

美国本科留学面试学生应该问哪些问题 什么是美国大学面试?其实很简单,美国大学面试就是聊天,就是相互了解,在一个屋子里,面试官和学生相互了解,这样一来,就应该有问有答,当然不仅仅是面试官问你,其实学生也可以问面试官问题,下面为大家带来美国大学面试:学生常问的问题有哪些,希望对你的美国本科留学有帮助。
1. What kind of off-campus study programs are available?
2. How many students stay on-campus during the weekends?
3. Are there career planning services available?
4. What is the town where the college is located like?
5. Tell me about freshman orientation.
6. Will I have an academic advisor?
7. What are the current housing options?
8. Will I have any graduate assistants teaching my classes?
9. Are there any academic support services available?
10.What does your college have to offer in terms of finding a job after graduation?
11.Do you have a program that helps you find internships?
12.What is your internship program like? What percentage of students participate in an internship?
13.What is the admissions decision process at your school?
14.Is admission need-blind?
15.Do you have IBM or Macintosh computers?
16.Do all students get e-mail addresses? Do all students have Internet access?
17.What happens on a typical day at your school?
18.Do employers come on campus and conduct interviews?
Do these employers represent your field(s) of interest?
19. Are freshman allowed to have cars on campus?


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/3791918.html

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