

assessed 加拿大的“移民监”是什么?它是如何规定的?





对于移民监这个问题,各个传统移民国家规定各不相同,而加拿大又是众多国人非常喜欢的移民国家之一,这是一个来自 知乎 上的网友问答:《加拿大的“移民监”是什么?它是如何规定的?》,今天跟各位准备移民的,已经移民的做一个分享,这是加拿大移民局 IRCC 最为官方的详细解释,我们来看看。





根据加拿大移民局的官方规定,移民监即作为永久居民的居住“义务”即Residency obligation,:最基础的居住义务即:Minimum residency obligations,一个人获得PR身份后必须符合居住义务,通俗来说就是5年内身处在加拿大不少于730天(即2年)。



哪些加拿大之外的时间可被算在移民监内?Situation 1:陪同加拿大公民居住在加拿大之外如果你陪同加拿大公民(持有加拿大护照的人)居住在加拿大之外的地方,鉴于这个人是你的配偶,同居伴侣或者父母(如果你是19岁以下)。

当然这需要种种证明文件来证明:这个人是加拿大公民,且你是他的配偶/伴侣或者适龄子女;当然还包括强制性的支持文件:5年前你陪同的人使用所有的护照或其他旅行证件;文件显示国籍的人陪同,包括成为加拿大公民的日期;陪同人居住地址5年的证明;婚姻证明或同居伙伴关系的证明(如果是配偶或同居伴侣陪同);孩子的出生证明、洗礼文档或收养或法律监护文件(如果你是家长陪同);当然还需要:过去2年加拿大所得税评税通知的证明;学校或者雇佣记录;会员证或者俱乐部会员;任何你想要移民局认可的文件;推荐阅读:《加拿大移民入籍的要求和条件?》Situation 2:在加拿大之外存在雇佣关系你属于加拿大商业体或者加拿大省或者地区的公共服务机构的雇员;你的工作合同是一份全职的工作机会:在加拿大之外的岗位;与加拿大的关联企业但在加拿大之外;位于加拿大之外的加拿大商业或者公共服务机构的客户;任务结束后你将会继续的为加拿大雇主工作。

上述加拿大商业体的定义是:公司注册在加拿大的法律或一个省,且仍然在加拿大运营中;一个企业:在运营在盈利还能盈利主要的持股人是加拿大公民,PR或者加拿大企业或者加拿大国家或者加拿大省依法设立的组织或者商业体必须准备一份企业官方的人士签署的支持文件,包含:证明文件签名者的岗位和名称;企业的介绍和证明;你需要陪同到加拿大之外的细节例如:多长时间;是全职雇员在海外也是全职基于雇佣合同;职位概要的描述或复印件关于公司转借用的合同;确认这个商业体的设立不是为了让你满足移民居住义务而设立的;还需要那些资料:公司章程和营业执照;合作协议或公司年度报告;加拿大企业所得税通知评估或财务报表;员工分配协议或合同的副本;副本加拿大业务和业务之间的任何协议或客户以外的加拿大客户或业务有关作业;工资报表;加拿大所得税评税通知文件;T4 slips;其他任何证明你想让我们考虑的材料;Situation 3:陪同加拿大永久居民居住在加拿大之外前提:陪同人是你的配偶/伴侣或者父母(如果你是19岁以下的随行子女);你陪同的这个人被加拿大商业体或者加拿大国家或者省的公共服务机构全职雇佣;证明需要的文件:你陪同的人是加拿大永久居民(PR);你是这个陪同人的配偶,伴侣或者孩子;并且你陪同的这个人满足了移民居住义务;支持文件可能会包含,例如强制要求的材料文件有:你陪同的人满足居住义务的证明文件;过去5年你陪同人的护照信息或者旅行文件记录;结婚证明或者同居证明;孩子的出生证明,洗礼的文档,或收养或法律监护文档(如果你是陪同永久居民的父母);当然还需要:过去两(2)年加拿大所得税评税通知的证明;学校或者雇佣记录;会员证或者俱乐部会员;任何你想要移民局认可的文件;人道主义和富有同情心的理由 如果你不能满足居民的义务,在您个人的情况下我们将考虑任何令人信服的人道主义和富有同情心的因素,也许可以证明你保持你的永久居民身份。





