可为什么很少听人说:“你好聪明”一类的话呢? 既然新时代提倡的是更加注重于内在美,那为什么口是心非的人为了满足他人的虚荣心而如此称赞呢?而那些虚伪的人也因受称赞而无比快乐呢?这也表明了,多数人是看重外在美,热衷于追求外在美,而在那光鲜亮丽的表面下,却有着一颗榨不出墨汁的心,他们只会追求外在,而不懂得充实内在,这种人犹如一个驱壳,虚而无实,不会受人敬重,也很难有所成就,在日益激烈的当代的社会中,必然会难以找的自己的立足点。
Many people, especially women, when they heard someone praise, she said: "wow, hello, ah the United States," "You become so beautiful", they always Minzui smile, pretending to be shy of the state to respond to: "no pull "but in fact is very happy inside. May be why so few have heard people say: "Hello smart" class thing? Since the promotion of a new era is more focused on inner beauty, why duplicity of people to meet others, vanity and so praised it? The hypocrisy of people who due to praise the immense happiness? This also shows that most people value their beauty, interested in pursuing their beauty, and in that glamorous surface, but no ink has a virgin heart, they will pursue the external, rather than to understand substantial intrinsic, such a person like a drive shell, virtual no real, not held in high esteem, it is difficult to be successful in the increasingly fierce contemporary society, will certainly be difficult to find its own footing. Do not let the bright appearance of your eyes covered, open Xinchuang, with knowledge, with the talent to open up your brilliant path in life.