1. logo.png (备选): 用于做logo的图片。
2. background.png (备选): 用于做背景的图的文件。
3. icon.png (备选): 用于做 icon的文件
4. manifest.json (必选):这个文件包含了一个除签名文件(因为它是使用manifest.json生成的)以外的一切文件的SHA1 hashes JSON还有它自己manifest.json,他的格式如下:
"pass.json" : "<sha1 pf pass.json file>",
"logo.png" : "sdfqefqefqef",
为了便于参考,在linux里面新建一个SHA1 hash最简单的方法是使用命令:
openssl SHA1 <filename>
5. signature (必选): 用manifest.json与证书一起生成的文件。
6. pass.json (必选): 它包含有一个json, 它存有专门用于pass显示的样式、格式与数据。
我们感兴趣的文件是:logoText,和 primary, secondary, auxiliary, 与一些头文件。在以上的截屏上,它们都有注解。对于每一个文件,我都填上了:<文件类型缩写><相对就文件队列中的序号>
万一,你不想使用那个GUI去循环pass,你可以用我的C-shell 脚本。这个C-shell脚本事实上就是做了以下的工作。
Step 1:生成苹果开发证书
登录到苹果开发者入口,并请求一个pass类型的标识和你的证书。从key chain中导出为一个.p12文件
Step 2: 生成key.pem 和 certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in "My PassKit Cert.p12" -clcerts -nokeys -out certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in "My PassKit Cert.p12" -nocerts -out key.pem
Step 3: 收集文件
Step 4: 生成manifest.json
所有的工作就是生成一个含有SHA1 哈希的JSON,它里面有第三步之前所生成的所有文件。我使用以下的csh脚本去生成manifest.json。
set MANIFEST = ../manifest.json
echo '{' >$MANIFEST
foreach i (*)
set sha1 = `openssl sha1 $i | cut -d' ' -f2`
echo \'$i\' : \'$sha1\', >>$MANIFEST
echo '}' >>$MANIFEST
Step 5:生成签名
set PASSWORD = xxxx openssl smime -passin pass:$PASSWORD -binary -sign -signer $CWD/certificate.pem -inkey $CWD/key.pem -in manifest.json -out signature xs-outform DER
Step 6: Zip 一下pass
zip test.pkpass *
对本教程, iPass.pk, 或shell script.如果有任何疑问或讨论,请及时联系我。
"passTypeIdentifier":"X.Y.Z",//Type Identified you will get from Apple Portal
"formatVersion":1,//Stays 1
"organizationName":"Flight Express",//The name which appears on push notifications
"serialNumber":"158cd3b6-2468-4067-80f2-75715eaf4ae0",//A number for you to identify this pass
"teamIdentifier":"AGK5BZEN3E",//Your Team ID
"description":"Demo pass",//Required but I haven't found its use yet
"foregroundColor":"rgb(54,80,255)",//color of the data text (note the syntax)
"labelColor":"rgb(255,15,15)",//color of label text and icons
"logoText":"Boarding Pass",//Text that appears next to logo on top
"barcode":{//Specification of the barcode (can be omitted)
"format":"PKBarcodeFormatQR",// Format can be QR, Text, Aztec, PDF417
"message":"Flight-GateF12",//What to encode in barcode
"messageEncoding":"iso-8859-1"//Encoding of the message
"relevantDate":"2012-07-12T19:23Z",//When to show pass on screen. ISO8601 formatted.
/* The following fields are specific to which type of pass. The name of this object specifies the type, e.g., boardingPass below implies this is a boarding pass. Other options include storeCard, generic, coupon, and eventTicket */
/*headerFields, primaryFields, secondaryFields, and auxiliaryFields are arrays of field object. Each field has a key, label, and value*/
"headerFields":[//Header fields appear next to logoText
"key":"h1-label",//Must be unique. Used by iOS apps to get the data.
"label":"H1-label",//Label of the field
"value":"H1"//The actual data in the field
"primaryFields":[//Appearance differs based on pass type
"secondaryFields":[//Typically appear below primaryFields
"auxiliaryFields":[//Appear below secondary fields
"transitType":"PKTransitTypeAir"//Only present in boradingPass type. Value can
//Air, Bus, Boat, or Train. Impacts the picture
//that shows in the middle of the pass.