How lovely the green mountains and rivers, everyone loves a beautiful woman, to the next generation, we must fall in love.2、我喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久。
I like you, for a long time, wait for you, also long, now, I want to leave, longer and longer than long.3、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。
Have sailed the seven seas for water, except Wushan not cloud. Take the second flower bush laziness review, half margin monarch monarch.4、我不知道遇见你是对是错,只知道遇见你我开心过。
I don't know it's right to meet you. I just know I'm happy to meet you.5、与卿同一身,此生愿足矣。
The same as the Qing, this life is enough.6、想牵你的手,一起到一个叫永远的地方,看天长地久的风景,尝海枯石烂的味道。
Want to hold your hand, go to a place called forever, see enduring as the universe scenery, taste the taste of the solid.7、爱情如拉链,只有共同经历过故事,才会有刻骨铭心,才会有不离不弃。
Love is like a zipper, only through the common experience of the story, can there be unforgettable.8、不是完美情人,就是精神病人。
It is not a perfect lover, or a mental patient.9、不管是在婚礼的喜帖上还是在葬礼的墓碑上,我希望我跟你的名字一辈子总能写在一起。
Whether in the wedding invitations, or on the tombstone, I hope I tell you the name of a lifetime can always write together.10、我答应不会让任何人伤害你,包括我自己在内,相信我!我会给你幸福。
I promise not to let anyone hurt you, including myself, trust me! I will give you happiness.11、爲你付出的只有全部、而得到的却是无尽的眼泪和难过。
The only thing you have to pay for is endless tears and sadness.12、每个人都要做独立的人,不要爱得依赖,爱得习惯。
Everyone should be an independent person, do not love to rely on, love the habit.13、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
People with the moon waxes and wanes, grief at separation and joy in Union, all this ancient hard, danyuanrenchangjiu, partings.14、一个人如果不能学会遗忘,那将是很痛苦的事,别再自寻烦恼,快把痛苦的事给忘了吧。
If a person cannot learn to forget, it will be a very painful thing, don't bother, the pain to forget things.15、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手!She's a left-handed. We can hold hands for dinner!16、伤害让一个人成长,时间让一个人坚强,终了的爱情让两个人一夜之间都学会看透。
Harm makes one grow up, time makes a person strong, and the end of love makes two people learn to see through overnight.17、眼睛涩了,是因为眼泪的浑浊爱情涩了,是因为欺骗的执着。
The eyes are astringent, because the turbid love of tears is astringent, because of the persistence of deception.18、当我说出的话现在才知道那是最痛苦的、亲爱的、我想我一辈子都离不开你。
When I say what I say, I now know that it's the most painful, dear, I think I can't leave you all my life.19、日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。
Sunrise East China Sea off the Western Hills, sorrow is also one day, like a day; failing to into a dead end, people are comfortable, the heart is also comfortable.20、有一种爱叫无缘,不是不爱而是没有缘分,也有一种爱叫成全!去成全别人也成全自己。
There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.21、我、只不过是一个孩子,一个想哭就哭,想笑就会没心没肺的笑的孩子。
I was just a boy, a cry, you will laugh Meixinmeifei children.22、事情出错时,与其去生气的责备别人,自讨苦吃,不如关注下次如何做得更好。
When things go wrong, instead of angry to blame others, it should focus on how to do it better next time.23、爱你的人,很多很多;我爱的人,只你一个!Love you, a lot of people, a lot of people I love, only one of you!24、想你的时候有的甜,哭泣时想你那淡淡的体香抱着我让心灵有属于我的寄托。
When you want to cry when you want some sweet, that light body joss stick to hold me let the heart belong to my place.25、我爱你,没有理由!请记住:我时刻都在想你。
记住我的吻!I love you, there is no reason! Please remember: I think of you all the time. Remember my kiss!26、爱情是个变幻莫测的家伙,它渴望得到一切,却几乎对一切都感到不满。
Love is a fickle guy. It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything.27、不以淫荡示天下,但求风骚动世人!No lewd to show the world, but beg for the world!28、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
I love you not because of who you are, but because of what I like when I am with you.29、有多少笨蛋,明知道没有结果,却还是偏执的爱下去。
How many idiots, know that there is no result, but still paranoid love to go down.30、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。
Don't believe in the memory, the person inside, not necessarily think of you the same.