ACCT1001 Accounting 1A
ACCT1002 Accounting 1B
ECMT1010 Business and Economic Statistics A会计必修:
ACCT2011 Financial Accounting A
ACCT2012 Management Accounting A
必须选择以下至少4个科目(24 Credit points)
ACCT3011 Financial Accounting B
ACCT3012 Management Accounting B
ACCT3013 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT3014 Auditing and Assurance
ACCT3031 International Corporate Governance
ACCT3032 Current Issues in Management Accounting
CLAW2201 Corporations Law
另外Bachelor of Commerce 必修Core units of study的科目:
第一年Junior units of study (42 credit points):
ACCT1001 Accounting 1A
ACCT1002 Accounting 1B
ECMT1010 Business and Economic Statistics A
ECON1001 Introductory Microeconomics
ECON1002 Introductory Macroeconomics
INFS1000 Business Information Systems Foundations
MKTG1001 Marketing Principles
第二年必修:Senior units of study (24 credit points):
CISS2001 Business in the Global Environment
FINC2011 Corporate Finance I