


上海震旦职业学院 专科(高职) 财经类 民办

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官方地址: 上海市

官方电话: 021-66861707,021-66860766,021-66861565,021-66864179

电子邮箱: zhaoban@aurora-collegecn

上海震旦职业学院是一所由上海市人民政府批准设立并报国家教育部备案的全日制普通高校。1903年,著名教育家马相伯先生创办了“中国第一所私立大学——震旦大学”;1984年,张惠莉女士传承爱国教育先驱的教育理念创办了“震旦教育”。在完成了对民办教育的初步探索之后,张惠莉不忘初心着力举办高等学历教育,成为我国改革开放以后发展高等教育事业的开拓者之一。 学院秉承马相伯先生倡导“崇尚科学、注重文艺、不讲教理”的校训,育就了良好的教风、学风和校风,办学水平与人才培养质量得到社会高度认可,“震旦教育”为“上海市著名商标”。2019年我校成为上海市首批开展“五年一贯制”人才培养模式试点的高职院校。 2018年根据《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<中华人民共和国民办教育促进法>的决定》及《民办学校分类登记实施细则》和上海市教委的统一部署,为有利于学校发展,学校选择了机制体制相对灵活的营利性学校属性。学校将继续秉承公益性、不以盈利为目的的办学宗旨,将学校办成高水平的、特色鲜明的、国际化高职院校。 党委书记黄晞建教授是上海市心理健康教育名师,上海高校心理咨询协会名誉会长、专家委员会主任,全国大学生心理咨询专业委员会副主任。 校长冯伟国博士1994年10月起享受国务院特殊津贴,二级教授。是上海市著名职业教育专家、三届上海市“双名工程”职教名师基地主持人、入选“上海市改革开放职业教育40年40人”杰出贡献名列。 学院拥有一支稳定的、德才兼备的教师队伍,专任教师中具有高级职称占30%以上,“双师素质”教师占比较高,教师赴国外培训近100余人次。2009年以来学校获评上海市教学成果一等奖、二等奖、三等奖各1项,市级优秀教学团队3个、市级精品课程(精品在线开放课程)11门、教育部骨干专业3个、上海市085重点专业5个。 学院一贯重视实训、实验基地建设。学院建有占地面积50亩“震旦创谷”,建筑面积3万余平方米;和上海临港科技创业中心合作,享有临港特别优惠的税收政策及震旦教育基金会提供的创业基金双享扶持,为大学生创业创新提供了舞台。 学院实施国际化发展战略,旨在培养具有国际视野、通晓国际规则的技术技能人才和中国企业海外发展需要的本土人才。迄今已与十多个国外高等院校及教育机构建立了交流合作关系。2015年获得教育部批准与美国加州浸会大学合作办学《物联网应用技术》专业,2018年获得教育部批准与韩国东西大学合作举办《戏剧影视表演》专业。同年获批与美国锡耶纳赫兹大学合作举办《艺术设计》专业。 营造氛围 打造品牌 学校重视大学文化建设和学生综合素养发展,以弘扬社会主义核心价值观为主旨,以本校的校训、培养目标、教育理念为主线,开展多种形式的教育活动,打造校园文化品牌,努力形成长效机制,在师生员工中形成一致的价值认同,转化为共同愿景、奋斗指南和行为规范,从而提升本校文化软实力。 丰富多彩的社团活动 学校现有各类学生社团27个 注册社团会员2200余人,各类社团活动参与率高,达90%以上。 丰富多彩的社团活动,陶冶了学生的情 *** ,培养了学生的团队合作等能力,发挥了学生的特长,提升了学生的综合素养,促进了学生的全面成长。 每年以学生会团委27个社团组织开展了社团文化节、社团专场汇报演出、社团招新、社团嘉年华等社团活动。 天使之翼社团连续十二年传承上海悦苗寄养园、罗福养老院爱心志愿行动,满天星青春健康同伴社连续三年承接中国计生协“与爱同行”青春健康高校项目等。 武道社参加2021年中国大学生跆拳道锦标赛获得3枚金牌、4枚银牌、5枚铜牌、以及上海大学生跆拳道锦标赛高校本科组中荣获8枚金牌、2枚银牌、5枚铜牌的佳绩。 2019年上海市大学生足球联赛亚军、2020年荣获上海市大学生足球联赛冠军、2021年JFC中国大学生足球联赛华东赛区季军、2021年再次荣获上海市大学生足球联赛冠军。 2015-2019年读上海市红十字工作先进个人,荣获全国红十字志愿者服务先进典型佳绩频传,红十字会社团参加2021年上海市高校红十字应急救护大赛暨第六届全国红十字应急救护大赛,初赛4个项目均荣获一等奖,决赛获团体二等奖和救护演讲项目三等奖。 多途径专升本 学院本着服务学生发展为宗旨的愿望,根据不同学生的不同学习基础、学习能力设计了多渠道深造的路径: 1 助力升本:毕业前参加“专升本”考试 2 绿色通道:艺术类考生获得国家级或省级奖项一等奖免英语4级参加面试专升本 3 入伍复员升本:上海兵源服役两年后,可免试专升本入学,毕业后可落户上海 政府及学院奖优帮困政策 学院认真执行国家及本市有关学生资助的规定,被本校录取的家庭经济困难学生可通过“绿色通道”申请入学,优秀学生可申请奖学金(详见下列表格),学院为家庭经济困难学生提供勤工俭学岗位。 毕业后可在上海就业 毕业生毕业后学院可推荐在上海就业,非上海生源应届毕业生进沪就业。在缴纳社保6个月后,就可以由个人到居住地社区事务受理中心申办《上海市居住证》。获得居住证后,再由单位为其申请居住证积分,积分达到标准分值的,可以享受相应的公共服务待遇。(具体政策详见上海人社局网站) 就业方向 学校坚持以促进就业为导向,完善毕业生就业服务体系,加大校企合作,订单培养工作力度,与多家企业单位建立了稳定的用人关系,历届毕业生的就业率在98%左右,且专业对口率高、起薪标准高,大量优秀毕业生已就职于知名企业。 面向世界,国际视野 学校实施国际化发展战略,迄今已与美国、加拿大、英国、德国、爱尔兰、瑞士、新加坡、日本、韩国等国家的十多个高等院校或教育机构建立了交流合作关系。 通过国际交流与合作可以为学生提供: 教育部备案的中外合作办学项目 多元化的出国深造渠道 赴境外带薪实习的机会 直接感受国际先进的专业课程、教材体系和数字化教育资源 硬件设施 学院建有食品营养与检测实训中心、机电实训中心、国际商务实训中心、新闻演播实训中心、数控技术实训中心、物联网技术实训中心等9个实训中心、2个中央财政支持实训中心、4个上海市教委教学高地,23个实验中心、109个校内实训室(涵盖所有专业并得到上海市教委专项经费支持)、175个校外实训基地。 学院占地面积200亩,建筑总面积10万余平方米;拥有教学仪器设备总值超过5300万元,图书馆馆藏纸质图书53余万册、报刊杂志360余种以及电子图书855GB;拥有完善的校园网、多媒体教室、语音教室;建有400米标准化田径场、室内篮球场、1200座大礼堂、100余座实验小剧场、影视观摩厅、体育艺术活动中心、文化长廊、教育超市、咖啡吧、面包房和生活服务一条街等。 学院为学生提供优雅、舒适的生活环境。学生公寓室内置有上床下橱、写字台、空调、电扇以及供应冷热水的卫浴间。


