S Pass 短期入境签证
What is S Pass
The S Pass is for foreigners who earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $1,800. S Pass applicants will be assessed on a points system, taking into account multiple criteria including salary, education qualifications, skills, job type and work experience.
What is an Employment Pass (EP)
The Employment Pass (EP) is for foreign professionals and executives who wish to work in Singapore. They should:
- Earn a fixed monthly salary of more than $2,500; and
- Have recognised qualifications.
WP:最低级的是WP属于劳务 薪水在1800新币以下 属于有一半技术或没有技术者 实际一般在700新币-800新币那样 如果加班可以拿到1000 但是每月要交450左右的税 但是签证很好办
SP:属于比WP好的 它有最低薪水保障是1800新币 但是需要大学本科或专科等以上学历,是新加坡政府承认的大学或学院 有工作经验 申请工作准证前要新加坡公司开邀请信,还要向政府申请,政府是非常严格的。因为新加坡PR也就是本地居民有些还拿不到1800的薪水 何况你是外国人来新加坡的 所以会很严格。每月交税50新币工收税 WP是它的9倍以上。