The Councils of the Schools
The term 'School' in Cambridge usually indicates an administrative grouping of related subjects. There are six Schools:
Arts and Humanities
Biological Sciences, including Veterinary Medicine
Clinical Medicine
Humanities and Social Sciences
Physical Sciences
Each of these bodies covers a specified group of Faculties. Each has an elected supervisory body - The Council of the School - comprising representatives of the constituent faculties and departments in each School.
about Faculties
Teaching and research in Cambridge is organised by Faculties. In addition, a small number of bodies entitled Syndicates also have responsibilities for teaching and research, and exercise powers similar in effect to those of Faculty Boards. The Faculties and Syndicates cover the whole of the academic programme in the University, each being responsible for a broad subject area.
Faculty Boards are responsible to the General Board; other Boards and Syndicates are responsible either to the General Board (if primarily for academic purposes) or to the Council.
The Faculties have different organisational sub-structures which partly reflect their history and partly their operational needs. Administratively, work of a large Faculty is divided into separate Departments.
The title of this document is: Schools, Faculties & Departments: about the Schools, Faculties & Departments
The University
We are one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-governed community of scholars. Cambridge comprises 31 Colleges and over 150 departments, faculties, schools and other institutions.
More information about the University:
How the University works
800 years of the University
The Colleges
A college is where students live, eat and socialise. It is also the place where students receive small group teaching sessions, known as supervisions.
Each college is an independent institution with its own property and income. The colleges appoint their own staff and are responsible for selecting students, in accordance with University regulations. The teaching of students is shared between the Colleges and University departments. Degrees are awarded by the University.
More information about the Colleges:
The role of the colleges in University and student life
College index
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