上述加拿大移民的政策原文如下:Residency obligationMinimum residency obligationsYou must meet the residency obligation to get a PR Card.If you have been a permanent resident for five (5) years or moreyou must have been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past five (5) years.If you have been a permanent resident for less than five (5) yearsyou must show that you will be able to meet the minimum of 730 days of physical presence in Canada within five (5) years of the date you became a permanent resident.Time spent outside of CanadaNotice for persons under 22 years of age:Residency requirements to keep Permanent Resident status for PR Card and Permanent Resident Travel document applications:On October 24, 2017, IRCC’s definition of “child” changed, from under 19 years of age to under 22 years of age.The time an applicant aged 22 and over, spent accompanying a parent abroad before October 24, 2017, will be assessed under the previous definition of “child.”The time an applicant aged 22 and over spent accompanying a parent abroad on or after October 24, 2017, will be assessed under the new definition of “child.”You may also count days outside of Canada as days that you meet the residency obligation in these situations:Situation 1. Accompanying a Canadian citizen outside CanadaYou may count each day you accompanied a Canadian citizen outside Canada as long as this person is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 19 years of age).Proof neededYou must provide supporting documents to prove that:The person you are accompanying is a Canadian citizen; andYou are the spouse, common-law partner or child of that person.Supporting documents may include:Mandatory:all passports or other travel documents that the person you are accompanying used in the five (5) years before the application;documents showing the citizenship of the person you are accompanying, including the date the person became a Canadian citizen;proof of the residential addresses of the person you are accompanying for the five (5) years before the application;marriage licence or proof of common-law partnership (if you are accompanying a spouse or common-law partner);child’s birth certificate, baptismal document, or adoption or legal guardianship document (if you are accompanying a parent);You may also include:Canadian Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA) for the past two (2) yearsschool or employment records;association or club memberships;any other documents you want us to consider.Situation 2. Employment outside CanadaYou may count each day you worked outside Canada if:you are an employee of, or under contract to, a Canadian business or the public service of Canada or of a province or territory andas a term of your job or contract, you are assigned on a full-time basis to:a position outside Canadaan affiliated enterprise outside Canada ora client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada; andyou will continue working for the employer in Canada after the assignment.For this application, a Canadian business is defined as:a corporation that is incorporated under the laws of Canada or of a province and that has an ongoing operation in Canadaan enterprise that has:an ongoing operation in Canadais capable of generating revenueis carried out in anticipation of profitin which a majority of voting or ownership interests is held by Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or Canadian businesses as defined above oran organization or enterprise created by the laws of Canada or a provinceSupporting documents:You must provide a letter signed by an official of the business stating:the position and title of the signing officialthe nature of the business and how it fits the description of a Canadian business (see definition above)details of your assignment or contract outside Canada such as:length of the assignment,confirmation that you are a full-time employee of the “Canadian business” working abroad on a full-time basis as a term of your employment, or that you are on contract working abroad on a full-time basis as a term of your contract; anda description or copy of the position profile regarding the assignment or contract abroad, andconfirmation that the business was not created primarily to let you meet your residency obligationYou may also include:articles of incorporation and business licencespartnership agreements or corporate annual reportscorporate Canadian Income Tax Notices of Assessment or financial statementscopies of the Employee Assignment Agreement or Contractcopies of any agreements between the Canadian business and the business or client outside Canada concerning your assignment to that client or businessPay StatementsCanadian Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA)T4 slipsAny other proof you want us to considerSituation 3. Accompanying a permanent resident outside CanadaYou may count each day you accompanied a permanent resident outside Canada as long as:the person you accompanied is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 19 years of age); andthe person was employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province or territory during the time you accompanied him or her.Proof neededYou must provide supporting documents to prove that:The person you are accompanying is a permanent resident;You are the spouse, common-law partner or child of that person; andThe permanent resident you are accompanying meets the residency obligation.Supporting documents may include:Mandatory:documents showing the person you are accompanying meets the residency obligation;all passports or other travel documents the person you are accompanying used in the five (5) years before the application;marriage licence or proof of common-law partnership (if you are accompanying a permanent resident spouse or common-law partner);child’s birth certificate, baptismal document, or adoption or legal guardianship document (if you are accompanying a permanent resident parent);You may also include:School or employment records;Canadian Income Tax Notice of Assessment;association or club memberships;any other documents you want us to consider.Humanitarian and compassionate groundsIf you cannot meet the residency obligation, we will consider any compelling humanitarian and compassionate factors in your individual circumstances that may justify that you keep your permanent resident status.We will notify you if this additional assessment is needed.



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