

概述✨TIOBETIOBE排行榜是根据互联网上有经验的程序员、课程和第三方厂商的数量,并使用搜索引擎(如Google、Bing、Yahoo!)以及Wikipedia、Amazon、YouTube统计出排名数据,只是反映某个编程语言的热门程度,并不能说明一门编程语言好不好,或者一门语言所编写的代码数量多少。TIOBE开发语言排 ✨TIOBE






TIOBE Index for April 2021

Very Long Term History





top20 编程语言使用率

top20 编程语言变化趋势


top20 编程语言使用率词云

import requestsfrom requests.exceptions import RequestExceptionfrom lxml import etreeimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport wordcloud# 获取HTMLdef getHTMLText(url):    headers = {        'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.62 Safari/537.36'    }    try:        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)        r.raise_for_status()        r.enCoding = r.apparent_enCoding        return r.text    except RequestException as e:        print('error', e)# 解析HTMLdef analyzeRankHTML(HTML):    HTML = etree.HTML(HTML, etree.HTMLParser())    uhead = HTML.xpath('//table[contains(@class,"table-top20")]/thead/tr//text()')    uList = HTML.xpath('//table[contains(@class,"table-top20")]/tbody/tr//text()')    for i in range(7):        uhead.remove('\r\n')    uhead.pop(2)    # print(uhead)    # print(uList)    return uhead, uList# 数据清洗 1def dataPreTreat1(uinfo: List) -> List:    language = []    ratings = []    change = []    for i in range(len(uinfo)):        if i % 5 == 2:            language.append(uinfo[i])        elif i % 5 == 3:            ratings.append(uinfo[i])        elif i % 5 == 4:            change.append(uinfo[i])        else:            pass    ratings_data = []    for i in ratings:        ratings_data.append(float(i.rstrip('%')) / 100)    change_data = []    for i in change:        change_data.append(float(i.rstrip('%')) / 100)    return language, ratings_data, change_data# 打印排行信息def printRank(uhead, uList):    for i in range(len(uhead)):        if i == 2:            print('{:^25}\t'.format(uhead[i]), end='')        else:            print('{:^10}\t'.format(uhead[i]), end='')    print()    tplt = "{0:^10}\t{1:^10}\t{2:^25}\t{3:^10}\t{4:^10}"    j = 0    for i in range(20):        if i == 0:            print(tplt.format(uList[0], uList[1], uList[2], uList[3], uList[4]))        else:            print(tplt.format(uList[j], uList[j + 1], uList[j + 2], uList[j + 3], uList[j + 4]))        j += 5    print()# 保存top20编程语言情况def saveRank(uhead, uList):    with open('top20 编程语言情况.txt', 'w+') as f:        for i in range(len(uhead)):            if i == 2:                f.write('{:^25}\t'.format(uhead[i]))            else:                f.write('{:^10}\t'.format(uhead[i]))        f.write('\n')        tplt = "{0:^10}\t{1:^10}\t{2:^25}\t{3:^10}\t{4:^10}\t{5:}"        j = 0        for i in range(20):            if i == 0:                f.write(tplt.format(uList[0], uList[1], uList[2], uList[3], uList[4], '\n'))            else:                f.write(tplt.format(uList[j], uList[j + 1], uList[j + 2], uList[j + 3], uList[j + 4], '\n'))            j += 5    print('top20 编程语言情况.txt 已保存...\n')# 获取各类编程语言长期排名情况def analyzeVlthHTML(HTML):    HTML = etree.HTML(HTML, etree.HTMLParser())    vlth = HTML.xpath('//table[contains(@ID,"VLTH")]//tr//text()')    vhead = []    for i in range(9):        vhead.append(vlth.pop(0))    # print(vhead)    # print(vlth)    return vhead, vlth# 打印长期排行信息def printLongTermHistoryRank(vhead, vlth):    for i in range(len(vhead)):        if i == 0:            print('{0:^25}\t'.format(vhead[i]), end='')        else:            print('{:^5}\t'.format(vhead[i]), end='')    print()    tplt = "{0:^25}\t{1:^5}\t{2:^5}\t{3:^5}\t{4:^5}\t{5:^5}\t{6:^5}\t{7:^5}\t{8:^5}"    j = 0    for i in range(13):        if i == 0:            print(tplt.format(vlth[0], vlth[1], vlth[2], vlth[3], vlth[4], vlth[5], vlth[6], vlth[7], vlth[8]))        else:            print(tplt.format(vlth[j], vlth[j + 1], vlth[j + 2], vlth[j + 3], vlth[j + 4], vlth[j + 5], vlth[j + 6],                              vlth[j + 7], vlth[j + 8]))        j += 9    print()# 保存各类编程语言长期排名变化情况def saveLongTermHistoryRank(vhead, vlth):    with open('各类编程语言长期排名变化情况.txt', 'w+') as f:        for i in range(len(vhead)):            if i == 0:                f.write('{0:^25}\t'.format(vhead[i]))            else:                f.write('{:^5}\t'.format(vhead[i]))        f.write('\n')        tplt = "{0:^25}\t{1:^5}\t{2:^5}\t{3:^5}\t{4:^5}\t{5:^5}\t{6:^5}\t{7:^5}\t{8:^5}\t{9:}"        j = 0        for i in range(13):            if i == 0:                f.write(                    tplt.format(vlth[0], vlth[1], vlth[2], vlth[3], vlth[4], vlth[5], vlth[6], vlth[7], vlth[8], '\n'))            else:                f.write(                    tplt.format(vlth[j], vlth[j + 1], vlth[j + 2], vlth[j + 3], vlth[j + 4], vlth[j + 5], vlth[j + 6],                                vlth[j + 7], vlth[j + 8], '\n'))            j += 9    print('各类编程语言长期排名情况.txt 已保存...