概述 (2)CMDIFrameWnd类用于MDI应用程序的主框架窗口,主框架窗口是所有MDI文档子窗口的容器,并与子窗口共享菜单;CMDIFrameWnd类相较CFrameWnd类增加的重要函数有:MDIActivate(激活另一个MDI子窗口)、MDIGetActive(得到目前的活动子窗口)、MDIMaximize(最大化一个子窗口)、MDINext
Visual C++开发环境是典型的MDI程序,其执行MDI Cascade的效果如图5.3。
而执行MDI Tile的效果则如图5.4。
voID CMdivIEw::OnReplaceMenu() { // Load a new menu resource named IDR_SHORT_MENU CMdIDoc* pdoc = Getdocument(); pdoc->m_DefaultMenu = ::LoadMenu(AfxGetResourceHandle(),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_SHORT_MENU)); if (pdoc->m_DefaultMenu == NulL) return;
// Get the parent window of this vIEw window. The parent window is // a CMDIChilDWnd-derived class. We can then obtain the MDI parent // frame window using the CMDIChilDWnd*. Then,replace the current // menu bar with the new loaded menu resource. CMDiframeWnd* frame = ((CMDIChilDWnd *) GetParent())->GetMDiframe(); frame->MdisetMenu(cmenu::FromHandle(pdoc->m_DefaultMenu),NulL); frame->DrawMenubar(); } |
BOol CMDiframeWnd::OnCreateClIEnt(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs,CCreateContext*) { cmenu* pMenu = NulL; if (m_hMenuDefault == NulL) { // default implementation for MFC V1 backward compatibility pMenu = GetMenu(); ASSERT(pMenu != NulL); // This is attempting to guess which sub-menu is the Window menu. // The windows user interface guIDelines say that the right-most // menu on the menu bar should be Help and Window should be one // to the left of that. int iMenu = pMenu->GetMenuItemCount() - 2;
// If this assertion fails,your menu bar does not follow the guIDelines // so you will have to overrIDe this function and call CreateClIEnt // appropriately or use the MFC V2 MDI functionality. ASSERT(iMenu >= 0); pMenu = pMenu->GetSubMenu(iMenu); ASSERT(pMenu != NulL); } return CreateClIEnt(lpcs,pMenu); } |
BOol CMDiframeWnd::CreateClIEnt(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct, cmenu* pWindowMenu) { ASSERT(m_hWnd != NulL); ASSERT(m_hWndMDIClIEnt == NulL); DWORD DWStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_border | WS_CliPCHILDREN | WS_CliPSIBliNGS | Mdis_ALLCHILDSTYLES; // allow children to be created invisible DWORD DWExStyle = 0; // will be inset by the frame
if (afxData.bWin4) { // special styles for 3d effect on Win4 DWStyle &= ~WS_border; DWExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; }
CLIENTCREATESTRUCT ccs; ccs.hWindowMenu = pWindowMenu->GetSafeHmenu(); // set hWindowMenu for MFC V1 backward compatibility // for MFC V2,window menu will be set in OnMDIActivate ccs.IDFirstChild = AFX_IDM_FirsT_MDICHILD;
if (lpCreateStruct->style & (WS_HSCRolL|WS_VSCRolL)) { // parent MDiframe's scroll styles move to the MDICLIENT DWStyle |= (lpCreateStruct->style & (WS_HSCRolL|WS_VSCRolL));
// fast way to turn off the scrollbar bits (without a resize) ModifyStyle(WS_HSCRolL|WS_VSCRolL,SWP_norEDRAW|SWP_FRAMECHANGED); }
// Create MDICLIENT control with special IDC if ((m_hWndMDIClIEnt = ::CreateWindowEx(DWExStyle,_T("mdiclIEnt"),NulL, DWStyle,m_hWnd,(HMENU)AFX_IDW_PANE_FirsT, AfxGetInstanceHandle(),(LPVOID)&ccs)) == NulL) { TRACE(_T("Warning: CMDiframeWnd::OnCreateClIEnt: Failed to create MDICLIENT.") _T(" GetLastError returns 0x%8.8X/n"),::GetLastError()); return FALSE; } // Move it to the top of z-order ::BringWindowTotop(m_hWndMDIClIEnt);
return TRUE; } |
CMDiframeWnd *CMDIChilDWnd::GetMDiframe() { HWND hWndMDIClIEnt = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); CMDiframeWnd *pMDiframe; pMDiframe = (CMDiframeWnd*)CWnd::FromHandle(::GetParent(hWndMDIClIEnt)); return pMDiframe; } |
文中只是对CMDiframeWnd的CreateClIEnt成员函数进行了介绍,实际上,CFrameWnd、CMDIChilDWnd均包含CreateClIEnt成员函数。我们经常通过重载CFrameWnd:: CreateClIEnt、CMDIChilDWnd:: CreateClIEnt函数的方法来实现"窗口分割",例如:
BOol CChildFrame::OnCreateClIEnt(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext *pContext) { … if (!m_wndSplitter.Create(this,2,// 分割的行、列数 CSize(10,10),// 最小化尺寸 pContext)) { TRACE0("创建分割失败"); return FALSE; } … return TRUE; } |