独生子女费 the only-child allowance
误餐费 missed meals compesation
特殊岗位津贴 special post allowance
交流补贴 exchange subsidies
补发固定工资 fixed wage retroactivity
内退保留补助 early retirement subsidy
补发 pay retroactively
租房补助 (好像不是housing allowance)rental subsidy
责任津贴responsibility allowance
职务津贴 duty allowance
工龄津贴 seniority allowance
洗理费 bath and haircut subsidy
月奖month award
保留补贴 reserve subsidy
补交所得税 income tax repay
医疗个人补缴额 medical personal compensation
企业年金个人补缴额 personal compensation amount of enterprise annuity
入卡餐费 meal subsidy to card
单位缴纳公积金扣税基数 unit pays the tax deduction base for the common reserve fund
增加扣税额 tax deduction increasement