

您好,我想咨询一下各位,有哪些美国大学的研究生助学金比较好申请?可以提供一下供参考的网站吗? 给国际学生提供财务资助的学校清单

Schoolswith Financial Aid for International Undergraduate Students
SomeUS schools are more likely than others to offer financial aid for internationalundergraduate students. The lists below indicate which schools offer aid(including grants, loans, and jobs) to the largest numbers of internationalstudents. The lists are based on a list originally compiled by Douglas C.Thompson.
Tobe included in the following lists, the schools must have an average award thatis greater than 1/5 of the cost of attendance. The financial aid may includegrants, loans, and jobs, and often includes both merit and need-based awards.Within each group, schools are listed in alphabetical order.
(Rememberthat a much greater number of schools provide financial aid for internationalgraduate students in the form of teaching and research assistantships. Forinformation about financial aid for graduate study in the US, you shouldcontact the schools that interest you even if they aren't included in the listsbelow.)
It aschool is not listed here, it probably does not have much financial aid forinternational students. However, it is worth noting that some schools may haveathletic scholarships that are open to both international students and USstudents. The lists below do not count the number of athletic scholarshipsawarded to international students.
Schoolswith Awards to More than 150 Students
ArizonaState University (AZ)
BarryUniversity (FL)
ClarkUniv. (MA)
EasternMichigan Univ. (MI)
GrinnellCollege (IA)
HardingUniv. (AR)
Harvard(MA) Illinois Inst. of Tech. (IL)
LibertyUniv. (VA)
LouisianaState Univ. (LA)
MacalesterCollege (MN)
MarquetteUniv. (WI)
MountHolyoke College (MA) Ohio Wesleyan Univ. (OH)
SUNYPlattsburgh (NY)
Univ.of Bridgeport (CT)
Univ.of Houston (TX)
Univ.of Pennsylvania (PA)
Univ.of South Florida (FL)
Schoolswith Awards to 100-149 Students
BrownUniv. (RI)
CalvinCollege (MI)
Collegeof Wooster (OH)
DordtCollege (IA)
EckerdCollege (FL)
FloridaInst. of Tech. (FL)
GeorgiaSouthern Univ. (GA)
GracelandCollege (IA)
LutherCollege (IA)
MiddleburyCollege (VT)
NortheastLouisiana (LA)
SavannahColl. of Art (GA)
SlipperyRock Univ. (PA)
SmithCollege (MA)
TexasChristian Univ. (TX)
Tri-StateUniv. (IN)
Univ.of Miami (FL)
Univ.of Rochester (NY)
Schoolswith Awards to 50-99 Students
AbileneChristian Univ. (TX)
AlleghenyCollege (PA)
AugsburgCollege (MN)
BeloitCollege (WI)
BethanyCollege (WV)
BrandeisUniv. (MA)
BrynMawr College (PA)
CaliforniaLutheran (CA)
ClevelandInst. of Music (OH)
ColbyCollege (ME)
ColumbiaUniv. (NY)
ConcordiaColl. (MN)
CornellUniv. (NY)
DenisonUniv. (OH)
Franklin& Marshall (PA) George Wash. Univ. (DC)
GoshenCollege (IN)
HoughtonCollege (NY)
IthacaCollege (NY)
JulliardSchool (NY)
KnoxCollege (IL)
LakeForest College (IL)
LawrenceUniv. (WI)
Lewis& Clark (OR)
LynnUniv. (FL)
MaharishiIntl. Univ. (IA)
MonmouthCollege (IL)
NorthPark Univ. (IL)
PrincipiaCollege (IL)
RochesterInst. of Tech. (NY) Salem College (NC)
St.Augustine's College (NC)
St.Johns College (MD)
St.Lawrence Univ. (NY)
St.Olaf College (MN)
TrinityCollege (CT)
TulaneUniv. (LA)
Univ.of Maine (ME)
Univ.of Wisc./Eau Clair (WI)
USInternational Univ. (CA)
WashingtonCollege (MD)
WashingtonUniv. (MO)
WesleyanUniv. (CT)
WesternMaryland Coll. (MD)
WittenbergUniv. (OH)
Schoolswith Awards to 15-49 Students
AlbrightCollege (PA)
AmherstCollege (MA)
AugustanaCollege (IL)
BardCollege (NY)
BatesCollege (ME)
BenningtonCollege (VT)
BowdoinCollege (ME)
CentralCollege (IA)
CoeCollege (IA)
ColgateUniv. (NY)
DavidsonCollege (NC)
DickinsonCollege (PA)
EarlhamCollege (IN)
EasternNazarene (MA)
ElizabethtownCollege (PA) Elmira College (NY)
GettysburgCollege (PA)
GustavasAdolphus Coll. (MN)
HamiltonCollege (NY)
HampshireCollege (MA)
HoodCollege (MD)
JohnsHopkins (MD)
KalamazooCollege (MI)
KenyonCollege (OH)
LafayetteCollege (PA)
MessiahCollege (PA)
MichiganState Univ. (MI)
MountUnion College (OH)
OccidentalCollege (CA)
SouthwesternCollege (KS)
SpaldingUniv. (KY) Swarthmore College (PA)
TaylorUniv. (IN)
ThomasAquinas Coll. (CA)
TroyState Univ. (AL)
Univ.of Chicago (IL)
Univ.of Colorado/Bldr (CO)
Univ.of Oregon (OR)
Univ.of St. Thomas (MN)
Univ.of the South (TN)
VassarCollege (NY)
WabashCollege (IN)
WellesleyCollege (MA)
WestVirginia Wesleyan (WV)
WilliamSmith College (NY)
WilliamsCollege (MA)


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/3791870.html

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