where is 句型。
?我们只需要知道包有哪些单词就可以了!{!-- PGC_VIDEO:{"thumb_height": 1080, "vposter": "http://p1.toutiaoimg.com/origin/tos-cn-p-0000/e5028c6d3d6e4daba893ea601535edb8 "thumb_width": 1920, "vid": "v020167b0000bqt3gjcuatlc0rea8340 "vu": "v020167b0000bqt3gjcuatlc0rea8340 "duration": 29.235, "thumb_url": "tos-cn-p-0000/e5028c6d3d6e4daba893ea601535edb8 "thumb_uri": "tos-cn-p-0000/e5028c6d3d6e4daba893ea601535edb8 "video_size": {"high": {"duration": 29.235, "h": 1080, "w": 1920}, "ultra": {"duration": 29.235, "h": 1080, "w": 1920}, "normal": {"duration": 29.235, "h": 1080, "w": 1920}}} --}
I need my handbag.I'm just wondering where's my handbag?Where's my handbag?Haven't I got my handbag?Could you tell me where the handbag is?Do you know where did I place my handbag?Where has my handbag gone?I would be appreciate it you help me find my handbag.…你还可以加入品牌,这样就多了,以LV为例:Do you know where my LV is?My LV isn't at hand.下面给你列举英语中"包"的表达bag 统称"包"handbag 女士手提包Schoolbag 学生的书包Backpack 双肩背包Parcel 快递包裹Packet 像零食包装袋的的那种小袋子Shopping bag 超市里的购物袋Single-shouldered bag 单肩背包Baggage bag 手提式的行李包barrel bag 滚筒包Purse/wallet钱包pocket 衣服口袋太多了,打字懒得打了,英语学习一定要多总结,仅靠临时问是很难记住的,不留心皆学问,日积月累,才能有丰富的词汇和口语表达。