





这个蚁群算法是使用op2优化(邻域搜索优化)的蚁群,基本上100个城市的规模使用30个蚂蚁一次循环在10s内就可以得到最优值/次优解,所谓邻域搜索+蚁群算法也很简单,就是在一只蚂蚁算出所有路径之后,对子路径进行翻转即可(不懂的用笔验算一下就明白了),翻转 *** 作用程序实现非常简单。


import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport randomimport copyimport timeimport sysimport mathimport datetimefrom math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrtclass Ant(object):    # 初始化    def __init__(self,ID,distance_graph,pheromone_graph,Alpha,BETA):        self.city_num=len(distance_graph)        self.distance_graph=distance_graph #距离矩阵        self.pheromone_graph=pheromone_graph #信息素矩阵        self.ID = ID  # ID        (self.Alpha, self.BETA) = (Alpha , BETA)#蚂蚁在选择路径时  信息素与距离反比的比重        self.path = []  # 当前蚂蚁的路径        self.total_distance = 0.0  # 当前路径的总距离        self.move_count = 0  # 移动次数        self.current_city = -1  # 当前停留的城市        self.open_table_city = [True for i in range(self.city_num)]  # 探索城市的状态        if self.city_num >2:  #如果商店数目大于2那么就不能走city[1]            self.open_table_city[1]=False        #city_index = random.randint(0, self.city_num - 1)  # 随机初始出生点        city_index=0 #初始点是开始点        self.current_city = city_index        self.path.append(city_index)  # 这只蚂蚁经过的路径        self.open_table_city[city_index] = False  # 城市是否无访问        self.move_count = 1    # 选择下一个城市    def _choice_next_city(self):        next_city = -1        select_citys_prob = [0.0 for i in range(self.city_num)]  #选择城市的可能性        total_prob = 0.0        # 获取去下一个城市的概率        for i in range(self.city_num):            if self.open_table_city[i]:                try:                    # 计算概率:与信息素浓度成正比,与距离成反比                    select_citys_prob[i] = pow(self.pheromone_graph[self.current_city][i], self.Alpha) * pow(                        (1.0 / (self.distance_graph[self.current_city][i]+0.00001)), self.BETA)                    total_prob += select_citys_prob[i]                except ZerodivisionError as e:                    print('Ant ID: {ID}, current city: {current}, target city: {target}'.format(ID=self.ID,current=self.current_city,target=i))                    sys.exit(1)        # 轮盘选择城市        if total_prob > 0.0:            # 产生一个随机概率            temp_prob = random.uniform(0.0, total_prob)            for i in range(self.city_num):                if self.open_table_city[i]:#如果城市没有被访问                    # 轮次相减                    temp_prob -= select_citys_prob[i]                    if temp_prob < 0.0:                        next_city = i                        break        # 未从概率产生,顺序选择一个未访问城市 如果temp_prob恰好选择了total_prob那么就在所有未去的城市中选择一个去的城市        if next_city == -1:            for i in range(self.city_num):                if self.open_table_city[i]:                    next_city = i                    break        # 返回下一个城市序号        return next_city    # 移动 *** 作    def _move(self, next_city):        self.path.append(next_city)        self.open_table_city[next_city] = False        self.current_city = next_city        self.move_count += 1    #翻转 *** 作    def _reverse(self,start,end):#表示是protect函数        #self.path[start:end+1]=self.path[end:start-1:-1]   #从bc  变成cb        tmpPath=self.path.copy()        tmpPath[start:end+1]=tmpPath[end:start-1:-1]        return tmpPath    def _cal_lenth(self,path):        temp_distance = 0.0        for i in range(1, len(path)):            start, end = path[i], path[i - 1]            temp_distance += self.distance_graph[start][end]        return temp_distance    def _need_reverse(self,start,end):        tmpPath=self.path[start-1:end+2].copy()        tmpPath[1:-1]=tmpPath[-2:0:-1]        return self._cal_lenth(tmpPath) < self._cal_lenth(self.path[start-1:end+2])    # 搜索路径    def search_path(self):        # 搜素路径,遍历完所有城市为止        while self.move_count < self.city_num:            # 移动到下一个城市            next_city = self._choice_next_city()            self._move(next_city)            if self.move_count== self.city_num-1:#最后一个城市选择终点城市                self.open_table_city[1]=True        # 计算路径总长度        self.total_distance=self._cal_lenth(self.path)        i=2#步长        while i < self.city_num-1:            j=1#起始位置            while j < self.city_num-i:                if self._need_reverse(j,i+j-1):                    self.path=self._reverse(j,i+j-1) #得到翻转之后的路径                    self.total_distance =self._cal_lenth(self.path)  #更新总长度                    i=2#重做整个结果                    j=1                j+=1            i+=1class tsp(object):    def __init__(self,data_set):#data_set是所有点的经纬度坐标,label_List是这个分组的编号序列        self.citIEs = data_set  # 商店的地址(经纬度信息)        self.maxIter = 1 #蚁群算法的最大迭代次数        self.rootNum = data_set.shape[0]#本分组的商店的数目        (self.city_num, self.ant_num) = (self.rootNum, 30)        (self.Alpha, self.BETA, self.RHO, self.Q) = (1.0, 9.0, 0.5, 100.0)#蚁群算法参数        