A low-power LD
In the field of information technology for the rapid development of low-power LD. For example, for fiber-optic communications and optical switching systems distributed feedback (DFB) and the dynamic single-mode LD, narrow linewidth tunable DFB-LD, such as CD-ROM for information processing technology in the field of visible light Wavelength (such as wavelength of 670nm, 650nm, 630nm The blue-green to red) LD, surface-emitting quantum well, as well as ultra-short laser pulses substantive, which are all treated the development of LD. The development of these devices are: narrow-linewidth single-frequency, high-speed, as well as short-wavelength tunable optical and integrated single-chip, and so on.
B high-power LD
In 1983, a single wavelength of 800nm output power LD more than 100mW, to 1989, 0.1mm-wide LD be reached 3.7W continuous output, and 1cm linear array LD has reached 76W output, the conversion efficiency of 39%. In 1992, the Americans also targets to a new level: 1cm linear array LD CW output power up to 121W, the conversion efficiency of 45%. Now, the output power of 120W, 1500W, 3kW and many other high-power LD have been published. High-efficiency, high power LD array and its rapid development for all-solid-state laser, diode laser that is pumped (LDP) of the rapid development of solid-state laser provides strong.
In recent years, in order to adapt to the EDFA and the EDFL, and other needs of the wavelength of 980nm high-power LD is that there is great development. Fiber Bragg Grating with recently selected frequency for filtering, a significant improvement in the stability of its output, pump effectively improve the efficiency.
And the characteristics of the application: semiconductor diode laser is the most important practical for a class of lasers. Its small size, long life, and a simple injection of current-pumped his way to work with the voltage and current circuit-compatible, which can be integrated with a single. And also can be as high as GHz frequency modulation direct current for high-speed modulation of laser output. As a result of these advantages, the semiconductor diode laser in the laser communications, optical storage, optical gyros, laser printing, as well as radar range, and so on, as well as access to a wide range of applications.
尽管激光市场受到、贸易战等外部因素的影响,但整体产业仍保持欣欣向荣的气象。多家企业仍在建制新厂、扩建或改建、优化工艺线等,这也对激光测试及老化设备提出了更高的要求。目前,国内外大功率半导体激光器泵浦源制作商为了提高输出功率需要使用偏振合束的技术方案,对半导体激光芯片的偏振度测试提出了强烈的需求,目前市面上激光器研制单位针对半导体激光芯片的偏振测试基本依靠简单搭建的独立仪器组合来完成,功能单一,使用 *** 作复杂,测试准确度和重复度差,测试效率低下,以致对偏振度测试成为了众多半导体激光器芯片和模组生产企业的产能瓶颈。为了解决行业测试痛点问题,日前深圳瑞波光电子有限公司的专业测试设备团队,在RB-CT1003X COS综合性能测试机的基础上,开发了带自动偏振测试功能的RB-CT1004X激光器测试设备系列,该型设备集成了LIV、光谱、远程发散角、偏振度自动测试功能,是目前市面上功能最全的半导体激光器测试设备,可广泛应用于激光器芯片、泵源研究院所、大学和生产制造企业,目前该RB-CT1004X系列设备刚一上市就已经获得国内多家半导体激光器制造商的订单,显示出业界对新型测试设备的强力认可和迫切需求。深圳瑞波光电子有限公司一直致力于为半导体激光器制作行业提供全面的、性价比高的测试解决方案,针对半导体激光器制作过程的关键环节,瑞波光电开发了成系列、自动化程度高的性能测试、老化设备。多年来基于用户角度深耕于半导体激光器测试、老化技术,瑞波光电的性能测试、老化设备广泛应用于海内外的光电企业,目前累计对外销售120台。其中RB-CT1003X系列的COS综合性能测试机,集成了LIV、光谱、远程发散角测试,因其功能齐全, *** 作简单广发应用于半导体激光器器件研制单位和生产企业,该系列设备装机量超过50台。1、新款RB-CT1004X系列设备主要功能和特点- 对贴片好的COS、C-mount、TO等封装器件做全面表征测试- 在特殊设计的脉冲电流或者CW模式下测试LIV特性、光谱特性、远场特性、偏振态特性- 可测试器件的COD特性- 电流范围宽:标准电流范围0-25A(可配置到0-0.5A,0-5A,0-40A)- 电流波形选择宽:50微秒脉冲宽度到连续电流欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出