Dartmouth College 的介绍(最好中英文都有)

Dartmouth College 的介绍(最好中英文都有),第1张

Dartmouth College 的介绍(最好中英文都有) 达特茅斯学院建于1769年12月13日,是位于美国东北部新罕布什尔州汉诺佛市的一所私立大学。也是美国第九所最早的大学,为常春藤联盟成员之一。最初的二百年中只收男生,直到1972年才改为男女合校,是长青藤学院中最晚接纳女生的一个。尽管如此,该学院却是男孩教育最成功的学院之一 。达特茅斯是常春藤盟校中唯一叫“学院”(college)而不叫“大学”(university)的。在美国,“学院”的名称一般都专指那些只提供本科教育的高等院校,达特茅斯学院其实也有一千多研究生,但它对自己的称呼始终是“学院”,表现了它对本科教育的专注和重视。达特茅斯学院与其它所有学校大异其趣的又一个别出心裁之处,是它的特殊校历,俗称“达特茅斯计划”。这个计划把全年分成四个学期,每学期十个星期。学生们每年只要上三个学期的课就可以,具体在哪三个学期上可以自己选择,校方唯一的规定是学生们到了三年级时,必须在夏天学期上课。
Dartmouth College was founded in December 13, 1769, is located in the Chinese city America Connaught Buddha northeastern state of New Hampshire in a private university. Also USA ninth oldest university, a member of the Ivy league. The first two hundred years for boys, until 1972, coed, is one of the most late acceptance Ivy College girls. Nevertheless, one of the most successful boy education college is the college. Dutt Maus is an Ivy League school only called "College" (College) but not called "University" (University). In the United States, "academy" name generally refers specifically to those who only provide undergraduate education, Dartmouth College in fact also has more than one thousand graduate students, but it is always to call themselves "College", demonstrate its focus and attention to undergraduate education. Another ingenious place of Dartmouth College and all other schools of greatly different its interest, it is a special calendar, known as the "Dartmouth plan". The plan the whole year is divided into four semesters, each semester ten weeks. The students each year as long as three semesters can, specific can choose where the three semester, the school only stipulation is the students when they are in grade three class, must in the summer semester.


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/3820586.html

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