震旦大学其医学院和圣约翰大学医学院、同德医学院在原址合并成立上海第二医学院;其余系科分别并入复旦大学、上海第一医学院、华东师范大学、交通大学、同济大学、华东化工学院、华东政法学院、上海财政经济学院、南京大学、南京师范学院。 材料补充: 震旦大学(Aurora University),原名震旦学院,1928年改称震旦大学,是天主教耶稣会在中国上海创办的教会大学,为中国近代著名高校。震旦由中国神父马相伯于1903年2月27日在徐家汇天文台旧址创办,后迁址卢家湾。“震旦”一词出自梵文,意即中国,在英语中,亦有黎明、曙光的含义。由此可见,马相伯将震旦学院喻作旭日东升,担负着以教育开启中国曙光的重任,必将前途无量。英、法文校名分别为Aurora和L'Aurore。
















Researchers in all disciplines at Notre Dame are advancing human understanding by conducting groundbreaking research in the field, on the bench, or at the policy tableBelow are some of theUniversity’s key areas of historic strength and growing areas of priority investment



Notre Dame is building one of the fastest-growing analytical science and engineering programs in the country The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and related programs, such as Advanced Diagnostics & Therapeutics and Precision Medicine, are collaborating on innovative molecular research and the discovery and design of new technologies to combat disease, promote health, and safeguard the environment



Within the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics (ACMS), Notre Dame researchers are advancing solutions to critical problems in science and engineering, such as cancer progression, gene sequencing, environmental modeling, and big-data analysis in global health, through the development and novel application of mathematics, computation, and statistics With state-of-the-art computational facilities and a plan for dynamic growth, ACMS at Notre Dame is accelerating both technological and mathematical and computational modeling advances for the good of the world



