ST公司的STM8AF5286是用于汽车的8位MCU,配置了多达128KB闪存,数据EEPROM,10位ADC,计时器,LIN,CAN,USART,SPI,I2C等接口,工作电压3-5.5V, STM8 CPU内核采用哈佛架构和三级流水线,工作频率高达24MHz,采用STM8A-DISCOVERY套件评估.本文介绍了STM8AF5286主要特性,框图,以及STM8A-DISCOVERY Discovery开发板主要特性,STM8AF板和STM8AL板硬件框图,电路图和材料清单.
The STM8AF526x/8x/Ax and STM8AF6269/8x/Ax automoTIve 8-bit microcontrollers described in this datasheet offer from 32 Kbyte to 128 Kbyte of non volaTIle memory and integrated true data EEPROM. They are referred to as high density STM8A devices in STM8S series and STM8AF series 8-bit microcontrollers reference manual (RM0016).The STM8AF52 series features a CAN interface.
All devices of the STM8A product line provide the following benefits: reduced system cost, performance and robustness, short development cycles, and product longevity.
The system cost is reduced thanks to an integrated true data EEPROM for up to 300 k write/erase cycles and a high system integraTIon level with internal clock oscillators, wtachdog, and brown-out reset.
Short development cycles are guaranteed due to applicaTIon scalability across a common family product architecture with compatible pinout, memory map, and modular peripherals. Full documentation is offered with a wide choice of development tools.
Product longevity is ensured in the STM8A family thanks to their advanced core which is made in a state-of-the art technology for automotive applications with 3.3 V to 5.5 V operating supply.
All STM8A and ST7 microcontrollers are supported by the same tools including STVD/STVP development environment, the STice emulator and a low-cost, third party in-circuit debugging tool.
– Max fCPU: 24 MHz
– Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline
– Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in 10 MIPS at 16 MHz fCPU for industry standard benchmark
– Program memory: 32 to 128 Kbyte Flash program; data retention 20 years at 55 ℃
– Data memory: up to 2 Kbyte true data EEPROM; endurance 300 kcycle
– RAM: 6 Kbyte
Clock management
– Low-power crystal resonator oscillator with external clock input
– Internal, user-trimmable 16 MHz RC and low-power 128 kHz RC oscillators
– Clock security system with clock monitor
Reset and supply management
– Wait/auto-wakeup/Halt low-power modes with user definable clock gating
– Low consumption power-on and power-down reset
Interrupt management
– Nested interrupt controller with 32 vectors
– Up to 37 external interrupts on 5 vectors
– 2 general purpose 16-bit timers with up to 3 CAPCOM channels each(IC, OC, PWM)
– Advanced control timer: 16-bit, 4 CAPCOM channels, 3 complementary outputs, dead-time insertion and flexible synchronization
– 8-bit AR basic timer with 8-bit prescaler
– Auto-wakeup timer
– Window and independent watchdog timers
– Up to 68 user pins (11 high sink I/Os)
– Highly robust I/O design, immune against current injection
Communication interfaces
– High speed 1 Mbit/s CAN 2.0B interface
– USART with clock output for synchronous operation - LIN master mode
– LINUART LIN 2.2 compliant, master/slave modes with automatic resynchronization
– SPI interface up to 10 Mbit/s or fMASTER/2
– I2C interface up to 400 Kbit/s
Analog to digital converter (ADC)
– 10-bit resolution, 2 LSB TUE, 1 LSB linearity and up to 16 multiplexed channels
Operating temperature up to 150 ℃
Qualification conforms to AEC-Q100 grade 0
STM8A-DISCOVERY Discovery开发板
The STM8A-DISCOVERY helps you discover the STM8AF and STM8AL automotive
microcontroller family features and develop your applications through two dedicated application boards that can be connected together via a LIN network.
The STM8AF board can perform both CAN and LIN communications with the MCU poweredat 5 V and is ready to be connected into a network with its integrated transceiver.
The STM8AL board manages LIN slave communication through its transceiver and uses a 4-digit alphanumeric LCD display with the MCU powered at 3.3 V, offering low energy powermodes.
Both STM8AF and STM8AL boards include push buttons, LEDs, external connectors and allow various configurations to take advantage of the numerous capabilities of themicrocontrollers.
图2.STM8A-DISCOVERY Discovery开发板外形图
● On-board ST-LINK/V2 included for debugging and programming
● Board power supply: through 5 V USB bus
● Internal dual ST662A step-up converter building the 12 Vdc when powered by USBport
● External application power supply VBAT (up to 14 Vdc)
● 16 MHz HSE XTAL crystal oscillator
● L99PM62GXP power management IC with LIN and high speed CAN with SPI control
interface and high-side drivers
● Two push buttons (USER1 and USER2)
● Extension header for L99PM62GXP including relays, high-side outputs and wake-up
● STM8AF5288T microcontroller featuring 64 Kbytes Flash, 2 Kbytes data EEPROM,
LIN, CAN in an 48-pin package
● Seven LEDs:
– LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
– LD2 (red) for 5 V power ON
– Five user LEDs LD3 (red) and LD4 to LD7 (green)
● RV1 potentiometer connected to the ADC peripheral
● Extension headers for MCU connectivity (full Port B, free ports pins, RESET)
● STM8AL3L68T microcontroller featuring 32 Kbytes Flash, 1 Kbytes data EEPROM,
LCD in an 48-pin package
● Four LEDs:
– LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
– LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power ON
– 2 user LEDs LD3 (red) and LD4 (green)
● 4-digit alphanumeric LCD display including 4 bars display
● Extension header for MCU connectivity (free ports pins, RESET)
图10.STM8AF板电路图(2):ST-LINK/V2 (仅仅SWIM)
图13.STM8AL板电路图(2):ST-LINK/V2 (仅仅SWIM)