










查看VSPD的用户手册(User Manual),里面果然有相应的接口(在Using serial port driver in your program下的Functions中),于是有C#写了相应的调用,下面是代码。

using System

using System.Collections.Generic

using System.Linq

using System.Text


using System.Runtime.InteropServices

namespace Anser.U2Simulator.Model


public class VSPD


//[DllImport("VSPDCTL.dll", EntryPoint = "CreatePair", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]

//public static extern bool CreatePair(byte[] comName1, byte[] comName2)

/// <summary>

/// CreatePair creates a pair of virtual serial ports with given names.

/// It accepts two null-terminated strings determining which ports should be created as input.

/// For example, "COM5" and "COM6".

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName1">A null-terminated string that defines the name of the first port in a pair</param>

/// <param name="comName2">A null-terminated string that defines the name of the second port in a pair</param>

/// <returns>CreatePair returns TRUE if virtual serial pair was created successfully and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool CreatePair(string comName1, string comName2)

/// <summary>

/// DeletePair deletes a pair of virtual serial ports with a given name.

/// As input it takes name of any virtual serial port in a pair.

/// For example, if you want to remove pair named "COM5"-"COM6",

/// you can pass either "COM5" or "COM6" as argument to DeletePair function.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName"> A null-terminated string that defines one of the two port names in a pair you want to delete </param>

/// <returns>DeletePair returns TRUE if virtual serial pair was successfully deleted and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool DeletePair(string comName)

/// <summary>

/// DeleteAll deletes all virtual serial ports currently present in a system. It accepts no arguments at input.

/// </summary>

/// <returns>DeleteAll returns TRUE if all virtual serial pairs were successfully deleted and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool DeleteAll()


public static extern bool SetStrictBaudrateName(string comName, bool isStrictBaudrate)


public static extern bool SetStrictBaudrateHandle(IntPtr handle, bool isStrictBaudrate)

/// <summary>

/// SetStrictBaudrate enables/disables full baudrate emulation,

/// needs the name of one of the paired virtual ports and boolean parameter

/// that defines if strict baudrate emulation should be enabled or not.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName">A null-terminated string that defines one of the two port names in a pair </param>

/// <param name="isStrictBaudrate">A boolean variable which should be TRUE

/// if you want to enable strict baudrate emulation and FALSE if you want to disable it</param>

/// <returns>SetStrictBaudrate returns TRUE if strict baudrate emulation was successfully enabled and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool SetStrictBaudrate(string comName, bool isStrictBaudrate)

/// <summary>

/// SetBreak enables/disables line break emulation in virtual serial ports.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName">A null-terminated string that defines one of the two port names in a pair</param>

/// <param name="isBreak">A boolean variable should be TRUE if you want to emulate connection break and FALSE if you want to re-establish it </param>

/// <returns>SetBreak returns TRUE if line break emulation was successfully enabled and FALSE otherwise.</returns>


public static extern bool SetBreak(string comName, bool isBreak)

/// <summary>

/// QueryBus: QueryBus sends request to get complete information from the virtual serial bus installed by VSPD.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="inBufferPtr">A pointer to VSBUS_QUERY or VSBUS_QUERY_EX structures.

/// If you want to get information about all current virtual serial ports

/// then use VSBUS_QUERY structure

/// and if you want to get extended information

/// about single virtual serial pair then use VSBUS_QUERY_EX structure.</param>

/// <param name="inBufferSize"></param>

/// <param name="outBufferPtr"></param>

/// <param name="outBufferSize">A pointer to either PORT_INFORMATION or PORT_INFORMATION_EX structures list.

/// If you have used VSBUS_QUERY than you should get PORT_INFORMATION list

/// and if you used VSBUS_QUERY_EX then you should get PORT_INFORMATION_EX.</param>

/// <returns></returns>


public static extern bool QueryBus(IntPtr inBufferPtr, long inBufferSize, IntPtr outBufferPtr, long outBufferSize)

/// <summary>

/// SetWiring sets custom signal lines wiring (pinout).

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName">A null-terminated string that defines one of the two port names in a pair </param>

/// <param name="bufferPtr">A pointer to VSERIAL_WIRING structure </param>

/// <param name="bufferSize">Size of Buffer parameter in bytes </param>

/// <returns>SetWiring returns TRUE if signal lines wiring was created successfully and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool SetWiring(string comName, IntPtr bufferPtr, long bufferSize)

/// <summary>

/// SetAccessList restricts access to created virtual serial ports for various applications.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="comName">A null-terminated string that defines one of the two port names in a pair </param>

/// <param name="bufferPtr">A pointer to PROGRAM_ACCESS array </param>

/// <param name="bufferSize">Size of Buffer parameter in bytes </param>

/// <returns>SetAccessList returns TRUE if port access list was created successfully and FALSE otherwise</returns>


public static extern bool SetAccessList(string comName, IntPtr bufferPtr, long bufferSize)


public struct _VSBUS_QUERY


/// <summary>

/// VSBUS_QUERY structure size

/// </summary>

ulong Size

/// <summary>

/// Has QUERYTYPE_PORTS = 1 value. Can be extended in the future.

/// </summary>

ulong QueryType


private const int MAX_PORTNAME_LEN = 6

public struct _VSBUS_QUERY_EX


/// <summary>

/// VSBUS_QUERY_EX structure size

/// </summary>

ulong Size

/// <summary>

/// 1:query all virtual ports.

/// 2:query particular virtual pair

/// 3:query particular virtual pairname of the application, which created the port, is returned.

/// </summary>

ulong QueryType

/// <summary>

/// Unicode name of any port in the pair you want to delete.

/// For instance, if "COM6-COM7" virtual serial ports pair was created,

/// then to remove it, PortName's value should be COM6 or COM7.

/// </summary>

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MAX_PORTNAME_LEN)]

string PortName






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