The Harper Cancer Research Institute (HCRI) is how Notre Dame fights cancer Researchers at the HCRI are dedicated to conducting innovative and integrative research that confronts the complex challenges of cancer By forming interdisciplinary collaborations across Colleges and Schools, investigators are using their collective expertise to design new ways to attack cancer From ovarian to pancreatic, breast to bone, the University of Notre Dame and the Indiana University School of Medicine–South Bend are working together to discover novel therapeutics and diagnostics to fight the cancers that afflict millions of people each year

哈珀癌症研究所(HCRI)是圣母大学如何打击癌症。HCRI的研究人员致力于进行创新和综合性研究,面临癌症复杂的挑战。通过跨学院和学校的跨学科合作,调查人员正在利用他们的集体专长来设计新的攻击癌症的方法。从卵巢到胰腺,乳房到骨骼,圣母大学和印第安纳大学医学院 - 南本德正在共同努力,发现新的治疗和诊断,以打击每年伤害数百万人的癌症。


The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) at Notre Dame has long had several strong areas of research, including catalysis, fluid mechanics, reaction engineering, computation, and thermodynamics With a plan for significant growth in key areas and an ethos that reflects the University’s mission, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Notre Dame is poised to play a leading role in addressing some of the world’s grandest challenges in energy, the environment, human health, sustainability, and water



Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are active in many areas of modern electronics research, including materials, devices, architectures, and systems As the digital infrastructure evolves, with the emerging ubiquity of sensor networks, embedded intelligence, and the "Internet of Things," Notre Dame's Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering are working to expand and connect these areas of traditional research strength by developing new capabilities in advanced circuits research



Within Notre Dame’s Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, researchers are focusing on developing tools that can advance deep understanding of research problems through high performance multi physics and multi scale predictive computations By utilizing the University’s state-of-the-art facilities combined with multidisciplinary expertise, Notre Dame researchers are taking on the grand challenges that require massive amounts of data and computation in order to foster innovation and find solutions Located within a Department with a long and impactful history, Notre Dame’s researchers are continuing this legacy through a commitment to growth and expansion in this dynamic area of research



The Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame is committed to conducting impactful research using the best available theoretical and empirical methods in the discipline, all while fostering the Catholic mission of the University The Department has specialties in macroeconomics, applied micro economics, development economics, and game theory Notre Dame Economics researchers are working to create real-world and policy-relevant solutions to help solve the economic, social, and political problems facing humanity



At ND Energy, the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame, researchers are building a better world by creating new technologies to provide readily available, inexpensive, and non-polluting energy to help solve the global energy crisis By developing transformative technologies in the areas of sustainable bio/fossil fuels, sustainable and secure nuclear, transformative solar and wind, smart energy distribution and storage, and energy conversion and efficiency and combining these with effective education and outreach, the faculty and students of ND Energy are creating a more sustainable energy future for all

研究人员在圣母大学可持续能源中心ND Energy研究人员创造了一个更好的世界,通过创造新技术,提供易于获得的,廉价的和无污染的能源来帮助解决全球能源危机。通过在可持续的生物/化石燃料,可持续和安全的核能,变革性太阳能和风能,智能能源分配和存储以及能源转换和效率等领域开发变革性技术,结合有效的教育和外联,ND和能源正在为所有人创造更可持续的能源未来


At the Notre Dame Environmental Change Initiative (ND-ECI), faculty and students are pursuing solutions to several key environmental challenges, including controlling and managing invasive species, preventing fertilizer runoff from agricultural fields, helping people and ecosystems adapt to climate change, and improving water quality and water quantity With one-of-a-kind research facilities and leading-edge tools, Notre Dame’s environmental change researchers are focusing on globally significant research that can be translated into policy solutions to make the world a better place for humans and for the environment - truly Science Serving Society

在圣母大学环境变化倡议(ND-ECI),教师和学生正在寻求解决多项重大环境挑战的方法,包括控制和管理入侵物种,防止化肥农田流失,帮助人们和生态系统适应气候变化,改善水质和水量。圣母大学的环境变化研究人员拥有独一无二的研究设施和前沿工具,专注于全球重要的研究,可以转化为政策解决方案,使世界成为人类和环境的更美好的地方 - 真正科学服务社会。


The Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development (NDIGD) combines the University’s world-class teaching and research faculty with a dedicated staff of experienced international development professionals, administrators, and researchers Together NDIGD addresses the challenges of building just and equitable societies by leveraging Notre Dame’s signature strengths to promote development and human dignity worldwideDrawing on experts across multiple disciplines, NDIGD conducts monitoring, evaluation, and training and assists in strategic planning for, and implementation of, innovative global development programs NDIGD maximizes its impact through partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, humanitarian organizations, foundations, and private corporations in the United States and overseas