self.distance_graph=[[0.0 for i in range(self.city_num)] for j in range(self.city_num)]        self.pheromone_graph=[[1.0 for i in range(self.city_num)] for j in range(self.city_num)]        self.get_dis_Pherom()#初始化距离        self.new()    def transf_dist(self,lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):  # 经度1,纬度1,经度2,纬度2 (十进制度数)        """        Calculate the great circle distance between two points        on the earth (specifIEd in decimal degrees)        """        # 将十进制度数转化为弧度        lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])        # haversine公式        dlon = lon2 - lon1        dlat = lat2 - lat1        a = sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon / 2) ** 2        c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))        r = 6371  # 地球平均半径,单位为公里        return c * r * 1000    def get_dis_Pherom(self):        # 初始化城市距离        for i in range(self.city_num):            for j in range(self.city_num):                self.distance_graph[i][j] =self.transf_dist(self.citIEs[i,0],self.citIEs[i,1],self.citIEs[j,0],self.citIEs[j,1])    def new(self,evt=None):        # 初始化信息素        self.ants = [Ant(ID,self.distance_graph,self.pheromone_graph,self.Alpha, self.BETA) for ID in range(self.ant_num)]  # 初始蚁群        self.best_ant = self.ants[-1]  # 初始最优解        self.best_ant.total_distance = (1 << 31)  # 初始最大距离        self.iter = 0  # 初始化迭代次数    def search_path(self,evt=None):        while self.iter<self.maxIter:            # 遍历每一只蚂蚁            for ant in self.ants:                # 搜索一条路径                ant.search_path()                # 与当前最优蚂蚁比较                if ant.total_distance < self.best_ant.total_distance:                    # 更新最优解                    self.best_ant = copy.deepcopy(ant)            # 更新信息素            self.update_pheromone_gragh()            #print("迭代次数:", self.iter, u"最佳路径总距离:", int(self.best_ant.total_distance))            #self.draw()            self.iter += 1        #self.draw()        return self.best_ant.path    def update_pheromone_gragh(self):        # 获取每只蚂蚁在其路径上留下的信息素        temp_pheromone = [[0.0 for col in range(self.city_num)] for raw in range(self.city_num)]        for ant in self.ants:            for i in range(1, self.city_num):                start, end = ant.path[i - 1], ant.path[i]                # 在路径上的每两个相邻城市间留下信息素,与路径总距离反比                temp_pheromone[start][end] += self.Q / ant.total_distance                temp_pheromone[end][start] = temp_pheromone[start][end]        # 更新所有城市之间的信息素,旧信息素衰减加上新迭代信息素        for i in range(self.city_num):            for j in range(self.city_num):                self.pheromone_graph[i][j] = self.pheromone_graph[i][j] * self.RHO + temp_pheromone[i][j]def draw_line(citIEs,bestPath):    city_num=citIEs.shape[0]    ax = plt.subplot(111)    ax.plot(citIEs[:, 0], citIEs[:, 1], 'x', color='blue')    ax.plot(citIEs[0,0],citIEs[0,1],'ro')    ax.plot(citIEs[1, 0], citIEs[1, 1], 'ro')    for i in range(city_num):        ax.text(citIEs[i, 0], citIEs[i, 1], str(i))    ax.plot(citIEs[bestPath, 0], citIEs[bestPath, 1], color='red')    plt.show()def @R_301_5746@List(lon,lat,pointList):    for i in range(0,len(pointList)):        if abs(lon-pointList[i][0])<=0.000001 and abs(lat-pointList[i][1])<=0.000001:            return i    return len(pointList)def get_route(startlon,startlat,endlon,endlat,pointdarry):    pointList=pointdarry.toList()    ListLen=len(pointList)    sameIndex=@R_301_5746@List(startlon,startlat,pointList)    if sameIndex < ListLen:        pointList.pop(sameIndex)    sameIndex = @R_301_5746@List(endlon, endlat, pointList)    if sameIndex < ListLen:        pointList.pop(sameIndex)    coordinateList=[[startlon,startlat],[endlon, endlat]]    coordinateList+=pointList    dataSet=np.array(coordinateList)    pathList = tsp(dataSet).search_path()    draw_line(dataSet, pathList)    resultList=[]    for i in range(len(pathList)):        if i>0 :            if coordinateList[pathList[i]][0]==coordinateList[pathList[i-1]][0] and coordinateList[pathList[i]][1]==coordinateList[pathList[i-1]][1]:                continue            else :                resultList.append(coordinateList[pathList[i]])        else :            resultList.append(coordinateList[pathList[i]])    return resultListif __name__ == '__main__':    point_num = 66  # 点的数目    random.seed(point_num)    data_set = np.array(  # 生成point_num个随机的经纬坐标信息        [[(random.random() * 100000 + 116300000) / 1000000, (random.random() * 100000 + 39900000) / 1000000] for i in         range(point_num)])    #其中第0个点是起点,第1个点是终点    resultList=get_route(116.37494599868327, 39.905368158173204, 116.36079610914554, 39.93572462665125,data_set)    print(resultList)    print(len(resultList))




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