1. 请点进专业code里面,接着点击网页上方申请进度栏的倒数第四项support documents,下拉到差不多底部,看左边Upload File, 如果能上传就接着上传(总量5M,单个不超过1m, 格式pdf, gif, jpg or word,文件个数没有限制)。
2. 不能上传文件的话, 请发电邮把文档传给小米admission并说明情况,电邮的标题要有你的申请号和简单的事由),小米会把你的文件处理妥当的。
(我有个城大申请中午付款,所以现在不能测试上传功能, 有问题可以追问,我明天晚上可以更详细答复)
要求submit之前上传文件;Please upload by yourself the required supporting documents of your academic and / or professional qualifications (such as academic transcripts and award certificates, examination / English test results, etc.) before submitting your application.
但还有一句话: 可以在submit之后继续上传The file upload function is still available after the submission of your application.
一旦开始进入审理选人程序,补交的文件有可能不会被考虑, 这由各个系决定。Additional information/documents provided to the University after the commencement of the selection process may or may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant department.