对联[duì lián] antithetical couplet (written on scrolls, etc) a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet
对联: couplet;poetic couplet: two successiverhyminglinesin poetry;couplets, couplets written on scrolls;couplets couplet 对联广告: VERTICAL BANNER PORTALS;couplet -红对联: A Pair Of Scrolls -对对联: matching an antithetical couplet -对联雅座: CoupleSeat -对联法: Method of paired associates;Paired associates/mehtod of -
春节对联: Spring Couplets -扩展对联: ExpandableCouple -微软对联: Chinese Couplets -对联:: versparoThe Spring Festival is coming
On that day, I can play firecrackers,affix Spring Festival couplets,pay New Year‘s call with my parents, eat Jiao-zi and get many gift money
I realy like The Spring Festival
到了 那天我可以玩爆竹,贴春联,和爸爸妈妈去拜年,吃饺子,还能得到很多压岁钱我真的很喜欢春节