Effect of population on the world you
The people's Republic of China, the land area of 9600000 square kilometers, the most suitable for the number of people living in this land is 600000000 7 ten million Kangxi years population growth has been highlighted, then to Yong Zheng pursued the tan Ding Ru mu, population explosion, and the West since the Renaissance and industrial revolution, machines to replace manual, greatly improving the productivity, while the US is a big agricultural country and isolation, population growth rate is higher than the GDP growth rate, thus leading to although we are the richest country in the world, but will not be able to catch the per capita in western developed countries
With the development and popularization of Internet, especially to enter 2 age, the Internet of things is more prominent, Chinese population, its data value, great market potential, the modern world is moving from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 3000000000 of the population of Asian countries, and the gap between the rich and the poor is larger, which is bound to produce a great space for development, the Internet of things to come with in Asia, and Chinese, will provide a lot of data to support, this will produce a very large long-term impact on the world, will change the human consumption habit
So much of the population of the disadvantage is, once the population growth rate is lower than the GDP that will be hungry, difficult to fully guarantee the social security system
The advantage is, if the family planning policy adjusted properly, the organic combination of the Internet and the Internet of things, the recording characteristics of human, through cloud computing better integration of large data, will be bred value and new energy物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分。物联网的英文名称叫“The Internet of things”。顾名思义,物联网就是“物物相连的互联网”。这有两层意思:第一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;第二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物体与物体之间,进行信息交换和通信。因此,物联网的定义是:通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把任何物体与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和通信,以实现对物体的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。