
    valid string,
    remote_addr string,
    remote_user string,
    time_local string,
    request string,
    status string,
    body_bytes_sent string,
    http_referer string,
    http_user_agent string
row format delimited fields terminated by 't';

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/part-r-00000' into table  weblog_origin;

select * from weblog_origin;

-- 演示三张表共享一份数据
drop table if exists weblog_origin1;
create external table weblog_origin1
    valid           string,
    remote_addr     string,
    remote_user     string,
    time_local      string,
    request         string,
    status          string,
    body_bytes_sent string,
    http_referer    string,
    http_user_agent string
row format delimited fields terminated by 't'
location '/hivedatas/weblog_origin';

drop table if exists weblog_origin2;
create external table weblog_origin2
    valid           string,
    remote_addr     string,
    remote_user     string,
    time_local      string,
    request         string,
    status          string,
    body_bytes_sent string,
    http_referer    string,
    http_user_agent string
    row format delimited fields terminated by 't'
    location '/hivedatas/weblog_origin';

drop table if exists weblog_origin3;
create external table weblog_origin3
    valid           string,
    remote_addr     string,
    remote_user     string,
    time_local      string,
    request         string,
    status          string,
    body_bytes_sent string,
    http_referer    string,
    http_user_agent string
    row format delimited fields terminated by 't'
    location '/hivedatas/weblog_origin';

select * from weblog_origin1;
select * from weblog_origin2;
select * from weblog_origin3;

drop table weblog_origin1; -- 外部表删除,只删除元数据
drop table weblog_origin2;
drop table weblog_origin3;

select count(*) from weblog_origin1; -- 11893   23786

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 复杂类型-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-- 1、Array类型
create external table hive_array
    name           string,
    work_locations array
row format delimited fields terminated by 't'
collection items terminated by ',';

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/array.txt' into table hive_array;

select * from hive_array;

-- 查询
-- 查询所有数据
select * from hive_array;
-- 查询work_locations数组中第一个元素
select name, work_locations[0] location from hive_array;
-- 查询location数组中元素的个数
select name, size(work_locations) location_size from hive_array;
-- 查询location数组中包含tianjin的信息
select * from hive_array where array_contains(work_locations,'tianjin');

-- 2、Map类型

create table hive_map
    id      int,
    name    string,
    members map,
    age     int
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
collection items terminated by '#'
map keys terminated by ':';

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/map.txt' into table hive_map;

select * from hive_map;

select * from hive_map;
-- 根据键找对应的值
select id, name, members['father'] father, members['mother'] mother, age from hive_map;

-- 获取所有的键
select id, name, map_keys(members) as relation from hive_map;
-- 获取所有的值
select id, name, map_values(members) as relation from hive_map;
-- 获取键值对个数
select id,name,size(members) num from hive_map;
-- 获取有指定key的数据
select * from hive_map where array_contains(map_keys(members), 'brother');

-- 查找包含brother这个键的数据,并获取brother键对应的值
select id, name, members['brother'] brother
from hive_map
where array_contains(map_keys(members), 'brother');

-- 3、Struct类型

create table hive_struct
    ip   string,
    info struct
row format delimited
fields terminated by '#'
collection items terminated by ':';

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/struct.txt' into table hive_struct;

select * from hive_struct;
select ip, from hive_struct;
select ip, ,info.age from hive_struct;

-- #################分区#############
-- 分区就是分文件夹
-- month表示分区字段,以后文件夹的名字就是: month=xxx
create table score
    sid    string,
    cid    string,
    sscore int
) partitioned by (month string) row format delimited fields terminated by 't';

-- 分区表在加载数据时,必须制定你要将这些数据放在哪个文件夹下
load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt' overwrite into table score partition(month='202101');
load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt' overwrite into table score partition(month='202102');

select * from score;

select * from score where month = '202102';

desc score;

-- 创建多级分区表
create table score2
    sid    string,
    cid    string,
    sscore int
) partitioned by (year string,month string,day string) row format delimited fields terminated by 't';

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt'
     into table score2 partition(year='2021',month='01',day='01');

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt'
    into table score2 partition(year='2021',month='01',day='02');

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt'
    into table score2 partition(year='2021',month='02',day='01');

load data local inpath '/export/data/hivedata/score.txt'
    into table score2 partition(year='2022',month='01',day='01');

select * from score2;

desc score2;

select * from score2 where year = '2021' and month = '01' and day='01';

-- 查看表的所有分区
show  partitions  score;

show  partitions  score2;

-- 添加分区
alter table score add partition(month='202008');
-- 同时添加多个分区
alter table score add partition(month='202009') partition(month = '202010');

-- 删除分区
alter table score drop partition(month = '202010');

insert into  table score partition(month = '202011') values(1,1,1);



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