Along with being a "girl's best friend," diamonds also have remarkable1properties that could make them ideal semiconductors3. This is welcome news for electronicssemiconductors are needed to meet the rising demand for more efficient electronics that deliver and convert power. The thirst for electronics is unlikely to cease and almost every appliance or device requires a suite4of electronics that transfer, convert and control power. Now, researchers have taken an important step toward that technology with a new way to dope single crystals of diamonds, a crucial process for building electronic devices.
"We need the devices to manipulate the power in the way that we want," said Zhengqiang (Jack) Ma, an electrical and computer engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He and his colleagues describe their new method in the Journal of Applied5 Physics, from AIP Publishing.
你喜欢小白兔吗?告诉你,我可喜欢小白兔啦!你看,小白兔全身长着雪白的绒毛,没有一点杂色。它一蹲下来,就 像一个魄的绒球,多可爱!它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石,特别美。小白兔的耳朵和别的动物不一样,长得比较长,只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动,警惕地注视着周围 的动静。 最有趣的要算是小白兔嘴巴了。别的动物只有上下,两瓣嘴唇,可它呢上嘴唇豁成两半,加上下面一瓣嘴唇,就成"三瓣嘴"了,它长成了这"三瓣嘴"是为了好看吗?不!因为小白兔最爱吃大萝卜,小嘴张不大,怎么能吃大萝卜呢?现在有了这"三瓣嘴",它不就可以张大嘴巴大口大口地吃了吗?小白兔的前腿短,后腿长,走起路来总是一蹦一跳,它那屁股后面贴 着的短尾巴,也跟着一撅一撅的,怪有趣的。