Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案

Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案,第1张

关键词: LED驱动 , LNK406EG , Powerint , PWM , 模拟调光

Powerin的参考设计DER263是采用LinkSwitchTM-PH系列LNK406EG的14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器,LED串的电压电流为28V/500A,输入电压范围从90VAC到265VAC,高效率,230VAC时的PFC大于87%,115VAC时的PFC大于86%,功率因素大于0.9,满足EN61000-3-2 Class C,1000:1调光范围.本文介绍了14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器主要特性和指标,电路图,材料清单与PCB布局图.

The document describes a high power-factor secondary referenced, analog dimmable LED driver. The circuit is designed to drive a nominal LED string voltage of 28 V at 500 mA from an input voltage range of 90 VAC to 265 VAC. The LED driver uTIlizes the LNK406EG from the LinkSwitch-PH family of ICs.

Analog dimming is controlled by an external secondary referenced analog control signal of 0-10 V. 0 volts correspond to minimum light output and 10 V corresponds to maximum brightness. The analog controlled signal is transferred to the primary-side and controls the feedback current IFB of LNK406EG which in turn controls the output power/light output of the driver while maintaining high power factor and low THD.

An acTIve load circuit and control are also included to extend dimming raTIo beyond 1000:1 but may be omitted if extended dimming operaTIon is not required.

This document contains the LED driver specification, schematic, PCB diagram, bill of materials, conducted EMI measurements, thermal measurements, transformer documentation and typical performance characteristics.

14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器主要特性:

High efficiency, power factor corrected

o >87% at 230 VAC and >86% at 115 VAC

o >0.9 PF, meets EN61000-3-2 Class C

0-10 V analog dimming

o >1000:1 dimming range

Low cost, low component count and small printed circuit board footprint

o No current sensing required

o Frequency jitter for smaller, lower cost EMI filter components

Integrated protection and reliability features

o Output open circuit / output short-circuit protected with auto-recovery

o Line input overvoltage shutdown extends voltage withstand during line faults.

o Auto-recovering thermal shutdown with large hysteresis protects both components and printed circuit board

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图1.14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器外形图:上:顶视图,下:底视图
14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器主要指标:

Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案,20120118110611885.gif,第2张

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Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案,20120118110611106.gif,第3张

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图2.14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器电路图
14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动器材料清单:

Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案,20120118110612356.gif,第4张

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Powerint LNK406EG 14W PWM-模拟调光LED驱动方案,20120118110612767.gif,第5张

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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/2671326.html

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