

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary I would like you to consider me for the position

My name is Li Min  I am twenty-three years old  I am studying business management in Xiamen University I will graduate this summer I am familiar with computer operation and officesoftwares, which can help me do the office work very well And I have learned English for ten yearsIn the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department My grades come out top in my department What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the jobIf I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative

Thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Li Min



英语也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。英语是联合国的工作语言之一。 苏格兰语、低地撒克逊语、丹麦语、德语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语和英语也很接近。拥有法国血统的诺曼人于11世纪征服英格兰王国,带来数万法语词汇和拉丁语词汇,很大程度地丰富了英语词汇外,相对也驱使不少原生的语汇作废。

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary I would like you to consider me for the position
My name is Li Min I am twenty-three years old I am studying business management in Xiamen University I will graduate this summer I am familiar with computer operation and office softwares, which can help me do the office work very well And I have learned English for ten yearsIn the past two years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department My grades come out top in my department What's more, I like office work very much and I also think that I can be competent for the jobIf I could have the opportunity to get the job I will be quite appreciative
Thank you for your consideration I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully
Li Min
我叫李敏,23岁,现在在厦门大学学习经济管理,今年夏季即将毕业。我精通计算机 *** 作及办公软件的使用,这可以帮助我做好办公室工作。我学了十年英语。在过去的两年里我一直担任本系英语报的一名编辑。我的成绩在系里名列前茅。另外,我非常喜欢办公室工作并且我也认为我能胜任这个工作。如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/10765699.html

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