ResourceSmart™ (Green) I

ResourceSmart™ (Green) I,第1张

ResourceSmart™ (Green) InformaTIon for Design Engineers By: Moe Rubenzahl, Matthew Lewsadder

Abstract: As consumers demand environmentally friendly ("green," or ResourceSmart) electronics, design engineers must seek new design techniques, standards, and products. This applicaTIon note lists links to a variety of government, industry, and environmentally focused organizaTIons that are helpful to designers and product definers.

This applicaTIon note lists links to authoritative information (especially from government and green-focused organizations) to help designers become, and remain, expert in green technology. If you discover additional resources, please suggest them using the "Comments" section at the end; or contact our ResourceSmart engineering expert.

Background Those who define products and design their electronics need to be current in green technology, because today's customers are asking for products designed with the environment in mind. Green design has become good business.

We call green design "ResourceSmart" because the challenge is not just about saving power. ResourceSmart design means products that last longer, consume less power, and use materials that are safe and renewable.

Links ResourceSmartMaxim ResourceSmart Green Design

General Energy Star (International)

Energy Star (U.S.)

EPA Database of Environmental Information

European Eco-Label Program

EU Eco-Design of Energy-Using Products

EU Stand-By Initiative

International Energy Agency

Maxim's ResourceSmart Design

U.S. Department of Energy

Smart GridThe Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

The Galvin Electricity Initiative

GridWise™ Alliance

The Modern Grid Strategy at the DOE's (Department of Energy's) National Energy Technology Laboratory

The Smart Grids European Technology Platform

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability

Solid-State LightingCALiPER

Energy Star

Lighting Research Center

Technical Information Network

Solid-State Lighting Design

U.S. Department of Energy

GridWise is a trademark of GridWise Alliance, Inc.
ResourceSmart is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.



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