Topic: Do you agree that modern technology has given us more leisure time than before?
现代科技让人更轻松、休闲时间更多的观点: • 汽车、飞机和铁路的普及(the popularity of automobile-air travel and rail)减少了人们在路途上奔波的时间(spend less time commuting);电脑和自动化等设备(computerisation and automation) 让人们可以更快更有效地完成工作,休闲时间更多;
• 效率的提高和收人的增加(rising wages),人们不需要加班也能够获得足够的收人。此时,人们对生活质量的要求更高(higher demand on standards of living),可以支付得起更多的娱乐活动 (able to afford recreational activities),在休闲的时间里放松自己(relax themselves in their spare time)现代科技让人更繁忙、休闲时间更少的观点:
• 新科技的产生加快了工作节奏,人们需要不断地接受教育和培训(continue education and receive on-the-job training)以适应新科技带来的变化(keep pace with the fast development of technology), 人们因此更加繁忙; • 科技发展使社会的产品变得丰富(persified),人们需要刻苦工作才买得起琳琅满目的商品;• 电脑和因特网的产生让人们在正常工作时间之外也可以工作(work beyond normal working hours),科技的发展促进全球化,人们需要加班工作以消除时差的影响(have to work overtime due to time difference )
范文:In the history of mankind, possibly no century witnessed more progress in technology than the 20th century did. People have become increasingly interested in assessing the correlation between technological development and leisure time. As far as I am concerned, people's leisure time has been shrinking as a result of the tremendous advance in modern technology. Admittedly, thanks to modern technology, people can thus spend less time on compulsory activities (e.g. ,working), but it should also be noted that other non-compulsory activities have come to consume a larger proportion of people's after-work life, such as education. If leisure refers to the time spent in non-compulsory activities, people's leisure time has in fact contracted. The growing concern on education has increased the likelihood that people are willing to give up their leisure lives for educational opportunities. This trend is attributed mainly to competition and fears of job loss, causing people to turn to on-the-job training and education for secured employment. Another incentive is the increasing flexibility of educational institutions. Worthwhile knowledge can be passed on from one generation of workers to another in different forms of education, such as televised teaching and online courses. It comes at the cost of their leisure time. People's leisure lives are continuously eroded also because of ubiquity of modern technological tools (e.g. , computers with Internet access and telecommunications equipment). It is noteworthy that people now take fewer and shorter vacations following the increase in the number of technology-based activities. For example, cell phones and laptops make people accessible to their superiors wherever they go and wherever they are. People are more stressed than any generation before. Meanwhile, people now have to engage in more everyday processes than ever before, such as shopping, food ordering, and so on. It seems that the time budget is burdened because more time should be invested in activities that were previously ignored or unnoticed.While posing a threat on people's leisure lives, technologies might on other occasions, give workers more flexibility in controlling their work and more quality time after work. A traditional workweek has been cut, as the amount of manual work continues to decline because of automation. The availability of various means of transport has released working people from lengthy commutes. The line between work *and private life is much more blurred, with many workers shopping, checking private emails and reading newspaper online even when working. From what has been discussed, one understands that the development of technology has tremendous impacts on people's daily lives, although the exact impacts are not conclusive. When the proliferation of new technologies, such as computers, allows people to manage their own working time and accommodate family needs and lifestyle choices, it has locked them in a struggle to cope with more tasks in daily lives.
近义词表:1 give room for = accommodate 容纳2 commute = the journey between home and place of work 上下班的路程,通勤3 mushrooming = increase = proliferation 增加4 hand on = transfer = pass on to 传递5 after-work life = personal life 工作之外的生活,个人生活6 required = compulsory 必需的7 diminish = contract = decline = shrink 减少,缩小