

deposited “Keep the change”是“积少成多”的意思吗?

Keep the change是“积少成多”的意思吗?Keep the change一般人理解为“不用找补了”。

然而,美国“美洲银行”(Bank of America)有一种“消费储蓄计划”(Spend to Save)(花钱就是存钱),名字就叫Bank of America's Keep the Change Program:Spend to Save.了解了它的这个Keep the Change Program,你就会对它“巧妙”运用Keep the Change表达,就不会再把Keep the Change理解成原意:不用找补,而是引申为“留下找头,积少成多”的“新义”了。

我们一起来看看它的英语,从中可以学到不少有用的英语表达:1) 节选:Rounding UpOne strategy is to round purchases up to the next dollar amount and put the amount you round up into a savings account.If you have a Bank of America debit card, Keep the Change can do this for you. For example, you might buy a cup of coffee and end up with a bit more in savings:Coffee Price: $3.43Round Up: $ 0.57 (deposited to savings)Total Charge: $4.00 (total charge to your checking account)That extra $ 0.57 goes into a linked savings account, and the idea is that you’ll barely notice that it’s gone from your checking account. If you make several purchases throughout the day, that might add up to a few bucks of savings every day – or a decent monthly addition to your savings.2) 注释:1. Rounding Up:to round up是“四舍五入”的意思,round up是“五入”,round down是“四舍”。

2. One strategy is to round purchases up to the next dollar amount and put the amount you round up into a savings account.我们的方案是把您的每次购买消费金额按照“五入”方法取“元”的整数,再把四舍五入后的余额存入您的活期户头里。

to round purchases up to the next dollar amount.美元的单位顺序是:dollar-cent. To round purchases up to the next dollar amount就是把金额取“元”的整数。

Let's round up tge numbers.我们就四舍五入吧。

3.If you have a Bank of America debit card(只适用于不能透支的“储蓄卡”,不能使用可透支的“xyk”), Keep the Change can do this for you. For example, you might buy a cup of coffee and end up with a bit more in savingsEnd up with:结果是。

end up with a bit more in savings. 结果是活期储蓄里又多了些钱。

举例:Coffee Price: $3.43 咖啡钱:3.43美元Round Up: $ 0.57 (deposited to savings) 四舍五入金额:57美分存入活期户头。

Total Charge: $4.00 (total charge to your checking account)收4美金(从户头扣款)That extra $ 0.57 goes into a linked savings account余额57美分存入关联的储蓄户头and the idea is that you’ll barely notice that it’s gone from your checking account. If you make several purchases throughout the day, that might add up to a few bucks of savings every day – or a decent monthly addition to your savings.这样一来,你几乎感觉不到户头里扣除了4美金。


你看,有了对Bank of America Keep the Change Program的了解,这里的Keep tge Change是不是让人自然而然想到一句中文:积少成多?相当于说:Keep the Change Growing.



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