\n')# 数据清洗 2def dataPreTreat2(vhead, vlth: List) -> List:    month = []    for i in range(len(vhead)):        month.append(vhead.pop(0))    month.pop(0)    month.sort()    # print(month)    vlth = [40 if i == '-' else i for i in vlth]    tmp = []    data = []    for i in range(13):        for j in range(9):            tmp.append(vlth.pop(0))        # print(tmp)        data.append(tmp)        tmp = []    # print(data)    language = []    for i in data:        language.append(i.pop(0))    data = [[float(j) for j in i] for i in data]    # print(language)    # print(month)    # print(data)    return language, month, data# 绘制图表def drawPic(ratings_data, change_data):    print('开始绘制->top20 编程语言使用率...\n')    # 解决Title中文乱码    plt.rcParams['Font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # windows    # plt.rcParams['Font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial Unicode MS']  # macOS    plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False    # 输出所有可使用style    # print(plt.style.available)    # 设置绘图style    plt.style.use('bmh')    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))    plt.pIE(x=ratings_data, explode=ratings_data, labels=language, autopct='%1.1f%%', normalize=True, shadow=False,            startangle=150)    plt.Title("top20 编程语言使用率")    plt.legend(loc='best', Fontsize='x-small')    plt.savefig('top20 编程语言使用率.png')    plt.show()    print('top20 编程语言使用率.png 已保存...\n')    print('开始绘制->top20 编程语言变化趋势...\n')    color = []    for i in change_data:        if i >= 0:            color.append('red')        else:            color.append('green')    plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))    bar_wIDth = 0.5    plt.bar(language, change_data, bar_wIDth,            color=color,            align="center", label="change", Alpha=0.5)    plt.xlabel("Programming Language")    plt.ylabel("Percentage")    plt.xticks(rotation=30)    plt.Title("top20 编程语言变化趋势")    plt.savefig('top20 编程语言变化趋势.png')    plt.show()    print('top20 编程语言变化趋势.png 已保存...\n')# 绘制词云图def drawWordcloud(language, ratings):    print('开始绘制词云图...\n')    ratings = [i * 1000 for i in ratings]    # print(ratings)    words = []    for i in range(len(language)):        for j in range(int(ratings[i])):            words.append(language[i])    txt = ",".join(words)    # print(txt)    w = wordcloud.WordCloud(wIDth=800, height=600, background_color="white",                            max_words=15,                            collocations=False                            )    w.generate(txt)    w.to_file("top20 编程语言使用率词云.png")    print('top20 编程语言使用率词云.png 已保存...\n')# 绘制折线图def drawlineChart(language, month, data):    print('开始绘制->各类编程长期排名情况...\n')    # print(month)    # print(language)    # 解决Title中文乱码    plt.rcParams['Font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # windows    # plt.rcParams['Font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial Unicode MS']  # macOS    plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False    # 输出所有可使用style    # print(plt.style.available)    # 设置绘图style    plt.style.use('bmh')    for i in range(len(data)):        # print(data[i])        plt.plot(month, data[i], label=language[i])    plt.Title("各类编程语言长期排名变化情况")    plt.legend(loc='best', Fontsize='x-small')    plt.ylim(0, 40)  # 设置y轴    plt.gca().invert_yaxis()  # y轴逆序    plt.savefig('各类编程语言长期排名变化情况.png')    plt.show()    print('各类编程语言长期排名变化情况.png 已保存...\n')if __name__ == '__main__':    url = 'https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/'    print('正在解析页面信息...请稍等...\n')    HTML = getHTMLText(url)    uhead, uinfo = analyzeRankHTML(HTML)    language, ratings, change = dataPreTreat1(uinfo)    print('解析:https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ 获取到 top20 编程语言情况如下:\n')    printRank(uhead, uinfo)    saveRank(uhead, uinfo)    drawPic(ratings, change)    drawWordcloud(language, ratings)    print('正在解析各类编程语言长期排名情况...请稍等...\n')    vhead, vlth = analyzeVlthHTML(HTML)    language, month, data = dataPreTreat2(vhead, vlth)    print('解析:https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/ 获取到 各类编程语言长期排名情况如下:\n')    printLongTermHistoryRank(vhead, vlth)    saveLongTermHistoryRank(vhead, vlth)    drawlineChart(language, month, data)@H_404_89@








以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的【Python】Python获取TIOBE排行榜 绘制图表及词云全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决【Python】Python获取TIOBE排行榜 绘制图表及词云所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1187062.html

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