

美国加州社区大学转UC伯克利计算机专业有什么课程上的要求? COMPSCI 9C - C for Programmers (Self-paced) (2.00) ← No Course Articulated
COMPSCI 9F- C++ for Programmers (2.00) ← C S 2A - Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in C++ (4.50)
--- Or ---
C S 2AH - Honors Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in
C++ (4.50)
--- And ---
C S 2B - IntermediateSoftware Design in C++ (4.50)
--- Or ---
C S 2M - Intermediate Algorithm & Data Structure Methodologies in
C++ (4.50)
COMPSCI 9G - JAVA for Programmers (2.00) ←
C S 1A - Object-Oriented Programming Methodologies in JAVA
--- And ---
C S 1B - IntermediateSoftware Design in JAVA (4.50)
--- Or ---
C S 1AH - Honors Object-oriented Programming Methodologies in
JAVA (4.50)
--- And ---
C S 1M - Intermediate Algorithm & Data Structure Methodologies
in JAVA (4.50)
COMPSCI 61A - TheStructureand Interpretation of Computer
Programs (4.00)
← No Course Articulated
COMPSCI 61B - Data Structures (4.00)
**REFER TO TOP OF AGREEMENT** ← C S 1C - Advanced Data Structures & Algorithims in JAVA (4.50)
Consult with the campus department for specific information
--- Or ---
C S 2C - Advanced Data Structures & Algorithims in C++ (4.50)
Consult with the campus department for specific information
COMPSCI 61C - MachineStructures (4.00) ← No Course Articulated
COMPSCI 70 - Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (4.00) ← This course must betaken at the university after transfer
COMPSCI C8 - Foundations of Data Science(4.00)
Same-As: INFO C8, STAT C8


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/3773433.html

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