sax n 〈音〉萨克斯管 (亦作: saxophone)Saxophone 萨克斯又称萨氏管,是以发明者的名字命名的木管乐器,音色介于木管乐器和铜管乐器之间。
Also known as the Sarbanes-Oxley saxophone is named after the inventor of the wooden wind instruments, wind instruments and sounds ranging from wood and brass instruments. 萨克斯由比利时人阿道夫·萨克斯在1840年根据波姆式长笛的原理发明。
A saxophone by the Belgians in 1840 Fusakeshi Road Baum - flute under the principle invented. 萨克斯采用高音谱号 ,有#B、#E 调之分。
Spectra of the cars used saxophone, # B, # E-distinction. 世界第一支萨克斯是上低音E调管,当时受到了很多音乐家的认可。
The world's first bass saxophone is the E-tube, when many musicians were recognized. 人们便以阿道夫·萨克斯的姓来给它命名——“萨克斯”。
People have to Fusakeshi A Road to the name to its name - "saxophone."