

概述【写在前面】  之前帮助一个留学生朋友完成了一个利用Python的2维列表实现一个类似消消乐的小游戏,其中综合运用了python语言的列表、判断语句、循环以及函数等语法知识,很适合初学者用来练手并且检验自己的学习效果。【要求说明】 2D-list说明文档【代码】importcopy



【要求说明】 2D-list说明文档


import copyimport randomSIZE = 7    # define the global variable SIZE and assign a valueLEN = 5     # define the global variable LEN and assign a value''' Creates a 2D-List board of SIZE x SIZE.With probability ~33% each cell of board stores a symbol from the set ($, #, *).Finally returns the board. '''def create_board(SIZE):    board = []    for _ in range(SIZE):        row = []        for _ in range(SIZE):            if random.randint(1,10) > 7:                row.append("$")            elif random.randint(1,10) > 3:                row.append("#")            else:                row.append("*")        board.append(row)    return board## Add (and test) all required functions here ### ----------------------------------------------def print_rules():    # Print game rules    print("                                     *** Match the Symbols ***                                       ")    print("Rules:")    print("** Find a horizontal/vertical line of length at least {} consisting of the same symbols.".format(LEN))    print("-- Select 'M'/'m' to enter the position 'row/col' of the starting symbol of that line.")    print("-- score 1 point for each symbol on that line.")    print("-- Also score points for all horizontal/vertical neighbours (symbols IDentical to point at 'row/col').")    print("** Can't find a matching line and want to change an existing symbol?")    print("-- Select 'C'/'c' to enter the new symbol, but you will lose 2 points each time.")    print("-- If you can finish the board you'll get 10 additional points.")    print("** You can quit anytime by selecting 'Q'/'q'.")    print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")def print_board(board_create):    # Print your board    print("Your Board:\n")    head = [str(i) for i in range(SIZE)]    print(" " + " " + "".join(head) + " " + " ")    print("-" * (SIZE + 4))    # Use the loop to print out the 2-Dimentional Lists in accordance with the format    for i in range(SIZE):        print(str(i) + "|" + "".join(board_create[i]) + "|" + str(i))    print("-" * (SIZE + 4))    print(" " + " " + "".join(head) + " " + " ")def take_input():    row = input("row: ")    while True:     # Determine if the row entered by the user is valID        row = int(row)        if ((row < 0) or (row > (SIZE-1))):            print("InvalID row selected")            row = input("row: ")        else:            break    col = input("col: ")    while True:     # Determine if the column entered by the user is valID        col = int(col)        if ((col < 0) or (col > (SIZE-1))):            print("InvalID column selected")            col = input("col: ")        else:            break    return (row, col)def check_matching(row, col, board):    new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)   # Make a deep copy of the original board    rrow = row    ccol = col    original_rrow = copy.deepcopy(rrow)    original_ccol = copy.deepcopy(ccol)    string = board[original_rrow][original_ccol]   # Gets the character specifIEd by the user    count = 0    count_top = 1    count_under = 1    count_left = 1    count_right = 1    rrow = original_rrow - 1    while (rrow >= 0):      # Looks to the top of the user-specifIEd character        if new_board[rrow][original_ccol] == string:            count_top = count_top + 1            rrow = rrow - 1        else:            break    rrow = original_rrow + 1    while (rrow <= (SIZE - 1)):      # Looks to the under of the user-specifIEd character        if new_board[rrow][original_ccol] == string:            count_under = count_under + 1            rrow = rrow + 1        else:            break    ccol = original_ccol - 1    while (ccol >= 0):      # Looks to the left of the user-specifIEd character        if new_board[original_rrow][ccol] == string:            count_left = count_left + 1            ccol = ccol - 1        else:            break    ccol = original_ccol + 1    while (ccol <= (SIZE - 1)):      # Looks to the right of the user-specifIEd character        if new_board[original_rrow][ccol] == string:            count_right = count_right + 1            ccol = ccol + 1        else:            break    # Determine whether horizontal or vertical line of length LEN has started from that given location and replaces them    if ((count_top >= LEN) or (count_under >= LEN) or (count_left >= LEN) or (count_right >= LEN)):        count = count + 1        count_top = 0        count_under = 0        count_left = 0        count_right = 0        rrow = original_rrow - 1        while (rrow >= 0):            if new_board[rrow][original_ccol] == string:                new_board[rrow][original_ccol] = '.'                