


这些年来,职业、手机、电影、音乐等话题一直备受雅思口语考官的青睐。所以,接下来,为烤鸭们搜集整理了关于雅思口语话题movie常见考题及讨论话题,旨在让烤鸭们更了解考官的出题思路和拓宽大家的雅思口语答题思路,希望对你有所启发并在考前做好充分的雅思口语话题movie的回答准备。一.雅思口语话题movie常见考题汇总:1. Describe a movie you have seenYou should say :What type it isWhat the story isand explain why you like or dislike it .2. Describe a film you have recently seen.You should say:where you saw itwhat the film was aboutwho you saw it withwhat you liked or disliked about this film.and explain why you chose to watch this particular film.二.雅思口语话题movie之讨论话题Discussion topics雅思口语话题movie 讨论话题:(Question1-10)1.What kind of movies do you like ?2.What movies did you like when you were young ?3.What movies do you watch now ?4.What features does the types of film have ?5.Why is special effect used in movies ?6.Is it necessary that the movies are limited by the current or the previous government ?7.Do you agree that parents should know what their children are watching?8.What kind of film do parents think is bad for children? Why?9.What’s the difference in the choice of movies between different ages of people ?10.What kinds of bad effect has been brought by the government of the Chinese movies ?雅思口语话题movie 讨论话题:(Question11-20)11.What do you think about the future of the cinema ? How can the cinema attract more people12.How to deal with the private problem ?13.Do you like watching the film in the cinema or at home ?14.What kinds of film do your friends and families like ?15.How often do you watch them ?16.Do you know people would adjust their taste od movies as they are growing older ?17.How do you think of the movies two decades ago ?18.Do you think TV would take the place of cinema ?19.Do you think Chinese movies would be popular in other countries ?20.What is the difference between Chinese film and foreign movies?雅思口语话题movie 讨论话题:(Question21-34)21.What kind of film do people like at your age ?22.What effects do movies have on children?23.What type of film do you like past and now? Why? What kind of film is popularin China? What are popular movies in China?24.What do you learn from watching movies?25.Are expensively produced movies better?26.What factors can make a film successful?27.How can foreign movies influence Chinese culture?28.Do you want to be a movie star?29.What kind of qualities should movie stars have?30.Do you think movie stars are making too much money?31.Do you think Chinese movies can convey Chinese culture to the audience?32.What’s the difference between Chinese actors and foreign actors?33.Do you think appearance is important to actors?34.What’s more important, good film scripts or good actors?以上,即是本次为大家推荐阅读的雅思口语话题movie常见考题及讨论话题,考题及话题较为丰富,希望大家反复阅读,并加以准备。更多关于雅思口语话题movie的参考范文,尽在的雅思口语频道!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/5386279.html

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