; Binary To BCD Conversion RouTIne
; This rouTIne converts a 16 Bit binary Number to a 5 Digit
; BCD Number. This rouTIne is useful since PIC16C55 & PIC16C57
; have two 8 bit ports and one 4 bit port ( total of 5 BCD digits)
; The 16 bit binary number is input in locaTIons H_byte and
; L_byte with the high byte in H_byte.
; The 5 digit BCD number is returned in R0, R1 and R2 with R0
; containing the MSD in its right most nibble.
; Performance :
; Program Memory : 35
; Clock Cycles : 885
count equ 16
temp equ 17
H_byte equ 10
L_byte equ 11
R0 equ 12 ; RAM Assignments
R1 equ 13
R2 equ 14
include "picreg.h"
B2_BCD bcf STATUS,0 ; clear the carry bit
movlw .16
movwf count
clrf R0
clrf R1
clrf R2
loop16 rlf L_byte
rlf H_byte
rlf R2
rlf R1
rlf R0
decfsz count
goto adjDEC
adjDEC movlw R2
movwf FSR
call adjBCD
movlw R1
movwf FSR
call adjBCD
movlw R0
movwf FSR
call adjBCD
goto loop16
adjBCD movlw 3
addwf 0,W
movwf temp
btfsc temp,3 ; test if result > 7
movwf 0
movlw 30
addwf 0,W
movwf temp
btfsc temp,7 ; test if result > 7
movwf 0 ; save as MSD
; Test Program
main movlw 0FF
movwf H_byte
movwf L_byte ; The 16 bit binary number = FFFF
call B2_BCD ; After conversion the Decimal Number
; ; in R0,R1,R2 = 06,55,35
self goto self
org 1FF
goto main