count_top = count_top + 1                rrow = rrow - 1            else:                break        count = count + count_top        rrow = original_rrow + 1        while (rrow <= (SIZE - 1)):            if new_board[rrow][original_ccol] == string:                new_board[rrow][original_ccol] = '.'                count_under = count_under + 1                rrow = rrow + 1            else:                break        count = count + count_under        ccol = original_ccol - 1        while (ccol >= 0):            if new_board[original_rrow][ccol] == string:                new_board[original_rrow][ccol] = '.'                count_left = count_left + 1                ccol = ccol - 1            else:                break        count = count + count_left        ccol = original_ccol + 1        while (ccol <= (SIZE - 1)):            if new_board[original_rrow][ccol] == string:                new_board[original_rrow][ccol] = '.'                count_right = count_right + 1                ccol = ccol + 1            else:                break        count = count + count_right        new_board[original_rrow][original_ccol] = "."        print("You successfully matched {} symbols at this step!".format(count))        return (True, count, new_board)    else:        print("No {} matching symbols in any direction! You lost 2 points.".format(LEN))        count = count - 2        return (False, count, board)def is_board_finished(board):    num = 0    for i in range(SIZE):        for j in range(SIZE):            if board[i][j] != ".":                num = num + 1    # Determine if the player has completed the board    if (num == (SIZE * SIZE)):        print("Good job! You finished the board!")        print("You got 10 more points!!")        return True    else:        return False# ----------------------------------------------def main():    # add logics and call functions as required    print_rules()    board_create = create_board(SIZE)    print_board(board_create)    sum = 0    copy_board = copy.deepcopy(board_create)    choose = input("[M]atch the symbols, [C]hange a symbol, or [Q]uit the game? ")    while True:        if ((choose == 'm') or (choose == 'M')):            input_row, input_col = take_input()            matching_score = check_matching(input_row, input_col, copy_board)            if matching_score[0]:                sum = sum + matching_score[1]                print("Your new score: {}".format(sum))                print_board(matching_score[2])                copy_board = matching_score[2]                if is_board_finished(copy_board):                    print("Your final score is {}".format(sum + 10))                    break                choose = input("[M]atch the symbols, [C]hange a symbol, or [Q]uit the game? ")            else:                sum = sum + matching_score[1]                print("Your new score: {}".format(sum))                print_board(matching_score[2])                choose = input("[M]atch the symbols, [C]hange a symbol, or [Q]uit the game? ")        elif ((choose == 'c') or (choose == 'C')):            input_row, input_col = take_input()            input_symbol = input("symbol? ")            while True:                if input_symbol == ".":                    print("InvalID symbol, try again!")                    input_symbol = input("symbol? ")                else:                    print("You've successfully changed a symbol, but you lost 2 points.")                    sum = sum - 2                    print("score: {}".format(sum))                    break            copy_board[input_row][input_col] = input_symbol            print_board(copy_board)            choose = input("[M]atch the symbols, [C]hange a symbol, or [Q]uit the game? ")        elif ((choose == 'q') or (choose == 'Q')):            print("Board is not finished yet!")            print("Your final score is {}".format(sum))            break        else:            print("InvalID selection, try again!")            choose = input("[M]atch the symbols, [C]hange a symbol, or [Q]uit the game? ")# -----------------------------------------------#----------------- Do not change --------------------#''' Ensures that the main() function is called    when a3.py is executed as a stand-alone program'''# ----------------------------------------------------if __name__ == "__main__":    main()






原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/1187257.html

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