At Notre Dame’s Eck Institute for Global Health, researchers are building upon on the University’s historical strengths in infectious disease research, such as malaria, dengue fever, and tuberculosis With its interdisciplinary team of faculty and students, the Eck Institute for Global Health is holistically addressing health disparities around the world, including recognizing health as a fundamental human right Additionally, the Eck Institute for Global Health promotes research, training, and service to advance health standards for all people, especially those in developing countries who are disproportionately impacted by preventable diseases



Notre Dame’s Department of History is committed to a more globalized and transnational study of the past Its faculty continue to focus on historic areas of strength in the Department, such as Latin American, medieval, and modern European history, but are also developing emerging areas of expertise, as well, including early American and Atlantic history As the Department’s research continues to flourish through a commitment to growth and expanded scholarship, its faculty are pursuing studies that are not limited by national boundaries - disease, economics, migration, religious belief, and the environment

圣母大学历史系致力于对全球化的跨国研究。其教职员工继续专注于拉丁美洲,中世纪和现代欧洲历史等历史领域的实力,同时也在发展新兴的专业领域,包括早期的美国和大西洋历史。由于该部门的研究工作继续蓬勃发展,致力于增长和扩大奖学金,其教职工正在进行不受国界限制的研究 - 疾病、经济、移民、宗教信仰和环境。


The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) brings together leading thinkers from around the world to live and work in an intellectual community These cross-disciplinary scholars, scientists, and artists pursue innovative and collaborative research projects, augmenting the life of the mind on campus Building upon the Catholic intellectual tradition and inspired by the classical values of truth, goodness, and beauty, the NDIAS challenges its fellows to address fundamental and enduring questions about value, meaning, and purpose: what should we care about And how should we choose to live



Researchers at Notre Dame’s Center for Nano Science and Technology (NDnano) are collaborating across traditional scientific boundaries to develop more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly technologies to address global challenges With expertise in a breadth of materials, processes, and characterization tools and techniques, NDnano researchers are leveraging the University’s world-class facilities in order to develop solutions that will help address the world’s problems, such as the need for clean water, climate change solutions, clean energy, and post-Silicon computer technology to stay apace of Big Data demands

圣母大学纳米科技中心(ND nano)的研究人员正在跨越传统的科学界限进行合作,开发更节能,成本效益和环保的技术来应对全球挑战。ND 纳米研究人员在广泛的材料,工艺和表征工具和技术方面具有专业知识,正在利用大学的世界一流设施,开发解决方案,帮助解决世界各方面的问题如清洁水,气候变化解决方案,清洁能源和后硅计算机技术,以保持大数据需求。


Notre Dame has a long legacy of excellence in nuclear physics research - there has been an accelerator on campus since the 1930s Since then, Notre Dame has continued to invest in nuclear physics, building a preeminent nuclear astrophysics laboratory on campus, while also contributing to off-campus research projects and resources, such as the CASPAR project in South Dakota, FRIB at Michigan State University, and CARIBU at Argonne National Laboratory With a distinctive history and continuing growth trajectory, Notre Dame’s nuclear physicists are working to discover the evolution of a star’s lifecycle – how do they live How do they die And how does this contribute to the evolution of our cosmos

圣母大学在核物理研究方面拥有悠久的卓越遗产 - 自20世纪30年代以来,校园里有一个加速。此后,圣母院继续投资核物理学,在校园内建立了杰出的核天体物理实验室,同时也为校园内研究项目和资源做出了贡献,如南达科他州的CASPAR项目,密歇根州立大学的FRIB项目,以及在阿贡国家实验室的CARIBU。圣母大学的核物理学家具有独特的历史和持续增长的轨迹,正在努力发现明星生命周期的演变 - 他们如何生活他们怎么死这对宇宙的演变有何贡献呢


The use of stem cells to repair and regenerate damaged human tissues and organs is one of the greatest medical research challenges of the coming decades Notre Dame scientists and engineers from the Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine are collaborating to advance the research and application of adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells using a wide variety of organisms Building on Notre Dame’s Catholic mission, faculty from Arts and Letters, Engineering, Law, and Science are also working to stimulate ethical and legal discussions associated with the use and application of stem cells



Within the Department of Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame, researchers are exploring the intersection between math and physics, namely in the areas of topology and quantum field theory With a historic legacy of research excellence in the field and a continued plan for growth, Notre Dame’s topologists are focusing on generating discoveries concerning the topological aspects of quantum field theories in order to fuel progress in topology and theoretical physics



The University of Notre Dame is at the forefront of research in the fields of turbomachinery and propulsion From the Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory in Downtown South Bend, where researchers study and test components of gas turbine engines, to the Institute for Flow Physics and Control on campus, where faculty and students are exploring the potential for hypersonic aerodynamics, Notre Dame is building on its historic strengths in the areas of fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and other areas of aerospace research, to create an expert corridor for aerospace engineering and research in South Bend



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/12622021.html

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