用户一旦参数错误,打印命令的正确使用方法,如usage: cp source_file target_file
提示:可以用import sys,然后用sys.argv获取脚本后面跟的参数
#Python学习交流群:531509025# cp工具import sysif len(sys.argv) != 3: print("usage: cp source_file target_file") sys.exit()else: source_file, target_file = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] with open(source_file,"rb") as read_f,open(target_file,"wb") as write_f: for line in read_f: write_f.write(line)
二.Python实现 tail -f 功能
#tail -f工具import sys,timeif len(sys.argv) != 2: print("usage: tail file_name") sys.exit()else: file_name = sys.argv[1] with open(file_name,'rb') as f: f.seek(0,2) # 每次都从文件末尾开始读 while True: line = f.readline() if line: print(line.decode('utf-8'),end='') # 读取的每一行都去掉行尾的换行符 time.sleep(1)
方式一:将硬盘存放的该文件的内容全部加载到内存,在内存中是可以修改的,修改完毕后,再由内存覆盖到硬盘(word,vim,nodpad++等编辑器)import os with open('a.txt') as read_f,open('.a.txt.swap','w') as write_f: data=read_f.read() #全部读入内存,如果文件很大,会很卡 data=data.replace('alex','SB') #在内存中完成修改 write_f.write(data) #一次性写入新文件 os.remove('a.txt')os.rename('.a.txt.swap','a.txt')
方式二:将硬盘存放的该文件的内容一行一行地读入内存,修改完毕就写入新文件,最后用新文件覆盖源文件import os with open('a.txt') as read_f,open('.a.txt.swap','w') as write_f: for line in read_f: line=line.replace('alex','SB') write_f.write(line) os.remove('a.txt')os.rename('.a.txt.swap','a.txt')
写一个脚本,允许用户按以下方式执行时,即可以对指定文件内容进行全局替换替换完毕后打印替换了多少处内容#Python学习交流群:531509025import sysimport os if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("usage: python3 replace old_str new_str filename") sys.exit()else: old_str = sys.argv[1] new_str = sys.argv[2] filename = sys.argv[3] filename_swap = sys.argv[3] + ".swap" with open(filename,"r",enCoding="utf-8") as read_f,open(filename_swap,"w",enCoding="utf-8") as write_f: count = 0 for line in read_f: line = line.replace(old_str,new_str) write_f.write(line) num = line.count(new_str) count += 1 totle = count * num print("一共替换了%s处内容" % totle) os.remove(filename) os.rename(filename_swap,filename)
import getpassimport os user_dict = {}with open("user_List.txt", "r", enCoding="utf-8") as user_List_flIE: for line in user_List_flIE.readlines(): user_List = line.strip().split(":") # print(user_List) _user = user_List[0].strip() _pwd = user_List[1].strip() _lockaccount = int(user_List[2].strip()) user_dict[_user] = {"user": _user, "pwd": _pwd, "lockaccount": _lockaccount} # print(user_dict[_username]) # print(user_dict) exit_flag = Falsecount = 0while count < 3 and not exit_flag: user = input('\n请输入用户名:') if user not in user_dict: count += 1 print("\n用户名错误") elif user_dict[user]["lockaccount"] > 0: print("\n用户已被锁定,请联系管理员解锁后重新尝试") break else: while count < 3 and not exit_flag: pwd = getpass.getpass('\n请输入密码:') # pwd = input('\n请输入密码:') if pwd == user_dict[user]["pwd"]: print('\n欢迎登陆') print('..........') exit_flag = True else: count += 1 print('\n密码错误') continue if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时锁定用户 if user == "": print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户为空") elif user not in user_dict: print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户 %s 不存在" % user) else: user_dict[user]["lockaccount"] += 1 # print(user_dict[user]["lockaccount"]) with open("user_List.txt", "r", enCoding="utf-8") as user_List_file, open("use_List.txt.swap", "w",enCoding="utf-8") as new_user_List_file: for new_line in user_dict: new_user_List = [str(user_dict[new_line]["user"]), str(user_dict[new_line]["pwd"]), str(user_dict[new_line]["lockaccount"])] # print(new_user_List) user_str = ":".join(new_user_List) print(user_str) new_user_List_file.write(user_str + "\n") os.remove("user_List.txt") os.rename("use_List.txt.swap", "user_List.txt") print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,%s 已经被锁定" % user)
总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的4道Python文件 *** 作和函数练习题全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决4道Python文件 *** 作和函数练习题所遇到的程序开发问题。